In all seriousness, I do agree with those that say Trump’s team needs to start presenting the evidence. Every day that passes after the election makes the claim harder to prove as well as further cementing Biden as the winner. It’s time to make the move if you have it.
In regards to attempting to persuade the legislatures to submit pro-Trump electors, I’m not sure how to feel about it. It’s a very dangerous precedent to set that our elections are irrelevant to selection of the President. Yes, it’s fully constitutional and legal. But it undoubtedly gives me pause. It’s clearly not an ideal situation.
On the other hand, when I look at the modern day left what I see terrifies me. You have a party that has come to embrace communist ideals, abhors free speech, cheers censorship, wants to throw open the border, espouses openly racist ideology, will sell us out to China, and silence anyone who disagrees with them. When I consider that, I’m much more likely to agree with using those mechanisms to keep Trump in power.
I honestly don’t see how America can last much longer in its current form. We’re too divided and the foundational core values that transcended party lines - belief in our constitution, individual liberty, limited government, love of country, and yes, Judeo-Christian values - are no longer present on one side. How do you compromise with a side that not only wants radical change from our traditional beliefs but also HATES those that cherish those beliefs. I don’t know...