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Clinton venting Elizabeth Warren as possible VP pick. Thoughts on the possibility of an all women ticket?
From previous statements, Warren couldn't join the ticket or she's be exposed as a hypocrite. Which never happens in politics, so no.

Isn't the conventional thinking that Hillary has to pick a flaming lib, else she incur the wrath of the Bernie folks? Ordinarily the pick is closer to the center. So she'll pick someone pretty far left, which will drag the ticket and the country once she wins in that same direction. Which means there will be built in hostility from a large segment of the populace - but I suppose with someone whose unfavorability numbers are as high as Hillary's, that would be true no matter who she picks.

For all of you crying about politics being reduced to "go team blue!" vs "go team red!", about the disappearance of the political middle, about the fringe elements dominating, it's all about to get worse.....
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The upper middle class got much richer so its not just the .
So the middle class as a whole shrank, but the upper middle class grew?

Sounds like a creative way to polish up a turd.

I think that you are reading the chart wrong. The total middle class has expanded by 2% if you add all three middle class bands (upper-middle, middle and lower middle). The best news is that the upper middle class band has more than doubled from people who have moved up from the middle or lower middle bands.

Dsmith, I read it as the middle class as a whole has shrank, while the upper portion of the middle class has grown.

Thats what the article stated anyhow.
^ In 1979 the three bands (upper middle, middle, lower middle) of the middle class totaled 76% of the population. In 2014, it was 78% (29%+32%+17%). So the total middle class grew by 2%. The middle band of the middle class shrunk. The article states it in a confusing way.
According the article the upper middle class is not the middle class, neither is the lower middle class. They are apparently different classes?

Also the upper middle and rich have disproportionately gained in the amount of wealth compared to the percentages.

This is why stats can be deceiving, from a glance it looks rosy, but when broke down it really says the gap between the haves and have not is growing.
Where is the article that talks about the people that try and live well above their means who then cry about certain groups of people making more money than them?
Where is the article that talks about the people that try and live well above their means who then cry about certain groups of people making more money than them?

I dunno about that one, but Fuzz on here thinks that you should give every penny you make to a poor person.
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Does that chart mean there are more in that range because, since Obama took over, the middle class is taking around $5,000.00 less a year. So, perhaps that has opened up the middle class definition. At our current rate of money lost, the middle will be the lower class in about 30 years. We will then have just about 2 classes, the upper and the lower basically playing into democrats hands.
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Read today that a family of 4 that makes up to 400% of the poverty level (about $96,000 annually) is eligible for subsidies under Obamacare.

It makes all the sense in the world, no?
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Read today that a family of 4 that makes up to 400% of the poverty level (about $96,000 annually) is eligible for subsidies under Obamacare.

It makes all the sense in the world, no?
I read also that in families that make $250,000.00 about 15% of them receive some sort of government assistance. How is this possible?
WASHINGTON (AP) — State Department staffers wrestled for weeks in December 2010 over a serious technical problem that affected emails from then-Secretary Hillary Clinton's home email server, causing them to temporarily disable security features on the government's own systems, according to emails released Wednesday.

Good Lord......
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WASHINGTON (AP) — State Department staffers wrestled for weeks in December 2010 over a serious technical problem that affected emails from then-Secretary Hillary Clinton's home email server, causing them to temporarily disable security features on the government's own systems, according to emails released Wednesday.

Good Lord......
nothing to see here imo. colin powell was secretary of state once, whats your answer for that FACT!!??
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Nothing to see there Rex, I'm sure they only disabled security on parts that weren't classified at that time. In fact, it sounds like a Republican smear campaign to me.

Things are moving away from Trump. Idk. I don't follow it, I just follow headlines and how the tide is turning. Read this crap on here, and whatnot.

Apparently Trump F'd up big time last week? That's the story, but I haven't caught why. They're questioning his cash.

What exactly happened?

It won't be long. Hillary will be the only option soon.

First thing said on the Today Show: Hillary is a woman of faith. Just to make that clear. In case y'all were wondering. Obviously. She has great faith.

That "assasination attempt!!!!" seemed far fetched. He reached for an officers gun. There was little to no threat. Kid is nuts. Plus, it was blown up. They did make it a big deal. It is also true of that happened to Hillary, she would have a special breaking press release where she calls for the immediate ban of guns and Barry would entertain the idea as he sheds a tear and says something like "you know, that could have been me. That could have been any president. Where does it end?".

The next Today Show stories, order

- Google cares about you so much they are partnering with Harvard and mayo clinic to make sure they bring you the best health advice when you google. I shit you not.

- Facebook!! OMG did you see this picture of Mark Zuckerberg? He has the camera and speaker on his laptop covered with tape!!!! Is anybody safe!?!!?

- BEST CONDIMENTS!!' mustard was 3rd.

- they're now drawing faces. New research shows that adults and children draw eyes too high on the face. Somebody researched this.


This post is exactly right, does the DNC have that much control over the media? Are they just trying to say something so long that it's eventually accepted as truth?

We just had 49 people killed by an Islamic terrorist in Orlando, and its almost completely forgotten. It's been turned into a gun issue, wtf. Somehow that's been turned into Trump having a rough couple of weeks?

I guess his campaign is broke, who on here actually believes that?

Hillary hides from the media, unless it's under absolute protected situations, because she's awful at on the spot thinking, and they just let her slide.

She is trying to hide all the way to an election, even had the democratic debates on the nights the least amount of people would tune in. The coddling of her is reaching absurdity.
WASHINGTON (AP) — State Department staffers wrestled for weeks in December 2010 over a serious technical problem that affected emails from then-Secretary Hillary Clinton's home email server, causing them to temporarily disable security features on the government's own systems, according to emails released Wednesday.

Good Lord......

Willing to basically throw open the doors just to save her from public embarrassment.
Who wants AR-15's? I'm going to use Obama/Hilldog's free shit policy's and buy guns for poor Americans that want to protect their family's. Free ammo too.

I hope those losers sitting on their asses in the House right now get attacked. Gun free zone right?

.................. I'm not seriously about that last statement folks, but think about it. Paris?
The democrat party is really pathetic.

Even had the old civil rights war horse from Alabama start off the sit in. If you're wanting to prevent any backlash bring out an old civil rights fighter from the 60's. He could literally take a dump on the house floor, and the media would gloat on it.
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Even had the old civil rights war horse from Alabama start off the sit in. If you're wanting to prevent any backlash bring out an old civil rights fighter from the 60's. He could literally take a dump on the house floor, and the media would gloat on it.
yep, John Lewis' past means he can never be questioned on any moronic thing he does or says but by the same token Robert Byrd's past was dismissed as "all in the past".
Boy, these people really want to control guns........

Except they can't, even with more laws.
Charlie Rangel said yesterday the average American does not need to have guns. When ask about the armed guards him and other politicians have, he just chuckled and said " That's different". What did some of you say about the left not wanting to take all of our guns away? That is exactly what some (probably most) of them want to do.
Sure it is, only a complete idiot would think otherwise. The government knows just like SOME of us do, that the second amendment provides a type of protection for the people against a tyrannical leadership. The police forces and National Guard will undoubtedly grow under their plan because crime will definitely increase if criminals know the common man is unarmed. They crave the chaos and fear. It allows them to seemingly provide protection while ultimately maintaining total control.