How will they rule ??!

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Saw a retweet where O'Reilly said its official that he's stepping out of the race. Just trying to decide how to break the news to the public.
I feel like he is just guessing on this one, with no actual source. He may well end up being correct… we will see. But given the multitude of sources of leaks in this day and age, if this is legitimately the current state of affairs, it seems there would be more outlets putting out similar reports than just Bill O’Reilly.
These two paragraphs are a good explanation how those pouring into Europe and America view us:


Oh im not for it. I just like the thought exercise of your example of putting the Quran in every classroom. That way kids can see what nonsense theyre being told about israel and Islam welcoming gays.

It’s interesting reading these experts on Islam think Muslims would have a problem with the Ten Commandments in the classroom. When Judaism, Islam, and Christianity all accept the Ten Commandments, it is hard to say government has an established religion by posting the document.
Good job Texas!

But a new report says consumers in the state have been overpaying for power since 2004, when Texas began deregulating its industries and shifted away from full-service regulated utilities for the vast majority of residents.
Instead, many opted to pay spot prices for electricity rather than the traditional fixed rates — causing some bills to surge as demand increased during the unprecedented weather emergency last week.
After Texas moved away from a regulated energy market, the Wall Street Journal reported consumers paid $28 billion more for power than they would have under traditional rates. What’s more, experts now say that rollback of regulations led to the failures in the state’s majority-independent power system seen during the weather crisis, which included rolling blackouts for millions of residents.
** KA -- BOOM **


You are totally dismissed.
Saw a retweet where O'Reilly said its official that he's stepping out of the race. Just trying to decide how to break the news to the public.
Saw that, but also saw reports that he is not dropping out. We'll find out in a few days I suppose. And what about the timeline to get onto a ballot? Something I saw yesterday is the dims may have trouble getting onto ALL of the swing states, guaranteeing a Trump win. So, IDK...
Saw that, but also saw reports that he is not dropping out. We'll find out in a few days I suppose. And what about the timeline to get onto a ballot? Something I saw yesterday is the dims may have trouble getting onto ALL of the swing states, guaranteeing a Trump win. So, IDK...
Since when has a media report been true lately? If you've learned nothing over the years, it's that the media lies.
They're spinning bc then, like all of the media, they'll have to admit they have been lying to us this whole time. They've been telling us for 3 years not to believe your eyes and ears, "cheapfakes", Robert hur is an idealogue, sharp as a tack, etc.

Amd they've put themselves into this mess. They went for a DEI VP pick instead of putting a qualified person just to satisfy the woke...once again showing that DEI is a failure. They didn't have anyone primary biden, set the rules for debates...not to mention the press has been complicit this entire time asking biden pre prepared questions, etc.

They're getting what they deserve.
He has not been nearly as bad over the last 3 years as he was at the debate... But to your point, he has obviously been shielded way more than he should have and the difference in Biden from 4 years ago to now is undebatable.
He was old 4 years ago. He is completely unfit for holding office now.
Unfortunately for our country...We may see the same thing with Trump at his age.
I always call it like I see it on here whether people like it or not. Biden is toast and is unelectable after that debate.... regardless of how party Dems spin it.
Trump is a POS. Biden is a dead man walking.
POS always beats the dead guy.
Btw...This is Weekend at Bernie's level BS....What a joke.
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The issue of him not running the country is not as big as who is running the country. They may be shielding him from the truth but they may be shielding him from policies he would not have supported in his prime, Israel, Afghanistan, immigration, etc. and aides in bed with Iran.
Throw in the petulant administrative aides, interns, fresh out of college, indoctrinated to a warped world view that does not benefit America and you have the proverbial inmates running the asylum...Not to say Trump had any control over his appointees either but his biggest issue was the administrative state. Given the Chevron decision, this issue will, hopefully, lessen.
At best you can barely understand Joe when he talks, many times you have zero idea what he was just mumbling about. Despite that, the bad debate wasn't his fault according to many Dems. First they blamed the moderators, the cameraman, CNN's makeup it's time to throw his staff under the bus.

At best you can barely understand Joe when he talks, many times you have zero idea what he was just mumbling about. Despite that, the bad debate wasn't his fault according to many Dems. First they blamed the moderators, the cameraman, CNN's makeup it's time to throw his staff under the bus.

Maybe they should be concerned about the fact that this career politician needed a week of prep for a debate on issues he’s supposedly working on/dealing with every day.
He has not been nearly as bad over the last 3 years as he was at the debate... But to your point, he has obviously been shielded way more than he should have and the difference in Biden from 4 years ago to now is undebatable.
He was old 4 years ago. He is completely unfit for holding office now.
Unfortunately for our country...We may see the same thing with Trump at his age.
I always call it like I see it on here whether people like it or not. Biden is toast and is unelectable after that debate.... regardless of how party Dems spin it.
Trump is a POS. Biden is a dead man walking.
POS always beats the dead guy.
Btw...This is Weekend at Bernie's level BS....What a joke.

