This is where you always go off the rails. Yes....her position on pedophiles is idiotic. You can't fix pedophiles with dolls. That is dumb AF.
But to say her kid is trans because she made them that way is not really how that works 99.9 percent of the time. Yes it is possible....but not likely.
I don't have any friends with trans kids but do have friends with gay kids. One in particular is the manliest man of all my buddies. He went to West Point....played football for Army.....and prior to having a gay son was VERY Homophobic and slanderous towards gays. Always thought it was a choice...until he had a gay son.
He was raised full on boy....pushed to play sports, attended church weekly etc.
Despite all of that he hated sports, loved drama club and theater.
He is FLAMING gay. Great kid but you know he is gay within 5 seconds of meeting him.
His other son is straight as an arrow and a man's man like his dad.
My point being that being trans/gay etc is not taught by parents or teachers. There may be societal influence but that only goes so far. People are gonna be who they are regardless.
Btw....Saw his son in a show in Tennessee and he was great and so damn happy to be supported by family and friends.