How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Awkward is me demanding this evidence from you in my Speedo on your front porch.
This ain't awkward.

It's awkward because your'e just ranting hysterically and ignorantly, also very similar to the marxist question.

You don't actually know anything about the wrold, so you just assume it can't be true; that it must be completely outside the realm of possibility. Sure, all the reports could be hoaxes, all those American witnesses of any race/politics could be liars, and you right to favor the migrants over your own countrymen, as the media tells you. But it's not outside of the realm of plausibility. Learn something, read something, travel... do something other than sitting behind your brainwashing google machine, taking out all your ignorant frustratiions here on this meaningless thread in an insignifacnt corner of the itnernet.
So does Hillary get to decide what is "Misinformation"? Who is the arbiter of truth in this circumstance?
She didn't say she was the one to decide.

She mentioned civil means. She's thinking of libel there. And Fox was stung by the Dominion suit and Semantec settled its suit with OANN. Fox owner Rupert Murdoch even acknowledged on the stand that the Fox on-air people lied. They made a show of repentance after the suit, but their content now seems like they're treating even very large settlements simply as the cost of doing business. They make too much money for even billion dollar settlements to discourage them.

Criminal libel used to be a thing. She didn't indicate -- at least in that clip -- if that's what she's thinking of. If money damages don't deter lying, what would? What has happened this election is that it's very difficult to use libel laws when groups are involved. Libel has always been an individual issue. The Haitians in Springfield have been model citizens but they currently have no recourse against Vance and Trump etc spreading malicious stories about them. What is the legal remedy when there is no cost for harmful behavior?
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It's just comical at this point with you clowns on here.
Squawking and flapping your feathers at imaginary Haitian pet eaters.... Kamala the Commie.... Stolen Elections.... etc.
Without EVER being able to produce ANY solid evidence to back up your nutty claims.
Just parroting Trump and hurling insults at anyone who asks for logical evidence to back up illogical claims.
He's taught you well.
You could witness it live and turn on NPR and they would tell you it didn't happened and you would believe them.
Have mentioned before that when I stream often the server is in the Pittsburgh area. Last few days there are Harris ads one after another...all day long. Haven't seen a Trump
So....does Trump's team not placing ads on the streaming apps I use? Dem/libs have a boatload of money to spend? Or, does Trump's team feel comfortable about Penn? (Hope it's the latter)

Also just saw a Harris ad I've never seen. About how she's middle class, blah, blah, blah. But it talks about and show the McD arches how she worked at Mickey D's. Hasn't that been debunked as a debate lie? No evidence at all that she ever worked there?
the resident lol GIF

My bad: It was Code Red: Kiss your ass goodbye.

explode nuclear explosion GIF by Faith Holland
Andy just held a press conference to tell everyone that they still haven't found the shooter. LOL

Okay. Thanks? I guess? LOL

I mean, the fact that he's not in jail or the morgue essentially tells us the same thing but, okay...

Andy likes to talk a lot. I'll give him that.
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This is the poll Baris and Barnes were talking about last week. They were closest in '20 and on the midterms. Baris has gone through the numbers and it closely matches what he's polling. These are actual pollsters and not just odds makers like Polymarket and Nate Silver. Polling is part math, part science and a little bit of just hard work finding groups of people who vote but don't talk to strangers on the phone.

Trump looks to be somewhere between 286 and 312 electoral votes right now.
Why do you think that is?
Because y'all see him as the avatar of your cornered white Christian patriarchy. He hates the people you hate. That's why y'all love him enough to buy and put up all the memorabilia. People who shouldn't be spending that money, wasting it on hate. Say what you want about people left of center, but there is no equivalence on this topic. Even at the height of Obamamania when people were actually hyped for the first Black president entire sections of the country weren't painted with Obama merch.
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Apples to elephants comparison. Many of the teen school shooters are minors incapable of acquiring weapons on the black market. They don't have the ability to drive or the money to purchase them.
Such a helpless, lady like response to solving tough problems.
Just bend over and take the violence without attempting anything eh??
Even at the height of Obamamania when people were actually hyped for the first Black president entire sections of the country weren't painted with Obama merch.

That is incorrect, but his followers were given everything for free vs. having to work for it, not to mention how Obama played the race card and set us back years in fixing racial issues.
Many of the teen school shooters are minors incapable of acquiring weapons on the black market. They don't have the ability to drive or the money to purchase them.

