How will they rule ??!

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I honestly have a hard time comprehending just how utterly insane the left is going at this point. Like my brain can't understand how anyone with a shred of dignity can do some of the shit they do or say some of the things they say. It's truly mind-boggling that functioning adults can act like this.
I got a 2mil inheritance yesterday. It's gonna be a good 6 years. But thanks for the concern.

I knew it. You're a spoiled white rich kid.
Typical Berkely Trump hater. Out there in $300 leather boots. $200 skinny jeans. $400 Gucci shirt while driving a $100k car. Hates capitalism.

Works at UPS to get a feel for being around the peasants to build self-loathing.

I hope you lose every penny. Become homeless and then have to suck dong for crack money. Loser.
I knew it. You're a spoiled white rich kid.
Typical Berkely Trump hater. Out there in $300 leather boots. $200 skinny jeans. $400 Gucci shirt while driving a $100k car. Hates capitalism.

Works at UPS to get a feel for being around the peasants to build self-loathing.

I hope you lose every penny. Become homeless and then have to suck dong for crack money. Loser.
Not sure that is the hardship for him you think it would be.
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Social media loud mouths up in arms because Bevin won the primary. Did they really think an incumbent was losing in the primary?

Also I still get a laugh as they learn ramming views down peoples throats doesn't actually change anyone's mind. Just like with trump, people just stay quiet and let their vote do the talking
The most liberal move ever, whether telling the truth or making stuff up, is to spend your time hating on people who earned their wealth and in the next breath bragging about having money you could have never made yourself but someone gave you...
Right? He should be one to talk about the money Trumps dad gave him to get started in Business. Now let’s see if Plat can turn his 2 mil into 2 bil.
Inheritance smack? That’s the kind of shit you should keep to yourself, dickwad. It sure as hell isn't impressive to get someone’s death money handed to you.

Congrats on being in the 1% that you hate tho!

I tell you what, if you want to really impress me post some pics of your largest know to like Planned Parenthood, United Way, United Negro College Fund etc or some dumb donation to Beto O’Rourke or whatever.

Even at 10% tithe that many evil white people give to churches you can stomach that, let’s see two hundy in some worthwhile lefty endeavors or for f*cks sake send an extry two hundy to the IRS.
I brought this up in a debate, and the woman I was discussing this with said, "most abortions are from women who have been raped, stats don't show it because they are embarrassed to report it." You can't win with them.

I’ll post it if I see it again, but I saw in Florida they record all the reasons, including no reason given.

~20% were can’t afford a child right now
~80% gave no reason

The remaining >1% were rape, incest, dangerous for the mom, etc.

EDIT: Found it. It was ~75% gave no reason.

I knew it. You're a spoiled white rich kid.
Typical Berkely Trump hater. Out there in $300 leather boots. $200 skinny jeans. $400 Gucci shirt while driving a $100k car. Hates capitalism.

Works at UPS to get a feel for being around the peasants to build self-loathing.

I hope you lose every penny. Become homeless and then have to suck dong for crack money. Loser.

The most liberal move ever, whether telling the truth or making stuff up, is to spend your time hating on people who earned their wealth and in the next breath bragging about having money you could have never made yourself but someone gave you...

Inheritance smack? That’s the kind of shit you should keep to yourself, dickwad. It sure as hell isn't impressive to get someone’s death money handed to you.

Congrats on being in the 1% that you hate tho!

I tell you what, if you want to really impress me post some pics of your largest know to like Planned Parenthood, United Way, United Negro College Fund etc or some dumb donation to Beto O’Rourke or whatever.

Even at 10% tithe that many evil white people give to churches you can stomach that, let’s see two hundy in some worthwhile lefty endeavors or for f*cks sake send an extry two hundy to the IRS.

All this because someone inherited money? One guy said “spend time bragging about having money!” For reference, orange guy in office is a failson that campaigned bragging on money, was constantly saved by his old man and inherited money...also, admitted to cheating the IRS, been caught lying about donating to charity, and is afraid to show his taxes. Crickets...

Rex kwon you do realize two million dollars doesn’t put you in the 1%, right?
Heard some snippets of Beshear's acceptance speech last night on the local news. He immediately went into attack mode by criticizing Bevin for only capturing 52% of the vote in the Republican primary.

Somebody should tell Beshear that he captured less than 38% of the vote in the Democratic primary.

You libs acting like it is going to be a cakewalk this November are seriously underestimating the alienating effect of the liberal agenda on most Kentuckians.
he's in the top 1% for the year, and if he has any sense 2 mil is enough to keep you there in perpetuity.