This is exactly like Covid. The facts have been obvious for years, but you democrats chose to pretend reality was something else so you could destroy the country.

Biden has been exhibiting severe cognitive decline since before 2016. We told you that’s why he was hiding in the basement. We’ve told you they’ve kept him hidden for years. The only reason you’re saying anything different now is because the party leaders have allowed the anchors on CNN and MSNBC to discuss his cognitive decline instead of denying it.

Just like Covid, we were right all along and you denied reality. You should do an assessment of your news sources if you’ve consistently been so wrong on the biggest issues impacting our country.
At best you can barely understand Joe when he talks, many times you have zero idea what he was just mumbling about. Despite that, the bad debate wasn't his fault according to many Dems. First they blamed the moderators, the cameraman, CNN's makeup it's time to throw his staff under the bus.

Uh... your candidate just proved, in front of the whole world, that he is brain dead.

But yeah... blame his handlers lol.
Another aspect of the past year I find amusing is how the democrats need people just the right level of cognitively impaired to be valuable.

Fetterman started to regain cognitive function and became persona non grata.

Biden’s severe cognitive impairment couldn’t be hidden anymore to the extent he’s now a political liability.

Democrats need people who are cognitively impaired enough to stay on their completely illogical, emotional message, but not so cognitively impaired that they can’t hide it for the cameras.

It’s why I don’t really think sambowieshin is a bot. He stays on message pretty well, but frequently crosses into the area where the cognitive impairment is too severe to hide.
It is a direct story out of the Bible dude. Why are you getting riled by a historical event like Sodom and Gomorrah? If Bibles and the Ten Commandments are mandated in schools then teachers will have every right to teach from those texts. If you don't want your kid hearing about dads getting drunk and screwing their daughters in caves then ban the book fool.
There is a GD reason we have always had separation of church and state. You fascists just can't be happy worshipping as you please.
Need me to cite some more examples from the Bible of incest, drunkenness, beating slaves, paying for rape rights, murder, genocide. prostitution, and beastiality?
Be careful what you wish for and laws you pass when dealing with people who believe in separation of church and state. Ya might not like how it pans out.
Wait till the Satanists and Muslims who believe in Sharia Law get their books and posters rolling.

Sam, ask yourself this for a second… why would any Christian actually want YOU teaching from the Bible? You butcher and take even the simplest stories and passages way out of context everyday around here and there’s probably hundreds of thousands of teachers just like you out there.

Why would your so called Christian Taliban boogeymen shoot themselves in the foot like that on such an epic scale?
I really don’t understand how there’s not a Constitutional way to remove someone from Congress who clearly has more loyalty to another country. It’s absolutely disgusting.
She can be kicked out by the House. Not sure if it's majority vote or something like 2/3.
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Sounds like Jill refuses to give up her 15 minutes and Hunter wants Dad to fight until the end to save his rear end from prison. This family is morally and ethically corrupt to the core. They will not leave the stage without a fight and you can bet our foreign enemies do not want them to leave either. Will come down to those really pulling the strings to decide he needs to bow out but I think the Dems as a whole put themselves in a really tough spot when they gave Harris the VP nod. No matter how rich and powerful these people are they cannot turn Harris into a competent and likable candidate.
This is exactly like Covid. The facts have been obvious for years, but you democrats chose to pretend reality was something else so you could destroy the country.

Biden has been exhibiting severe cognitive decline since before 2016. We told you that’s why he was hiding in the basement. We’ve told you they’ve kept him hidden for years. The only reason you’re saying anything different now is because the party leaders have allowed the anchors on CNN and MSNBC to discuss his cognitive decline instead of denying it.

Just like Covid, we were right all along and you denied reality. You should do an assessment of your news sources if you’ve consistently been so wrong on the biggest issues impacting our country.
And an assessment of your own intelligence.
Don’t believe the democrats who are throwing Biden’s family under the bus.

They’re all degenerate pieces of shit. Biden’s and other democrats.

Everyone has known Biden was mentally incompetent. The people surrounding him, making the decisions pretended he wasn’t. Don’t let them off the hook now by falling for the story that it’s his family wanting to keep him in the race. Rats are jumping ship, but they were all aboard until the debate. Anonymously sourced stories pointing the finger at the family is just ass covering.
Bill Oreilly on Glen Beck just now. Doubles down on Biden being replaced. Says it not” just my opinion”. Says there was a Zoom call with Obama, Ron Klain?, and the Bidens telling them Joe is out. Dems just need to figure out how to do it. Claims Jill is the one fighting it.
I really don’t understand how there’s not a Constitutional way to remove someone from Congress who clearly has more loyalty to another country. It’s absolutely disgusting.

Blame her voters. Next, blame the Dems. If her district has been overwhelmed with foreign interest, the Dems in Congress could easily isolate her from any kind of influence.