How will they rule ??!

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I once heard some fool (my ex-gf) refer to a black British boxer as African American.

Boy, did I mock her for that one. (May be why she's my ex-gf) 🤣
He is a troll. Men can have babies because somewhere in India a genetic freak had vag and a dick and impregnated himself back in 1924. That is the type of dishonesty he practices. So now he hides behind a DNA test before anyone can be deemed Black, unless it involves DEI.
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Ha, look who wants to play the numbers game only where it favors them. Israel killing thousands more than Hamas, no big deal, clear outcome based on actions to you. But Arab countries expelling Jews in direct response to the Jews perpetrating the Nakba? Gotta check the numbers! That spiral of sectarian violence was awful, but it wasn't initiated by Muslim people or in any way one-sided.
I expect this nonsense from you. You argue that there are 50+ genders and refuse to say that a man cannot have a baby...not being a biologist and whatnot.

Obama's mother is lily white. Easily fact checkable. So he is 50% white by definition...and the first clean, articulate mixed guy...a real storybook man.

Kamala Harris...again, easily fact checkable....has slave owner lineage with her Jamaican dad and Indian Mother. She is Jamo-Indian.

Do you consider black guys who are born in Brasil to be African Americans too?

My comment is FACT. Easily provable. Tim Scott having 2 black American born parents is 100% AA and neither Obama or Harris are and no would would make your argument. A mixed race person certainly can choose to be defined as AA if they wish. The fact is with a white mother he is mixed race. Science. Do you hate science?

Sen. Scott's father pictured below....if facts matter.

Obama isn’t 50% white. He’s related to the first slave as was found by The thing is it’s through his mothers side where he is related
I mean I know you, personally, are extremely ignorant and had never heard of the Nakba until literally from me, but you should still be able to spot bias that extreme when you see it. Go look up the events of 1948 and the founding of Israel for yourself. Everything that preceded it and everything that followed. Look at right-leaning, centrist, and left-leaning sources. Compare them all. Read testimonies from military members and civilians on all sides. These events are not ancient history; there are many, many direct interviews and volumes of scholarship on the subject. None of them support the absurd revisionist history that twitter propaganda account is spewing.
AIPAC spent millions in the most expensive House race in history. Sad to see people celebrating our elections being bought by foreign powers. But that’s what Americans have come to expect from your lot.
Foreign groups and governments have paid millions to the past two Democrat Presidential candidates through speeches and family but yeah AIPAC, an American org, helping to fund to oust a radical liar is so so bad.
I mean I know you, personally, are extremely ignorant and had never heard of the Nakba until literally from me, but you should still be able to spot bias that extreme when you see it. Go look up the events of 1948 and the founding of Israel for yourself. Everything that preceded it and everything that followed. Look at right-leaning, centrist, and left-leaning sources. Compare them all. Read testimonies from military members and civilians on all sides. These events are not ancient history; there are many, many direct interviews and volumes of scholarship on the subject. None of them support the absurd revisionist history that twitter propaganda account is spewing.
Are you outraged about Pakistan? Why not. Give the land back to the Hindus.

No, you only care about the jew state
Illegal immigrants commit violent crimes at a much lower rate than the general US citizenry do.*

*(which is a ridiculous assertion, since we don't even REALLY know how many illegal immigrants there actually ARE)
You also have to add in the fact that they don't report crimes most of the time and Soros DA's refuse to charge many of the crimes so felonies get plead down to misdemeanors which shows up on crime stats wayyyyy different.
Are you outraged about Pakistan? Why not. Give the land back to the Hindus.

No, you only care about the jew state
? Kashmir has been disputed for decades and is another intractable conflict similar to Israel/Palestine that resulted from the breakup of the British Empire. They've been fighting over it for decades too. Now, does either nation in that conflict run a military occupation of stateless zones full of refugees who they oppress daily in a religious-ethnic apartheid state? No? They just have a more traditional border conflict, even after similar sectarian/religious violence? Reinforcing the fact that what Israel's doing is uniquely grotesque? Oh, gotcha. Now that we've addressed the elephant in the room as to why the situations don't get similar attention, let's look at your actual analysis of it. "Give the land back to the Hindus." Wtf? I thought Republicans were supposedly about federalism and self-determination? You should support giving the majority-Muslim Kashmir region autonomy, right? Why would you favor Hindu New Delhi running Muslim Kashmir from hundreds of miles removed?
The intellectual disparity there was wide, to say the least.

The "arguments" writ large and pervasive are so mind numbingly obtuse they strain credulity we are having them.

Illegal immigrants commit violent crimes at a much lower rate than the general US citizenry do.*

*(which is a ridiculous assertion, since we don't even REALLY know how many illegal immigrants there actually ARE)

Like this one... It's even dumber than that.

Every crime committed by an illegal immigrant is a crime that wouldn't have otherwise happened. The left acts like brining in illegals is somehow lowering our crime rate, like it's diluting it because we already have a chit ton of american-born inner city crime.

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