30k puts you in top 10% for the world.

it's ok to take from those sluts Kardashians and that 180 hour work week having Bezos to feed your lusts, but it's not ok to take from you to give to the rest of the world's actual poor, isn't it?
Bevin's the man. Somebody had to tell these dipshit teachers to STFU. Hey, try to get our educational ranking above #49 before you skip school.

I love that in politics if there’s someone who tries to cut back government waste as if it was a household budget, you’re demonized. No one wants to be the responsible one and say enough.

Because once something is given to someone and then it gets taken away, entitlement kicks in and then they feel they’re being wronged.
Heard some snippets of Beshear's acceptance speech last night on the local news. He immediately went into attack mode by criticizing Bevin for only capturing 52% of the vote in the Republican primary.

Somebody should tell Beshear that he captured less than 38% of the vote in the Democratic primary.

You libs acting like it is going to be a cakewalk this November are seriously underestimating the alienating effect of the liberal agenda on most Kentuckians.

If Bevin wins, it will be an indictment to how much people hate the Democrat Party’s radical ideology.
It’s called proving a point @ballerstu2u but whatever. I’ve never stopped to look it up until you posted that. But I did. By net worth it’s $770k which he prolly hit when he was handed 2 mill of someone else’s coin. So thanks, yes he is 1%.

It also has a by income standard of $420k per year which thankfully our Canuck friend is nowhere near hitting but some folks here may have :scream:.
he's in the top 1% for the year, and if he has any sense 2 mil is enough to keep you there in perpetuity.

30k puts you in top 10% for the world.

it's ok to take from those sluts Kardashians and that 180 hour work week having Bezos to feed your lusts, but it's not ok to take from you to give to the rest of the world's actual poor, isn't it?

But, wouldn’t giving to the poor be socialism? I agree, we should do a lot more for the poor, we should tax the rich at a higher rate, it’s proven effective. Take from us all to help those less well off regarding socioeconomic status. Would you all agree?
i do agree, but it's called the progressive tax system, employed everywhere basically already.

socialism taxes you to keep you poorer, not the idealized version you have in your mind that's never seen the light of day because it simply doesn't work like that
It will be close, mainly due to the liberal ignorance that forgot who put this state in financial straits for 8 yrs prior to Bevin. The crooked son will also get a lot of support from teachers who think that there is some magic money tree Bevin is refusing to use.
Now that Plat is in the 1%, he'll get an expensive CPA to shelter his money to pay the lowest possible tax rate. Just like every other hypocrite liberal. All while telling every hard working American to pay their "fair share". Plat is a hypocrite and I hope he loses every cent of it. Guaranteed he won't give a dime to charity or any other liberal orgn that he rides his high horse on. Loser

Maybe fuzz/rq will talk him into paying that huge ass inheritance tax.
FYI, I’ve met fuzz. We’ve tailgated at a few UK games and laughed at how all the idiots in the echo chamber think we are the same person.
We do have similar backgrounds which may be the reason we share some common views.
[laughing] This is truly amazing. Think about the type of psycho it takes to keep two college sports message boards handles up for almost 10 years and act like they are legitimately different people. A professional troll is one thing; at least they seemingly have a goal. RQ just got outed as a liar and a cheat and created a fake account to defend himself and simply cannot let his alter ego go.

Next time anything bizarre happens in Nashville (i.e. crazy person with feces smeared all over themselves threatens to blow up the Hardee's for working with Trump) I'm going to assume it's RQ until fuzz makes a post in here.

[roll]I can't stop laughing at the progression from "never met the guy" ---->>> "I think fuzz is from Versailles, idk" ---->>> "We're actually good friends and tailgate together and live in the same town and lol we laugh about how you dummies think we're the same person". Give it up, RQ. Literally no one is buying it; except you and you're obviously broken psyche
Bevin is not good with his words.

The ammo he has against beshear is substantial, but can he convey that message so that voters aren’t disgusted by the way he says it. Fn yankee ass...

Beshear isn’t a good speaker at all, but his message will appeal to voters, and his ammo against Bevin is substantial. He won’t say one word that doesn’t poll well with voters.

This is gonna be embarrassing for the state, but it will come down to policy for voters when they step in the booth. Economy vs feelings sort of deal.
i do agree, but it's called the progressive tax system, employed everywhere basically already.

socialism taxes you to keep you poorer, not the idealized version you have in your mind that's never seen the light of day because it simply doesn't work like that

In theory, the progressive tax system is great. But in actuality, it’s common that those more wealthy pay little to no taxes.

