Your big ticket items that you want to see addressed asap?
-The border and deportations, obviously.
-Eliminating as many bureaucrats as possible.
-Rolling back regulations.
-Putting an end to the college loan scam.
-Unleashing American energy.
What else?
Already a lot of great items mentioned by others. I will add
- reinstating single issue legislation and
- mandating public viewing and discussion of all bills for 2 weeks or more prior to being brought to a vote
- mandating the revocation of Congress voting on their own raises. Need to be referendums on that
- lobbying limits with immediate, public declaration of any such transactions between office holders/parties and lobbyists
- revoking insider trading for members of congress AND
- prosecution of politicians who have not only been insider trading but also manipulating markets in doing so
- revoking corporate personhood
- instituting tuition and spending limits for all public colleges and universities as well as taxing them to benefit the communities in which they reside
- mandating proficiency in consumer education and requiring community or military service as part of degree requirements at secondary schools, colleges and universiries
- reintroducing PE requirements and minimums for HS degree
- mandating TRUE and PUBLISHED efficacy and safety testing for all current jabs and their ingredients and any new products brought to market
- preventing the forced or required treatment of any person with any product including any that has not been so properly tested
- mandatory attaching of the death penalty to all murder convictions and convicted rape of children, with the only variable being time until execution (from immediate election by convict to 2 yrs maximum delay)
- restoration nationally of castle doctrine
That's it for now