Did not know Trump stole an election. I do know that people with any kind of IQ would not vote for a man like Biden. Only way he got that many votes was by mail in voting. No way there is that many low IQ people in the country. I don't care if they have a D or R by their name as long as they are doing what is best for the country. Trump proved what he could, even with people like you hating him. As far as the Pence thing, it's been going on four years. Why isn't the man in jail? Trump doesn't have a DOJ to hide behind like your boy does. Why did a lot of the material the rogue house committee got rid of concerning January 6th disappear? Do you even know that? Your knowledge is what you have heard on the bias media. You have no comment about the first priority of any president, to ensure the safety of the people. Biden is the only president that would open a border and put Americans life in more danger. Bid literally has lots of blood on his hands. And more to come. No big deal, right? Not your family. People losing lives because of this seems pretty big to me but apparently not to you. You just worry about everything says and to heck with everything else. I will say it again, any human that can't see the difference between the two men does not vote for the best man for the job but whoever has a D beside his name. The way the country has been torn apart you can't care about the country. You will vote for a criminal that is protected by his DOJ and a man that American lives do not matter to him. You won't care about the lower class being put in worse shape with higher prices. You are for the illegals coming in over them. You won't care about young kids getting their bodies mutilated. You won't care about all the crime going on. Could go on and on but I'm out.