How will they rule ??!

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A quick post about inflation for those that don't understand why it was "suddenly" going up so fast-

Obamacare- underfunded by billions, this program never addressed the "health insurance" problem and how insurance inflated costs immensely. It was offset by the fed printing more money to hide the losses. Those losses were pushed 4-8 years out so they wouldn't fall on the then current admin.

Wars Elsewhere- sending money overseas to be laundered back to companies and "charities" in the US, these illegal (unconstitutional) conflicts helped keep oil and drugs cheap, but also siphoned money away from the people. They cost jobs, savings (retirements), and lives through the prescription drug epidemic, and now the illegal drug epidemic.

Social Injustice Groups- looted and burned cities and neighborhoods to the ground, destroyed hundreds of millions in commercial property. They cost 10s of thousands of jobs in the process, and led to lost tax revenue in the form of income tax, fema actions, and other relief. They also destroyed moral and charitable efforts in schools and cities, driving more people to violence and illegal activities.

Illegal Immigration- one way to drive inflation through the roof is to print more money. There is the same value to the market, but now there is more cash secured by it, thus lowering the value of the currency. Allowing a flood of people into the country (who are clearly not bound by the same laws) does EXACTLY.THE.SAME.THING. More people need more cash/money.

Plandemic- shut the whole thing down for months until it kills off small businesses. Decrease federal revenue dramatically while sending free money to people that aren't earning it. Kill 2 years of instruction with one year of shutdowns and masking. Drives cost up because the education still has to take place. Give away billions to hospitals, insurance companies, and related providers for PPE, testing, unneeded temp facilities, falsifying records and diagnoses, and experimental treatments they KNEW didn't work like they were telling people they did.

"Investigations" and special prosecutors- feeding the government bloat, raising the budget, distracting from more bloated spending, and wasting time. Costly and unconstitutional warrants and raids on citizens, administrators, and attorneys while breaching every ethical constraint on gov abuse of power have hurt the economy and wasted money.

Funding coups- the cia has backed terrorists in other countries to overthrown legitimately elected leaders on multiple continents since well before this century. Some of these funds bought weapons used against our own forces, but the funding of these conflicts has hurt our image abroad and the dollar because of it. Now, many countries are looking at eliminating the petrodollar as their currency.

Allowing lobbying and insider trading- insider trading obviously increases inflation because it artificially creates earnings/gains where they shouldn't be realized. The fact that it is legal for congress or anyone to pump and/or dump a stock or influence the value because of intel, through social media activities, or by congressional legislation is an inflation nightmare. It further takes more money from.
more hands and puts it into the hands of a few dishonestly, and decreases the money supply in circulation among the common people.

Rampant, unprosecuted crime- damage to people's property and person is not being executed justly if at all. This takes the burden of replacing or repairing property and people upon the entire country as insurance, manufacturing, construction, judicial, penal, and medical costs skyrocket.

All of these things increase inflation and should have been seen and their implementation or allowance defined more clearly as acts of treason by any administration or congress instead of relaxing the rules they operated under for over 100 years.
Nikki Haley is going to be a part of the Presidential Election in 2024. She will either be the Republican Candidate for President or Vice President. I think she is going to shake things up in the Republican Party because she can retain the Trump Voters and is also attractive to the moderate voters. She might be the smartest person in race. If she can't beat out DaSantis I could see her being his running mate. If anything she is the one candidate that can probably neutralize Trump more than anyone else but I am not sure if she can beat out DeSantis which means we could see her on the ticket as the VP.

