How will they rule ??!

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Again..McCain and Romney talked pretty much zero about religion and were nominated. Stupid sterotyping.
HRC was against gay marriage in 2012
I don't even know what "anti-LGBT" is from a policy perspective.

BTW, Gary Johnson was 3rd in the CPAC straw poll in 2011 and the featured speaker at their conference. You sure you voted for him, FTS?
Why would Cruz, Rubio, Huckabee etc. stay quiet about their stances on social issues when there are so many votes to be mined from the Christian Conservative block that dominates the GOP? They're going to push pro religion, anti-abortion, and anti-LGBT issues in the debates and on the campaign trail to try to win those votes. And they will label anyone not in lock-step with them as "RINO's".

With this type of voting block in the GOP you almost can't win with them, and you sure can't win without them.

Well, they should stay quiet because 1950 Christianity in America is out the door. Those bigot views aren't received here anymore and if any politician wants to ride those issues, then they will get defeated. 100%. The demographics have changed.


Here is Massie, Amash, and Paul walking out after defeating the Patriot Act renewal. Real Americans.
There should be plenty of right leaning voters who will consider Gary Johnson in 2016 if he runs again, really anyone that doesn't want to be part of the Bible thumping GOP tent party.

Johnson's views on social issues:

Supports a women's right to choose until fetal viability
Supports separation of religion and state
Supports an overturn CA Prop. 8: Let gays marry.

He's fiscally conservative and socially liberal, a true libertarian - unlike Rand Paul. I don't agree with everything the Libertarian party stands for but there was enough to get my vote in 2012.
Well, they should stay quiet because 1950 Christianity in America is out the door. Those bigot views aren't received here anymore and if any politician wants to ride those issues, then they will get defeated. 100%. The demographics have changed.


Here is Massie, Amash, and Paul walking out after defeating the Patriot Act renewal. Real Americans.

You're right about the new Tea party, the moral crackpots took over and hijacked what was potentially a legit third party.
Bachman wraps herself in the flag and if you are against her then you are un-Patriotic. While squashing people's inalienable rights such as the pursuit of happiness if it violates her perception of God's will.
Just want a fiscally conservative yet socially liberal candidate.
Again..McCain and Romney talked pretty much zero about religion and were nominated. Stupid sterotyping.
HRC was against gay marriage in 2012
I don't even know what "anti-LGBT" is from a policy perspective.

BTW, Gary Johnson was 3rd in the CPAC straw poll in 2011 and the featured speaker at their conference. You sure you voted for him, FTS?
Rack 'em.

Is there any question which side is *really* driving the social issues to the forefront? Good gravy boats, what is an anti-lgbt issue? I mean, at what point do we just say eff it you win, can we move on? Could not care less what those folks are doing with their jibbly bits. How tf many people are we even talking about? Talk about the 50Kth thing down the list.

Also, the Gary Johnson stuff just slays me. Sure, there are believers that voted for him, some even here. And that's fine. But half or 3/4's of anyone that utters his name didn't/wouldn't vote for him jf their home was aflame and Gary M.F. Johnson was dousing it out, shirtless, by one man bucket brigade.

("Independent" Thinker Democrat): I tell you, friends, that Gary Johnson is just what this country needs!

(Regular Person): Don't know much about him, you vote for him? What's he stand for?

("I"TD): (grumble grumble)Well, no. I voted party line Democrat, as per usual (garble blargh grumble)

(RP): So you're a total 'bag, yes?

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Supports a women's right to choose until fetal viability

EXACTLY the stance the GOP just put forth and HRC said it was anti-woman.

But you are ignoring the obvious make several stereotypical remarks about the GOP, that were also incorrect, but supposedly voted for a guy that was embraced at CPAC. Do you even know what CPAC is? In summary, you are either wrong about the stereotypes or you are a closet bigot of various kinds.

GJ got just under 1% in 2012, probably the same percentage that are supporting HRC 18 months out from the election.

All the above is rhetorical to those of us who remember your posts during the 2012 campaign. The dance though is humorous to watch.
With the announcement of Lindsey Graham that he is running for the Republican nomination, that brings the total to 9. Once again guessing the vote gets split in the primaries and Republican's end up with another terrible candidate for the White House.
Exactly and, they beat themselves up in the debates. Stupid is as stupid does. They have not learned their lesson yet.
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The economy is awful, less people working now than has in close to 40 years, China is flexing their muscle in southeast Asia, Russia is led by a psychopath with an inferiority complex, and ISIS is running rampant in the Mideast, and we're worried about lgbt issues and f**king abortion?

I'm embarrased at the state this country's in, can some one with some balls please step up to the plate.
Dude chill out and try some reading comprehension. I referring to them as having high overhead and inefficiencies and doctors finding them hard to work with not the care.
I understood exactly what you meant, and I wasn't even pointing that at you. Just the state of what the nation finds important.
With the announcement of Lindsey Graham that he is running for the Republican nomination, that brings the total to 9. Once again guessing the vote gets split in the primaries and Republican's end up with another terrible candidate for the White House.

I would say at least half of these 20 or so "hopefulls" aren't really running for president, they're running for "talk show host", "author" or "lecturer".
you honestly just have no idea what you're talking about.
Sorry you wasted a rant on something you made up in your head.

Doctors find medicare and Medicaid easy to deal with and need little overhead to do so...noted.
Sorry you wasted a rant on something you made up in your head.

