How will they rule ??!

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If Disney is doing that so be it. But Disney is about to get crushed. Mark April 26th on your calendar. I don't care what the Trump campaign puts out about DeSantis being this and that but I do know he is a fighter and the more Disney balks the more they will pay. You may think Disney is bigger than our State and Disney may think that and Donald Trump may think that but residents down here know different.

The nation may frown on Florida going after Mickey and that is OK their 51st state is ending. Governmental powers for a private company are coming to a halt. Their attorneys are putting the screws to them by not understanding Florida law.

Disney In Violation of The Florida Sunshine Law

  • Lawyers for Governor Ron DeSantis’ Central Florida Tourism Oversight Board found that Disney’s agreements with the former Reedy Creek Improvement District were null and void as they did not follow state law requirements. The Oversight Board plans to consider a resolution voiding the agreements on April 26.
  • Disney failed to comply with statutory notice requirements, such as notifying affected property owners by mail of the new development agreement and attempting to confer governmental powers to a private business.
  • The new Oversight Board exerted their control by firing the planning and zoning board, appointing themselves in its place, and approving a resolution declaring themselves the “superior authority” over development matters.
  • They also discussed raising property taxes on Disney and other district landowners, building affordable workforce housing on District land, exploring the sale of district-owned utilities, and seeking back-pay of taxes.


This is how the DOJ, FBI, HOC, political criminals, and all of the bs "it's good for me but not for thee" laws should be handled on the national level. These are things Trump ran on.

Refusing to prosecute the Clinton Cartel 2x for admittedly destroying evidence should have wiped out the people in charge at the DOJ.

The fake (and not even containing a prosecutable crime) "evidence" dossier that was fraudulently used to get a warrant to still illegally monitor a candidate's and then president's communications should have done the same to the entire leadership at the FBI. Then once again relative to the laptop.

The insider trading law should've been challenged in and struck down by the courts, as even a cursory review of the legislation tells you it goes against the constitution.

The HOC should have had its members removed from Congress for their blatant lack of providing oversight on a myriad of levels and topics.

Their license to broadcast, their press credentials, and their ability to call themselves "media" or "news" rather than merely entertainment or tabloids should have been revoked from the networks that lied about pretty much everything from 2016 forward.

Likewise, the CDC, WHO, NIH, FDA, and FCC need a housecleaning and/or defunding as well as Pfizer, Moderna, and all associated with those companies and decisions made relative to the shots being dismantled, their assets seized, and those involved jailed for lying, misleading, and intentionally harming the public for profit.

Soros should be arrested and then shot as a foreign agent and terrorist for funding the riots in this country and influencing our judiciary, elections, legislative branch, and media. His assets should be seized as well.

Instead all of these entities got at worst a fine or a figurative wrist slap, and I'm frickin tired of it.

It's time for a dramatically smaller government, a healthier and robust military, law and order, and secure borders. It's time to enforce laws that are now nearly 40 years old and have never been adhered to as agreed.

It's time we sent a bill to Europe for 2 WW bail-outs.


It's ALSO time we calculate true reparations...

"... commensurate with all expenses, past expenditures, distribution of true liability, and based on dna the true country of origin and percent of ancestry directly enslaved. The estates of the <1% of citizens who owned slaves that were not granted their freedom and given land after the Civil War should compensate the aggrieved descendants proportionate to their genetic/ancestral profile, and the currency upon which it is based should be that of their country of origin. That granted compensation should be split between the descendants of the countries/people that sold them, transported them, and those that bought them equally.

Once that figure has been calculated, they should be allowed to return to their country of origin LESS THE costs THIS country has occurred on behalf of them and their family since the emancipation, INCLUDING reparations to be paid to the Union and to those familes whose relatives died freeing them from their bondage during the Civil War. Such costs may also include affirmative action benefits, subsidized college, as well as any welfare and government housing subsidies they or their ancestors may have received.

Families that arrived here after slaves were no longer being traded shall be immediately exempted from contribution or liability, as shall all whose families were themselves indentured servants, asylum seekers, and those whose families never owned slaves. Exempted from receiving reparations but not from paying reparations TO those who families whose ancestors helped free the slaves are those who themselves are descendants of slave owners or traffickers.

Once the accounting is established, the aggrieved parties seeking reparations shall be relieved of their final bondage to this country and transported to their chosen ancestral territory across the seas, and will be freed of and from the great burden of US citizenship. Any balance owed to this country and or its citizens will be paid from the parties own funds, or an international lien shall be filed against the aggrieved parties on behalf of all to whom they may be accountable.

In the case of aggrieved parties and/or their ancestors living on land that once belonged to the indigenous peoples of this country, and that was taken from them by deceit, said parties shall ALSO be required to compensate the deceived parties for the use of their land. If the descendants of said deceived parties should still be living, the land shall also convey to them with all improvements thereon.