This is blatantly incorrect. Minors in Lexington, for example, have no issues w/ acquiring guns if they decide to run w/ the wrong crowds.

You seriously are one stupid person.
😆 😆

Obama, had the most wide-reaching marketing campaign in history, based in large part on Shepard Fairey's work (who later acknowledged that he committed theft, when he desgined that logo)

And like ALL of Fairey's comically derivative "art" it was based on Eastern Bloc propaganda posters. 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

I mean, how fitting is THAT?
Have mentioned before that when I stream often the server is in the Pittsburgh area. Last few days there are Harris ads one after another...all day long. Haven't seen a Trump
So....does Trump's team not placing ads on the streaming apps I use? Dem/libs have a boatload of money to spend? Or, does Trump's team feel comfortable about Penn? (Hope it's the latter)

Also just saw a Harris ad I've never seen. About how she's middle class, blah, blah, blah. But it talks about and show the McD arches how she worked at Mickey D's. Hasn't that been debunked as a debate lie? No evidence at all that she ever worked there?
They know they are behind in PA. It's still within margin of error but undecided voters are swinging for Trump. Dems stopped registering voters in PA because they realized they were more likely to register a Trump voter than Kamala. They've already registered all their sheep in '20.
This is blatantly incorrect. Minors in Lexington, for example, have no issues w/ acquiring guns if they decide to run w/ the wrong crowds.

You seriously are one stupid person.
What's stupid is making it easier, not harder to get those weapons if you are a mentally ill teen. The vast majority are not getting them on the black market. They are getting them out of a gun rack at home fool. 🤡
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Because y'all see him as the avatar of your cornered white Christian patriarchy. He hates the people you hate. That's why y'all love him enough to buy and put up all the memorabilia. People who shouldn't be spending that money, wasting it on hate. Say what you want about people left of center, but there is no equivalence on this topic. Even at the height of Obamamania when people were actually hyped for the first Black president entire sections of the country weren't painted with Obama merch.
Obama was as much white as he was black. Did he renounce his mother's whole side of his family? He wasn't black. He wasn't white. He was Bi-racial and there was a crap ton of Obama merch floating around back then.
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Obama was as much white as he was black. Did he renounce his mother's whole side of his family? He wasn't black. He wasn't white. He was Bi-racial and there was a crap ton of Obama merch floating around back then.
I was informed by my bi-racial nephews that black people refer to them/that as "half-ricans"
Apples to elephants comparison. Many of the teen school shooters are minors incapable of acquiring weapons on the black market. They don't have the ability to drive or the money to purchase them.
Such a helpless, lady like response to solving tough problems.
Just bend over and take the violence without attempting anything eh??
You mean like Summer of Love (aka coup attempt against Trump)? You remember, of course.

And you plan on voting for one of the sorry-ass former senators, now VP, behind it.

How dare you. How GD dare you.

Violence = violence, right?

How the fake news sausage is made:1) Trump/Vance highlight stories embarrassing to Kamala Harris2) Anonymous bomb threats/KKK flyers mysteriously appear, undermining Trump/Vance 3) Media flood the zone 4) Bomb threats revealed as foreign hoax (likely orchestrated by anti-Trump apparatchiks) 5) Media keep flooding the zone w/ the original fake news anyway
I always like how the left's entire narrative and news is always some shadowy thing that can't be seen but I'm supposed to ignore the videos of cats being grilled and fileted as "not really happening" but blindly believe phone threats, letters, anonymous sources.

Don't believe your eyes, everyone. You're imagining the videos of rampant crime, the violent assaults, the third world savagery. Believe the government TV outlets. They know best. Go get another shot just to be safe too.
Welllll, the Ohio case that set him off on months of insane ramblings, actually was an illegal boyfriend of the illegal mother.

Not sure of the child was a citizen or not. Birthright citizenship, and all.
The illegals involved are simply products of their culture. In their culture, nothing happened out of the norm. G-School Sambortion opposes only white culture and pushing that on anyone with non-Euro lineage...but only when that fits a narrative.

When you have "brown" people acting out based on their culture....that can be used to push an even greater narrative (abortion). You can act as though the poor brown child had her "white cultural rights" denied. This by having to be driven a couple hours east to achieve his white leftists version of how he wants things to be. This is known as his "luxury beliefs."

He is a fraud.