CHINA/CDP virus you USEFUL IDIOT...1/4 of a million Americans dead from Trump virus.
CHINA/CDP virus you USEFUL IDIOT...1/4 of a million Americans dead from Trump virus.
Is that picture of Biden pre or post Alzheimer‘s?Another day, another update is needed. Who won the 2020 election vote ?
Sleepy Joe Biden won the vote of the people leaving Trump angry that getting all those super spreaders together might of just killed enough of his base to lose the vote.
looks like he's going to have to go all in and get Roger Stone and his other former felons to buy off the electoral voters if he wants to remain president. at which point democracy is dead.
Hey! The government just cares about our health and well being! Now, if you’ll excuse me while I run up to the liquor store.Let’s see. You have hundreds of complaints about certain restaurants/bars not being COVID compliant. So let’s just close them all. Screw the ones that spent thousands to be compliant and work hard to stay that way.
This is your government in action.
In Canada Trudeau already announced they’re going into Great Reset mode. They’re forming gulags as we speak for those who refuse to comply when the time comesYes x1000. It is the duty of every freedom loving American to stand up when their god-given rights are being infringed upon.
Our governor...... I fart in his general direction.Let’s see. You have hundreds of complaints about certain restaurants/bars not being COVID compliant. So let’s just close them all. Screw the ones that spent thousands to be compliant and work hard to stay that way.
This is your government in action.
Congrats to the liberals. I concede 2020.Another day, another update is needed. Who won the 2020 election vote ?
Sleepy Joe Biden won the vote of the people leaving Trump angry that getting all those super spreaders together might of just killed enough of his base to lose the vote.
looks like he's going to have to go all in and get Roger Stone and his other former felons to buy off the electoral voters if he wants to remain president. at which point democracy is dead.
A little soft plagiarism here...Bush 1 was an environmentalist. I liked that. A lot. Reagan has some good economic policies and I also am down with making our national security a top priority. I also really liked Rand Paul being the only politician that tried to ban droning Americans on American soil.
I think the defund the police message was idiotic. The early draconian lockdown measures were bad and have damaged everyone’s faith in government.
And I think that Trump was a conman that played on people’s morality to get power so as to advance his own interests and not those of the country. If that makes me a liberal than so be it. But I didn’t vote for Biden and do not see the Dems as a good fit for me.
Another day, another update is needed. Who won the 2020 election vote ?
Sleepy Joe Biden won the vote of the people leaving Trump angry that getting all those super spreaders together might of just killed enough of his base to lose the vote.
looks like he's going to have to go all in and get Roger Stone and his other former felons to buy off the electoral voters if he wants to remain president. at which point democracy is dead.
Just sold all my guns and ammo *wink* *wink*, so don’t bother trying to confiscate mine. No idea who they were, didn’t ask, didn’t care. *wink*
Dick Morris says the nearly 10K vote error in GA could be a game changer as all the errors added up could now add up to a virtual tie or Trump lead. He says this could trigger recounts in AZ, WI, MI, NV, and MI with the recounts being done correctly to check for signature errors, human errors, etc. and the whole mood will change as CNN, etc. won't be able to hide GA being flipped. He said, and by the way, all this doesn't even consider any Dominion problems.
I say we check VA as well !!!
I’m afraid you’re right. It’s sickening. It’s also frustrating that some people seem to think that the horrors of past cannot happen today. We’re too sophisticated or advanced or empathetic or educated or whatever. Might be a psychological self-comforting trick, but it’s incredibly naive.
I’ve been working on a little project that I’m hoping to launch very soon. Not sure if it will amount to anything, but I’m excited to share it with the good folks here as a possibility to disrupt the freedom-killing status quo. Too many people have fought for our rights (or have had their rights trampled upon by authoritarian regimes) for me to sit back and not fully embrace them. If it’s to the gulag we go, we’ll go kicking, screaming and fighting.
I think it was an error of recount not of Election Day #s. And the recount hasn’t confirmed whether there were errors or not.Someone needs to be clear about what that GA error is.
It shouldn’t be that hard to explain something so simple.
Someone needs to be clear about what that GA error is.
It shouldn’t be that hard to explain something so simple.
Someone needs to be clear about what that GA error is.
It shouldn’t be that hard to explain something so simple.
He said that a precinct in Dekalb county cast 10,707 votes for Biden and 13 for Trump. The thirteen for Trump was right, but it should h e been 1,081 for Biden, not 10,707. That’s a difference of 9,626. He said he texted the lady that is RUNNING the recount and she texted him back and told him that this was one of SEVERAL errors that could reduce the margin to a virtual tie.
Where does he talk about texting her? In an interview?
Because his tweet that I posted above indicates that he does not know.
Probably only after they have been led to slaughter...
These are my favorite. While I know the election fraud thing is nonsense from the standpoint its the same as Russian memes overthrew an election in 2016. Which oddly enough I dont think you were so hell bent of calling out how equally ridiculous that was, for some reason. I also know how we got here. Trump knows he lost and his team does, but when the press and libs yass kween Hillary for saying don't accept election results 2 weeks before an election, and the press made a hero out of Stacy Abrams, who still hasn't conceeded, and lost by every metric possible, and has had the press, presidential candidates, etc continuing a myth without evidence and without being pressed about it....what did you think was going to happen? Take your medicine. It wouldn't even surprise me if he's doing it on purpose. Bc we all know if he'd won...the same ppl would be non stop talking about putin. Again, its not hard to figure out how he got elected the first time.Another day, another update is needed. Who won the 2020 election vote ?
Sleepy Joe Biden won the vote of the people leaving Trump angry that getting all those super spreaders together might of just killed enough of his base to lose the vote.
looks like he's going to have to go all in and get Roger Stone and his other former felons to buy off the electoral voters if he wants to remain president. at which point democracy is dead.
Let’s see. You have hundreds of complaints about certain restaurants/bars not being COVID compliant. So let’s just close them all. Screw the ones that spent thousands to be compliant and work hard to stay that way.
This is your government in action.
When I was a kid in the ‘80s, WWII seemed like a long time ago.
The older I get, the more recent it seems.
People have not gotten any better.
Let’s see. You have hundreds of complaints about certain restaurants/bars not being COVID compliant. So let’s just close them all. Screw the ones that spent thousands to be compliant and work hard to stay that way.
This is your government in action.
He said that a precinct in Dekalb county cast 10,707 votes for Biden and 13 for Trump. The thirteen for Trump was right, but it should have been 1,081 for Biden, not 10,707. That’s a difference of 9,626. He said he texted the lady that is RUNNING the recount and she texted him back and told him that this was one of SEVERAL errors that could reduce the margin to a virtual tie.
So for any of you brain dead SOBs who think Trump is a fascist: an actual fascist is announcing limits to your private liberties in our state.
What I read was the same as the other poster wrote, it was a recount error. Having said that, I don’t put it past anyone to try and cover up an error like that.
I hope you’re right!Well what I just posted is word for word from his interview ten minutes ago, including him saying the text from the lady running things made it clear that there are more errors that could make it a virtual tie. Not here to argue about it. Just posting exactly what he said.
He said it not even 10 minutes ago on a Live interview at Newsmax and he was reading the text from his phone.