What exactly are Dems getting? Ukrainian funding? More Republicans voted for that than just a handful. I don't see any of their other significant policy priorities being voted through. Is Johnson getting them Medicare for All? Amnesty? Nope.
People are just delusional. This whole rotating Speaker of the House position happened with McCarthy because of EIGHT Republican representatives. EIGHT. That is nowhere near a majority of the chamber or the caucus at large. And it was stupid to get rid of McCarthy who ran circles around Biden on the debt negotiation. Get rid of Johnson and I guarantee you won't find a single person who will get a majority between now and November. And that will guarantee massive Republican losses as it becomes apparent that they have no willingness to actually govern and just want to sow dysfunction.
But hey, it's better to posture and act a fool like MTG, who has zero policies to fix anything that ails the country and is only a fan of hearing her own voice. It crowds out sensible conservative policy that wins elections and gets things done.