Parties applying for reparations shall do their due diligence prior to application, and shall provide proof of justifiable and non-exempted aggrievance. Any applicants that are found to be exempted shall be fined $10,000 per fraudulent claim/application submitted, plus research fees for any information applicants fail to provide. "

-Posted here with permission of the original author
FDR's policies unnecessarily extended the depression much longer than it would've been. Just bc we finally came out of it doesn't mean he turned it around. Actually he didnt even end it, the war did. He did (put us IN and) guide us thru the war, so credit for that for sure. I'm sure it was hard to look bad when hitler, mousilinni, and Stalin existed. Pre-war tho he's recorded as admiring economic fascism, the term fascism wasn't the catch all for "everything I don't like" it is now or what it was when the war started. He himself was considered somewhat of a tyrant you know bc breaking norms and trying to be president forever, trying to pack the court and put friends on it, poll intimidation, buying off newspapers, refusing to acknowledge checks and balances, not allowing the other branches of govt to individually function, ignoring the constitution, eliminating other power functions withing the govt and giving them to himself, etc etc etc etc. But hey we're still paying for some of these welfare programs today so win I guess. And of course to return to the original question...if ww2 doesn't happen, what's his legacy? I mean I get it, the left loves monarchy and needs direction on how to live daily life.

LBJ...congrats on the Vietnam War

Just a slight edit in there for historical accuracy, since FDR ran on a platform of keeping from sending US "soldiers into another European conflict"... but found a way around it.
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why the hell is rivals spamming tweet! and [Media Embed] everywhere. what dumbass IT guy doesn't know how to code?

Buzzfeed News is out of business. You remember them? The leftist news site that famously told coal miners being laid off to "learn to code"? I guess karma's a bitch. 😆 #SorryNotSorry #LearnToCode #elitists #FakeNewsMedia​

A lot depends on what part of Florida you live in. Where exactly do you live in Florida? Disney is 70 miles away from me so the crowds and congestion are not my problem.

Their big mistake was meddling in our legislation by not knowing who they were messing with. This Governor fights back and now Disney understands to stay in their lane. The issue has become a moot point. Disney knows their limits and are looking for a way out of the mess they created. They may have Trump and Democrats in their corner but neither has any power or influence over the Florida State Legislature. DeSantis ran on a promise he would do the will of the people, the State Legislature acted and the will of the people was carried out with his signature.

Fact Check That

The CFO of Florida can fill you in on the latest details.

If you think Desantis is winning his fight with Disney than I don’t want people you vote for going up against China as President.
If you think Desantis is winning his fight with Disney than I don’t want people you vote for going up against China as President.
I don't think you understand. There is no fight with Disney, Florida won that fight so it is over now.

Disney will be treated just like Universal Studios and every business in this state. They will pay property taxes to Florida now and be subject to state regulations. Something they were exempt from for over 60 years. State inspections will be made now, something they managed to avoid since they were their own government. They are not a government now. They do not hire police and fire fighters anymore. The money they spent on that will now go to the local government and state.

So the fight is over and Disney lost. Now if they want to continue to resist and go another round, the State Legislature will be happy to oblige. The little hunk of ground with its fairy tale castles is not bigger than the State of Florida and as long as they do business here they will do what the state requires. It is as simple as that.

Even a simple minded liberal should understand this. This Bud's for you. FACT CHECK THAT.

Lololololol Lololololol wait I thought there was no difference between men and women?

This may be the ugliest person to have served in the U.S. Congress. Just pitiful looking.

I would pick her as the female crash dummy if I were looking for a female crash dummy. After looking at her it is time for another shower this morning.

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Biden been impeached yet? More evidence to support this than for any POTUS ever.

DA Bragg is a horrible, evil, person. His policies not withstanding, his entire demeanor and attitude towards the citizens of NYC are vile. He cares nothing about protecting them.

I believe we can erase the Covid thread and input a KY Political thread until after the Gov election. Covid has been over for a long time.

Riley Gaines is vaulting up the political rock star ladder. She may have found her career gig thanks to the ignorance of the left.

Matt Jones still shedding liberal tears?

"What are you gonna do?"

That line is from three years worth of special treatment by the justice system. They're going to call the police? Police can't or won't do anything. If they do, judges or prosecutors won't do anything. Then the attacker probably gets to sue and the mayor will immediately pay big money as a virtue signal.