In my mind, I’d say to tax wealthier people and corporations more. Funnel more to public school systems, public works, etc. and create additional higher earners. We have a tax an economic mobility problem in America
Now that Plat is in the 1%, he'll get an expensive CPA to shelter his money to pay the lowest possible tax rate. Just like every other hypocrite liberal. All while telling every hard working American to pay their "fair share". Plat is a hypocrite and I hope he loses every cent of it. Guaranteed he won't give a dime to charity or any other liberal orgn that he rides his high horse on. Loser

Maybe fuzz/rq will talk him into paying that huge ass inheritance tax.

Gassy...out of curiosity, what would you do with $2,000,000?
In theory, the progressive tax system is great. But in actuality, it’s common that those more wealthy pay little to no taxes.

In my mind, I’d say to tax wealthier people and corporations more. Funnel more to public school systems, public works, etc. and create additional higher earners. We have a tax an economic mobility problem in America
Public entities are monopolies they have no incentive to do things cost efficiently, how is that a good idea, more options means consumers win
The biggest knock on Bevin was the pension fiasco.

What is Beshear's plan? Keep the status quo, but we can beef it up with gambling revenue.

Why is it that our state college and university employees have done away with pensions and are offered 403b/457b? The sky did not fall and life goes on.

UK will double their employees 5% contribution.

It just very disingenuous to prop up pensions at this point.
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In theory, the progressive tax system is great. But in actuality, it’s common that those more wealthy pay little to no taxes.

the top 10% pay 80% of the tax burden.

you can google the exact number, but that the tax system might have loopholes for some to exploit is entirely different issue and point than one you are trying to mischaracterize, either you are being willfully ignorant or dishonest to suit your ideaology

you tell me.

I. We have a tax an economic mobility problem in America

That is something which can always be improved, but quite literally there is no where in the history of history where economic mobility has been better than here and now, say post WW2 America on.
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In theory, the progressive tax system is great. But in actuality, it’s common that those more wealthy pay little to no taxes.

In my mind, I’d say to tax wealthier people and corporations more. Funnel more to public school systems, public works, etc. and create additional higher earners. We have a tax an economic mobility problem in America
Dems raised taxes on the wealthy substantially in 2012 (Obama refused to include one penny of spending cuts that the GOP requested despite campaigning on a "balanced" approach). It made zero impact on income equality and federal debt (sequestration did a little) was booming when he left, up $100b his last year. Pure populist fantasy that an independent should not fall for.
the top 10% pay 80% of the tax burden.

you can google the exact number, but that the tax system might have loopholes for some to exploit is entirely different issue and point than one you are trying to mischaracterize, either you are being willfully ignorant or dishonest to suit your ideaology

you tell me.

That is something which can always be improved, but quite literally there is no where in the history of history where economic mobility has been better than here and now, say post WW2 America on.

Lower income people pay more of their earnings to taxes than those in higher tax brackets. And what happened with taxes after World War II?
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the top 10% pay 80% of the tax burden.

you can google the exact number, but that the tax system might have loopholes for some to exploit is entirely different issue and point than one you are trying to mischaracterize, either you are being willfully ignorant or dishonest to suit your ideaology

you tell me.

That is something which can always be improved, but quite literally there is no where in the history of history where economic mobility has been better than here and now, say post WW2 America on.
Several of us have posted the charts of fewer people living in poverty ad nauseam. Does not matter to the feelings/buzzword collective.
But, wouldn’t giving to the poor be socialism? I agree, we should do a lot more for the poor, we should tax the rich at a higher rate, it’s proven effective. Take from us all to help those less well off regarding socioeconomic status. Would you all agree?
Huge, Gigantic difference between the Wealthy or anyone for that matter VOLUNTARILY donating their money directly to worthy causes versus the government forcing it on everyone through taxation, then actually distributing pennies on the dollar to those causes because the rest goes into the pockets of politicians, lobbyists, and the 4932 government interns they have administering the socialist policy.
Dems raised taxes on the wealthy substantially in 2012 (Obama refused to include one penny of spending cuts that the GOP requested despite campaign on a "balanced" approached). It made zero impact on income equality and federal debt (sequestration did a little). Pure populist fantasy that an independent should not fall for.

Raised it less than 5%. And Reagan cut them how many times? How did that work? How is it working now?