How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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The same people who LIED to the country for months about Biden's clearly deteriorating condition now want the country to focus on so-called "lies" by Trump during the debate where he crushed Biden (who got to set the terms of the debate AND prepped for a week).

They hung Biden last night. They prepped him for a week and then scheduled this debate before the Dem convention. They knew he would flub, because he has been struggling for a year and they have lied to us about it. They did not dare do this AFTER the convention. Liars. Cheats. And, disloyal punks. This administration crucified Biden on national TV. This is who the liberals bend the knee to. Uglies.
Donated to multiple Republican candidates. Biden was not my first choice. Biden is a dead man walking. He has aged terribly in 4 years. Trump is older than Biden was.
Biden has one foot in the grave.
Trump has one foot in a prison cell.
I can't vote for either in good conscience.

So what's with all the 'RIDEN WITH BIDEN!' quotes from you?

You just can't defend what you saw last night.

Lying Village Idiot.
Even the moderators want Joe replaced. They sheathed their swords and let the emperor perish.

Friends Leatylrs GIF
No, just various things. My business is a corporation. It pays taxes. I pay personal taxes. I paid SS tax on my employees. I pay unemployment tax on employees. My business pays property taxes on building, land, vehicles, etc. I can't make all the parts for my product, so I buy some of the parts from other corporations who are in the same boat as me. All those taxes are part of doing business. If I don't pass those costs on, I don't stay in business, so the cost is passed on to the next guy. The guy at the end of the line Who cant pass it on is the consumer.

Btw, Andy said I was not essential, so he FORCED me to lay everyone off when I had plenty of work available. The unemployment fund went broke, so he raised my rates. Most of my employees were getting enough free money that they didn't want to come back, so I dropped most of my customers and the wife and I do whatever part time work we feel like and do everything ourselves.
What you buy for resale you do not pay sales tax on. I'm confused.
Also, I don't think Trump knocked it out of the park by any means. He's actually not a very good debater (technically speaking), but he's tough to land a punch on. This was way more about (and most would agree) Biden just coming across as a man that is suffering from the onset of dementia.
I think Trump actually is a good debater but I agree about him last night...I don't think he ripped into Biden like he could have. But I think he did it on purpose. Biden made himself look like a complete disaster and Trump didn't have to help him look worse.
What you buy for resale you do not pay sales tax on. I'm confused.
Maybe I don't explain it well. If my profit is 100 dollars and my taxes come to 50 dollars, if the 50 left over is not enough to keep in business, I raise my price to get more profit. The company that makes my wire does the same. The company that makes my cloth does the same. The company that extrudes styrene does the same. And so on for everyone I buy a part from. The gov has taken a piece of profit from all of us and we all have to charge more to keep the profit level high enough to stay in business.

Years ago I had a customer just starting in the business. He lasted a year or two. Kept saying business was great and he was making good money. One day he came in and said he didn't know he had to pay taxes and the gov was after him. He was no Einstein, but surely he wasn't that dumb. My point being, without paying taxes, he could sell cheaper.
I did…. But apparently they aren't nearly as deadly as they used to be. (Disney ruins everything). But I guess at least I get to live now 🤷‍♂️
Good to see you back dude! Another person I wish would come back was Dukefan4life (I think that was his name...I can't find it to tag it) IIRC he was having some kind of health issues?
Maybe I don't explain it well. If my profit is 100 dollars and my taxes come to 50 dollars, if the 50 left over is not enough to keep in business, I raise my price to get more profit. The company that makes my wire does the same. The company that makes my cloth does the same. The company that extrudes styrene does the same. And so on for everyone I buy a part from. The gov has taken a piece of profit from all of us and we all have to charge more to keep the profit level high enough to stay in business.

Years ago I had a customer just starting in the business. He lasted a year or two. Kept saying business was great and he was making good money. One day he came in and said he didn't know he had to pay taxes and the gov was after him. He was no Einstein, but surely he wasn't that dumb. My point being, without paying taxes, he could sell cheaper.
But without you paying your fair share, how could the thousands of lobbyists and other assorted vultures siphon billions away to foreign war, NGOs, and other assorted kinds of theft?
But without you paying your fair share, how could the thousands of lobbyists and other assorted vultures siphon billions away to foreign war, NGOs, and other assorted kinds of theft?
After 6 of us add $ to compensate for our taxes, when you go to the retail store, if you buy my widget, you have paid taxes for all 6 of us. You have also helped pay the CPA that I need to keep me straight with the IRS.