How will they rule ??!

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If their parents won’t pay, lock their ass up or sterilize them after two kids. It’s sickening how some just play the system. Some kids whose parents don’t work and live off the government have more than those that just scrape by but have too much pride to receive handouts. These progressives think everybody should have equal income because many of them don’t work. Pisses me off.
So keep free lunch for all?
Biden has a very strict EO in place for the border right now.
Republicans are the ones that never passed a border law under Trump and refused to pass one under Biden.
The border union asked for the one written by a Republican and backed by Dems in Congress.
Trump trashed the deal.
The American people aren't stupid and saw all this happen.
The whole premise of your argument is garbage.
Turn off Hannity and open your eyes.
Are you huffing solvent?
Obviously not a Trump guy here but I like the question.

Before the debate with Biden - 3
Afterward plus the insane attempt on Trump's life - 8 or 9
Right now - 2

I could name the reasons why but I just think the country wants something other than Trump or Biden and now Biden isn't an issue.
While I agree folks want someone else I disagree that someone is anything like Harris.

Trump had this election won.. but he then he took his gun aimed it at his feet n keeps shooting.
Yeah, Biden crapped up all the successful border stuff that Trump had going. Literally changed everything just because Trump fixed it. Any moron could see the difference during Trump years at the Border and what Biden turned it into. He couldn't leave the control of the border alone could he? Just had to get him ten million illegals in for more Dem voters. In addition to the flights. He couldn't keep things by the law just because of the voters he wanted to maintain that power that they are all about. Some of us aren't idiots like you think.
I have been critical of Biden's border policy. He did nothing for 3.5 years. I fully admit that as a Dem.
But the Dems in Congress were working behind the scenes with Republicans to craft a border law that could pass thru Congress.
They had a bill that could pass. The Border Union was behind it. Biden was ready to sign it.... And Trump sh** on it for pure political reasons.
Biden then issued an EO to stop the stream of immigrants at the border.
Trump had 2 full years where he had a Republican majority in Congress and DID NOTHING.
Republicans are just as much to blame for the border BS as Dems are.
After trashing a darn good border law that was written by a Republican....
y'all can't say Jack Sh**.
Most Americans know this.
Getting into a policy debate on the border with me is useless for you. We're as far apart as the Sun and Moon.
The far right bitching about the border is pure comedic gold.
Trump had 2 full years of a Republican majority and passed nothing.
Nobody on the right seems to understand ASYLUM law.
A Republican wrote the best border bill Congress has seen in my lifetime. Dems signed on. Biden was ready to sign it and then the Trump ass kissers tanked the bill because Orange Man said so.
They are a joke. Not a funny one either.
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Lol it's almost like the pulling of Biden was timed perfectly to coincide with a huge boost in media buzz, followed by an increase in polling, from a party who, a week before Bidens debate, insinuated he was totally fine.

This isn't hard too figure out, and it's almost sort of the same thing that happened with the Trump assassination attempt. These events riled the supporters and dominated the news cycle. Each took their lead in the polls and increased their chances of winning.

Except, you know, one actually happened and the other was staged probably 3 years ago. You can go back all year in this very thread to find a lot of us saying "they will likely pull Biden just a few months before the election in a strategic move"..

At some point Kamala is going to have to answer some questions and show people how she can lead a country. I live in a Dem county, and in a Dem state, and I don't think anyone is truly "excited" at the prospect of her being president. No Kennedy democrats I know that are excited to vote for her.. just super progressive wackadoos.
seriously? at some point you think she’s going to have to answer some questions? she’s a dem. she won’t have to answer shit.
I have been critical of Biden's border policy. He did nothing for 3.5 years. I fully admit that as a Dem.
But the Dems in Congress were working behind the scenes with Republicans to craft a border law that could pass thru Congress.
They had a bill that could pass. The Border Union was behind it. Biden was ready to sign it.... And Trump sh** on it for pure political reasons.
Biden then issued an EO to stop the stream of immigrants at the border.
Trump had 2 full years where he had a Republican majority in Congress and DID NOTHING.
Republicans are just as much to blame for the border BS as Dems are.
After trashing a darn good border law that was written by a Republican....
y'all can't say Jack Sh**.
Most Americans know this.
You know that bill was not going to touch the problem they had created. A few Republicans, like McConnell in the Senate for instance, have always over compromised with the Dems on some legislature just to say they helped pass a bill. That is all this was. I know that because of what it said. It wasn't going to make a difference. Pretty much all of the bad stuff was still in play. These few people wanted to pass that bill to say to the naive people of the country 'look what we did, we passed a bill to help the border.' And most would have believed it because most average Americans don't keep up with things like that in detail. Would just like for any Dem to tell me why Biden changed ANY of Trumps policies on the border. All he had to do was finish the wall and leave everything in tact. Remain in Mexico was big in keeping our country clean from gangs, criminals, killers, terrorists and druggies. I just really don't see what you are talking about in that bill that was good.