Three years worth of that pattern generates a video just like this one and it's happening across the nation
Maybe in 1928 it was but certainly not in recent history. I venture to say 90% of Fortune Five Hundred companies are run by progressive liberal Democrats. Democrats dominate the financial market, the insurance market, the high tech market and on
Democrats have more billionaires, millionaires and CEO's, Presidents of Corporations and members of the board by far than any other political party. They are the party of the rich if there is such a thing. Take a drive up and down Palm Beach.
I think you’re totally wrong about this. In my experience, most corporate execs remain Republicans. You are deluded if you think the Democratic Party with its pro union and pro regulation message is appealing to successful, wealthy business people. Pick up the Wall Street Journal and read the editorial page.
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FDR's policies unnecessarily extended the depression much longer than it would've been. Just bc we finally came out of it doesn't mean he turned it around. Actually he didnt even end it, the war did. He did guide us thru the war, so credit for that for sure. I'm sure it was hard to look bad when hitler, mousilinni, and Stalin existed. Pre-war tho he's recorded as admiring economic fascism, the term fascism wasn't the catch all for "everything I don't like" it is now or what it was when the war started. He himself was considered somewhat of a tyrant you know bc breaking norms and trying to be president forever, trying to pack the court and put friends on it, poll intimidation, buying off newspapers, refusing to acknowledge checks and balances, not allowing the other branches of govt to individually function, ignoring the constitution, eliminating other power functions withing the govt and giving them to himself, etc etc etc etc. But hey we're still paying for some of these welfare programs today so win I guess. And of course to return to the original question...if ww2 doesn't happen, what's his legacy? I mean I get it, the left loves monarchy and needs direction on how to live daily life.

LBJ...congrats on the Vietnam War
Wait until he finds out how FDRs family got all their wealth...
I think you’re totally wrong about this. In my experience, most corporate execs remain Republicans. You are deluded if you think the Democratic Party with its pro union and pro regulation message is appealing to successful, wealthy business people. Pick up the Wall Street Journal and read the editorial page.
Dore, what happened to Occupy Wall St? What happened to the liberal attacks on Big Pharma? What happened to the lefts constant bashing of corporate welfare? It appears that the left is appeased by DEI and big corps accommodate to get in bed with the left.
So can we examine just WHY there is such a mental health CRISIS in America? Who are the ones trying to normalize mental illness? Who are the ones exhibiting the behavior of mentally ill people? The crisis is fueled by big pharma, the crisis is fueled by mentally ill people going to mentally ill therapists who do nothing but coddle and enable their behavior and telling them they are good, everyone else is bad.
This was mocked by 2 posters. Neither of whom backed up their yocks.
Because it’s crap. Take Kentucky as an example. The federal Dem party represented most Kentuckians through the 70s. The cultural/social religion of the far left that has the Dem Party shackled is nothing like that party and is why Kentucky has shifted GOP over the past 15 years or so. The Dem Party definitely changed. Classic liberals have lost the voice and many have actually started voting GOP.
I think you’re totally wrong about this. In my experience, most corporate execs remain Republicans. You are deluded if you think the Democratic Party with its pro union and pro regulation message is appealing to successful, wealthy business people. Pick up the Wall Street Journal and read the editorial page. think the ESG stuff is a Republican notion? The Dem Union message is a joke thats only window dressing nowadays to try and hold old school democrats, and it isn't working.

The ultrawealthy are solid Democrats now.
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I really miss the days of democrats arguing against unjust and forever wars.

What happened to them? Now, they are worse than Bush-Cheney neo-cons
You have obviously formed your beliefs about modern Democrats based on the memes on this board and Fox News.

You are probably missing the irony of the House holding the debt ceiling hostage, but our huge debt belongs in large part to Republicans who slashed taxes on the rich while simultaneously plunging us into life time wars (for which we'll still paying) and other engaging in other ridiculous spending.
I think you’re totally wrong about this. In my experience, most corporate execs remain Republicans. You are deluded if you think the Democratic Party with its pro union and pro regulation message is appealing to successful, wealthy business people. Pick up the Wall Street Journal and read the editorial page.

The Wall Street Journal has 3 or 4 million readers. It is a drop in the bucket when it comes to "news" reporting. It is more centrist than conservative but compared to the NYT, Washington Post and every other big city paper I can see where you might think it is conservative.

I worked for and with corporate executives for over 40 years. The companies were headquartered in Chicago, Philadelphia and New York. They were dominated by left wing liberals. Including the biggest of the insurance companies. The majority of their political donations went to left wing liberals. When Donald Trump was running the Trump Corporation and before he was in politics he gave to the Clinton Foundation, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Gavin Newsom, Chuck Schumer and many, many other liberals. He said it was the cost of doing business.

Most large corporations, including wealthy business people give to liberal causes because they know if they don't all hell will come their way.

The Democrat Party and their "union" support is a farce. The head of the unions are very liberal and support Democrats but the rank-and-file members not so much.

Again, I say this is not 1928. Old tags that Republicans are the party of the rich are fables now. My Republican friends are blue collar and middle class. My banker and insurance broker are Democrats.