1. We are not discussing number of illegal aliens living in the country. We are discussing illegal entry. This, to your point, should be easy to understand, yet you seem to refuse to do so.The Border Patrol counts contacts. Not individuals. 1 individual may try 10 times. Then, maybe one time they get in. That's 1 illegal alien. But that 1 person shows up as 11 contacts. IOW, the number of contacts doesn't equal the number of illegal aliens living in the country. Is that too hard to understand?
But [and here is a slight change of subject] we've made being an illegal alien in this country a felony. So, Governor Abbott put bunches and bunches of illegal aliens on buses and moved them to a different state. As a PR stunt. That sure sounds like misprision of a felony to me. Hundreds of counts. $145,000,000 worth of felonies. [That's the cost to Texas of his stunt.]
2. By your painfully twisted log, you are asserting that the jump from roughly 500,000 illegal border crossings per year under a Trump to over 2 million per year under Biden immediately after he took office is merely a representation of the Border Patrol suddenly encountering the same illegal invaders over and over far more often under Biden, instead of there actually being an increase in the flooding of our country.
That’s some impressive willful misinterpretation of data.
3. I don’t give a flying crap about Governor Abbott. Misprision of a felony? Take that up with our resident attorneys on the board. But given your otherwise poorly conceived notions, I’m willing to bet you’re well off base on this point too.