How will they rule ??!

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And the FBI is faaaaaar too busy trying to run a bullshit obstruction entrapment sting to worry about any pesky domestic terrorists. Sorry Cardkilla. You and Eminiem aren't going to catch the president's eye.
Apparently a school shooting in Maryland...

A student pulled a gun out and shot two other students at a high school in southeast Maryland Tuesday morning before he was wounded himself, the St. Mary’s County sheriff said.

He was wounded himself? What exactly does that mean, he shot himself? Well let's go down a few paragraphs under the ad link...

The shooter exchanged fire with a school resource officer on campus and was wounded

Oh, uh, that seems like a pretty important detail to leave out of the first paragraph.

Quick, get the brooms. Cardkilla will lift the rug.
Apparently a school shooting in Maryland...

A student pulled a gun out and shot two other students at a high school in southeast Maryland Tuesday morning before he was wounded himself, the St. Mary’s County sheriff said.

He was wounded himself? What exactly does that mean, he shot himself? Well let's go down a few paragraphs under the ad link...

The shooter exchanged fire with a school resource officer on campus and was wounded

Oh, uh, that seems like a pretty important detail to leave out of the first paragraph.

Quick, get the brooms. Cardkilla will lift the rug.

Not bad, we are 1 for 2 in terms of SROs doing their jobs.

I also noticed in the article they gave the Parkland kids even more free press by quoting her tweet. They need to go the **** away.
I can only imagine how pissed off those little Florida CNN kids are that there was someone with a gun at this school to stop the shooting.

The optics of the SRO shooting the guy probably help too. If that becomes commonplace, it should have a deterring effect on potential future shooters, knowing he may end up in a shootout rather than just picking helpless kids off.
@FrankUnderwood Thanks for bumping a basketball thread from Valentine's Day, bud. Really brought out the worst of Rafters to pound their chests and get upset at fans being critical of a team who had just lost four straight. Ha. I saw that and got notifications and said, "Frank, what have you done, man?"

San Francisco is the worst city in the U.S. and yes, I think it deserves that honor over Detroit. Why would anyone want this crap for where they live? These are Dem-controlled cities who care nothing about this yet want to bring even more poverty in.

San Francisco IS the worst. No doubt about it.

And as far as the bump thread lol... just having a little fun. :)

This season has shown the true colors of some “fans”
Criticisms , critiques , blowing of steam etc is normal and justified but as literally had fans bashing the ever loving $hit out out players and legit calling for Cal to be fired / replaced with Chris Mack , Tony Bennett and rick Barnes lol...
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This guy posted a video of a dog looking like he was doing a nazi salute. He had 8 YouTube followers. He was just convicted. Since, over 3 million have viewed the video.

What a joke. They're so ashamed of 70 years ago they're going to eventually do it all over again.
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bunch of cry babies. .


Read the last paragraph of this article.

What an effing moron. Basically calling for any means necessary to destroy what America is. These people get so triggered just because someone has a different opinion.

I hope America somehow gets back to a point where most people can critically think for themselves, not obsess over what to be offended by next, not protest to have rights taken from them and just stop being so damn dumb.

Then I hope the author of that article cries himself to sleep every night for the rest of his life.
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Apparently a school shooting in Maryland...

A student pulled a gun out and shot two other students at a high school in southeast Maryland Tuesday morning before he was wounded himself, the St. Mary’s County sheriff said.

He was wounded himself? What exactly does that mean, he shot himself? Well let's go down a few paragraphs under the ad link...

The shooter exchanged fire with a school resource officer on campus and was wounded

Oh, uh, that seems like a pretty important detail to leave out of the first paragraph.

Quick, get the brooms. Cardkilla will lift the rug.

Impossible. Super strict gun laws in Maryland. Fake news.

Read the last paragraph of this article.

Yep. It’s despicable. Even still, so so many claim the “right” is paranoid, racist , sexist etc etc

Literally if you even mention you may support trump you’re immediately labeled.
It’s bullshittt

The UNHINGED left are giving the few REAL democrats/ libs a very very bad name.
I feel like much of the country is starting to catch on to the lefts ridiculousness these days though...? Hopefully?
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It's been proven over and over again that immigrants (both illegal and legal) are a net positive for the economy. Trump admin tried to hide a report that said just that recently. Every recent Republican President has increased the deficit from where it was when they took over. Clinton left a surplus and Obama reduced from 1.1T to 360BB. You and your buddies just applauded the recent pork giveaway to corporations and fat cats. Our taxes have been historically low for years. Just keep carrying water for your corporate overlords. They appreciate your support while they destroy the rights of the working man. Applauded by the GOP. Excited by reduced regulations that allow them to contaminate the air and water we breathe. Money is all that Republicans care about. Could care less what they leave for their kids and grandkids. What can I get now, future be damned. Just sickening.

Republicans have shown in Kansas and now Oklahoma that their economic philosophy does not work. Taking money from the poor and middle class and giving it to the rich is not a sound strategy but that's what it is. And now we have it on a national scale. It will probably end the same way. Yeah the division of country went wild because Republicans thought Obama was the anti-Christ. Who started the divisive birther movement?

The person advocating killing a bunch of liberals is calling me a nut job...that's just rich buddy.
You must love regurgitating fake news. We shell out billions a year to illegals alone from the tax payer and you want to spout the lies the left tells to keep their voting base coming in. Without illegals you guys don't stand a chance. Get a job you bum.
So who's the bomber? Now there saying it could be a group of people?

Crazy church group? Nut job?
This should be a much bigger story than what it is. Someone (or maybe a group of people) are literally blowing people up in a US city. There was another bomb found at FEDEx this afternoon.

Whoever it is, is getting more brazen.
That nyt op/ed

Man what a miserable clunt... I can’t remember reading something that defeatist, self-loathing and pathetic in a very long time.
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