Doctors find medicare and Medicaid easy to deal with and need little overhead to do so...noted.
no, i just remembered why i stopped trying to discuss health policy with you >2 years ago. i mean, should it shock me that I get such superficial and uninformed responses from a guy who posts tweets about celebrity sex changes?
no, i just remembered why i stopped trying to discuss health policy with you >2 years ago. i mean, should it shock me that I get such superficial and uninformed responses from a guy who posts tweets about celebrity sex changes?
No prob, that was the same time you called UCA well thought out and well debated. You have some inherent bias involved. No biggie. I have a dozen or so friends and family in HC and they universally talk of the pain of dealing with those programs. Sounds like you need to go into consulting. And that is just the doctors' side. The govt overhead and loss to fraud (have seen estimates of $50-60b) is another story.

The sex change tweet was a mock of our culture, getting to a million followers quicker than the POTUS.
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The economy is awful, less people working now than has in close to 40 years, China is flexing their muscle in southeast Asia, Russia is led by a psychopath with an inferiority complex, and ISIS is running rampant in the Mideast, and we're worried about lgbt issues and f**king abortion?

I'm embarrased at the state this country's in, can some one with some balls please step up to the plate.

Dont forget FIFA. We cant let soccer be corrupt. No way, no how.
Reports of bomb threats??? OH MY.

Report shows 95% of illegal stuff made it through TSA in testing situations. OH MY.

Once again, idiots, you can literally walk in the White House. They (the man) certainly do not give one F about your safety. So, please, keep voting for what they tell you to vote for. We don't have enough rules/laws/regulations to keep us safe...yet. Keep voting to ruin our lives in the name of safety. We ain't even close. Can you imagine how much life would suck once we finally do pass enough laws to keep us safe? Bubble boy for all!!! Don't ever leave your house. Tune in to NBC and hold your children tight you sackless bastards.
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Reports of bomb threats??? OH MY.

Report shows 95% of illegal stuff made it through TSA in testing situations. OH MY.

Once again, idiots, you can literally walk in the White House. They (the man) certainly do not give one F about your safety. So, please, keep voting for what they tell you to vote for. We don't have enough rules/laws/regulations to keep us safe...yet. Keep voting to ruin our lives in the name of safety. We ain't even close. Can you imagine how much life would suck once we finally do pass enough laws to keep us safe? Bubble boy for all!!! Don't ever leave your house. Tune in to NBC and hold your children tight you sackless bastards.
Let's not forget all of the "reform" and "regulations" this admin has passed down to Wall Street yet they continue to get richer and richer while the middle class and small business gets poorer and poorer. Damn those Republicans for hating poor people.
Nope. That'll go on regardless of any legality standing in their way.

Or maybe because we the people literally sign waivers allowing our info to be distributed as companies/government sees fit...

I'm so sick of people, man.

At the end of the day, we voted and approved alllllll this bullshit.

Man I was listening to that Will T Scott dude. Shame. Exactly the type of person we need in office, and exactly the type of person that will never be accepted. It's total bullshit. We get what we deserve.
Or maybe because we the people literally sign waivers allowing our info to be distributed as companies/government sees fit...

I'm so sick of people, man.

At the end of the day, we voted and approved alllllll this bullshit.

Man I was listening to that Will T Scott dude. Shame. Exactly the type of person we need in office, and exactly the type of person that will never be accepted. It's total bullshit. We get what we deserve.

Yep. Just like Rand Paul wanting to audit the fed, rolling back these intrusive monitoring by the feds will never happen. Any candidate for either will never have a chance.

Think people like Soros and the Kochs have too much political power? You'd be right. But it pales in comparison to the kind of power at work to ensure to real reform candidate gets in office. It'll never happen.
I think the Koch's have too much power.

That's why I want to centralize as much power in the federal government as possible. If the federal government controls health care, education, banking and finance, and can keep all businesses under it's thumb through regulation, that should make it much harder for corporations to buy influence.

Think how much easier it would be if someone had to go to each state or locality to bribe officials to circumvent the constituency and influence education policy or something along those lines.

Nope, the Kochs have to much power. So we need to centralize more power in the federal government.
Yeah right. No way do they risk splitting the general electorate.
Were you talking about rational people then you'd be correct, but you're talking about people that deny climate change and openly mock it. You think they will worry about splitting an election when they aren't worried if the planet turns into a fireball? That nutty bunch could give two flips about anything rational or logical. The only things they are interested in are those that affirm their deliriums. If they convince themselves they're "standing on principle" then they'll sing hymns and go down with the Titanic proudly as Hillary ascends into office.
LOL the planet is turning into a fireball. Yes, you're going to get mocked for saying shit like that.
If you think earth is going to be 480 degrees F and raining sulfuric acid before humanity is long extinct then you deserve to be mocked. Whether you are a physicist or some clown on the internet.
Stephen Hawking isn't above questioning, and if he in fact said that he's doing nothing more than grandstanding.
I agree that climate change is 100% real, but isn't he also afraid of a robot takeover or something?
Good stuff this last page.

Ziusudra telling us he's afraid the earth is going to be over 400 degrees and raining acid on us.

Defense providing a quote about how, "the illusion of knowledge" being a threat to knowledge. In other words, a person being so confident in thinking they actually know what they're talking about is the greatest threat to that person actually learning. Oh, the irony.
And once again, I'll say, no I haven't ever actually studied climate change (other than reading the bullshit Defense has posted to prove he misunderstood what he was posting).

But fact is, unless there's a proposed solution that doesn't involve crony capitalism, I don't really care.

I'd rather burn up in a 400 degree acid rain bath while Ziusudra yells "I told you so" than give one goddam dollar to the pieces of shit in Washington or their buddies running the carbon trading markets and "green energy" companies.