When you just absolutely positively have to kill something that day
My God these Democrats are simpletons. Just about as stupid as you can get.
Oh, lord. Alex just stays in the freaking news over stupid crap.
"...nother sack"
"...nother sack"
Dude spraying his kid in the face with Lysol is very aggressive
He pointed this out Friday night in first 10 minutes. I thought it was spot on for us getting our supply chains on everything & drugs in particular not so China dependent, kafka.then Tucker points out medicalsupply chain realities of globalism that leaves us dependent and not self sufficient; it’s wise to take it seriously, not panic, but fix this potentiality of catastrophe by fixing things before leftist idiots fix it with their horrible short sighted insanely idiotic ideas
"...nother sack"
Dude spraying his kid in the face with Lysol is very aggressive
Oh, lord. Alex just stays in the freaking news over stupid crap.
The flu is [inaudible]. We gonna die anyway
Oh, lord. Alex just stays in the freaking news over stupid crap.
Saw John Brennan died of coronavirus. Was thoroughly disappointed to learn it was not the treasonous John Brennan.
Pre-Uber, I drove way too many times when I shouldn't have and luckily avoided it. I just don't see the point now - it's easy and cheap to get home from anywhere, especially for rich people.
Well, just heard on the news there's much more to this story.Oh, lord. Alex just stays in the freaking news over stupid crap.
You and Ikecat still with the Russians. Stupidity on steroids.Judging by all the mis-informed, ignorant, or simply stupid posts that show up on this board more times than Trump tweets the same, one has to wonder how many posters are Russian trolls or if they are simply useful idiots doing exactly what Putin is orchestrating. Que the conspiracy posts.
Well, just heard on the news there's much more to this story.
Jones got into an argument with his wife. She called police as he backed out of the driveway. Cops pulled Jones over. He told the officer that he drank a bottle of sake. Jones blew below the legal limit on breathalyzer test (0.08), but officer arrested him anyway because he "acted intoxicated"..
Translation: More fodder for Jones' conspiracy show.
We have been telling you dumb ass liberals for years about not only terrorist, but the possibility of diseases along with the welfare state involved in the open border project. The educated left my ass.
Shadows of the Obama shirt tail.Biden is a sick man. No wonder he isn't allow to talk for more than 7 minutes. They need to completely shut him up and just let him stand on the stage and smile.
If this is the best the Dems have to offer, and it is, this party is on life support.
No such thing as an AR14. Mini 14 maybe and no an AR15's are not machine guns or assault weapons. Lefties don't know, even their champion has no clue.