Maybe this is an intern trying to make Joe look like a dumbass or something.
I've kind of wondered the same thing over the months. So many of these tweets don't make sense and some of the timing is suspect.
Unless she has a billionaire backing her she will run out of money before she makes it to the South Carolina primary.
Or she hangs in there till S. Carolina ala Kasich here in Ohio in '16. Even then, being the Gov of Ohio, he barely won. Would Haley win S.C.? I'm not so sure.
Or "Cannonball Run"
Went on a business trip to Atlanta many years ago. While there (a week) met a young lady who was working where I was at. Wasn't flying home till Saturday afternoon so I asked her out for Friday night. Went to the old Underground Atlanta that some friends had told me to check out. Hotel where I stayed was the Olde English Inn which turned out to be within minutes of where she lived with her parents. A few years later we were married and one night after dinner at her parent's house we passed the hotel and noticed a bunch of lights, trucks, etc. So we stopped to see what was going on. They were filming Cannonball Run. Hung around and watched for an hour or so. Saw Burt. He was standing next to a motor home cutting up with Dom DeLuise
Haley = no chance

Pence = see Haley


If the Deep State wants Trump to lose in the primary, they will let this be a 2-horse race between Trump and DeSantis.

Their current efforts increase the likelihood that Trump wins the nomination only to have the election stolen from him in AZ, GA, PA and WI.

So, what are the Deep State’s actual goals here?
I've kind of wondered the same thing over the months. So many of these tweets don't make sense and some of the timing is suspect.

Or she hangs in there till S. Carolina ala Kasich here in Ohio in '16. Even then, being the Gov of Ohio, he barely won. Would Haley win S.C.? I'm not so sure.

Went on a business trip to Atlanta many years ago. While there (a week) met a young lady who was working where I was at. Wasn't flying home till Saturday afternoon so I asked her out for Friday night. Went to the old Underground Atlanta that some friends had told me to check out. Hotel where I stayed was the Olde English Inn which turned out to be within minutes of where she lived with her parents. A few years later we were married and one night after dinner at her parent's house we passed the hotel and noticed a bunch of lights, trucks, etc. So we stopped to see what was going on. They were filming Cannonball Run. Hung around and watched for an hour or so. Saw Burt. He was standing next to a motor home cutting up with Dom DeLuise
No, I see no way Nikki wins South Carolina. She is not as popular there as the media would like us to believe, Trump carries South Carolina by double digits if 15 were in the primary.

He has Lindsey Graham behind him and I think Graham may be heading up the Trump Campaign in South Carolina. I have a friend in Spartanburg who told me he was. But I don't know for sure. No matter if he is or isn't Trump takes South Carolina.
Haley = no chance

Pence = see Haley


If the Deep State wants Trump to lose in the primary, they will let this be a 2-horse race between Trump and DeSantis.

Their current efforts increase the likelihood that Trump wins the nomination only to have the election stolen from him in AZ, GA, PA and WI.

So, what are the Deep State’s actual goals here?
A Republican Civil War and take out both Trump and Desantis at once. They know if Ron challenges Trump he's DOA in 2028. Sounds like Ron is dumb enough to try though. He's gonna be the next Jeb Bush.
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The Obama regulation has no causal connection as it only dealt with crude oil transportation. Try again.

From the article you were afraid to post:

“…the Obama administration in 2014 proposed improving safety regulations for trains carrying petroleum and other hazardous materials. However, after industry pressure, the final measure ended up narrowly focused on the transport of crude oil and exempting trains carrying many other combustible materials, including the chemical involved in this weekend’s disaster.”
If implemented as originally proposed it would have. You're applauding special interests reducing their own regulations?
She has no chance IMO, but her "new generation of leadership" mantra has some appeal to me and I suspect others. For all those who criticize Biden b/c of his age (and I am one of them), how can Trump (who will be 78 in 2024) be the alternative.
Because Trump doesn't shit his britches and say things that could lead to ww3...?
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I've kind of wondered the same thing over the months. So many of these tweets don't make sense and some of the timing is suspect.

Or she hangs in there till S. Carolina ala Kasich here in Ohio in '16. Even then, being the Gov of Ohio, he barely won. Would Haley win S.C.? I'm not so sure.

Went on a business trip to Atlanta many years ago. While there (a week) met a young lady who was working where I was at. Wasn't flying home till Saturday afternoon so I asked her out for Friday night. Went to the old Underground Atlanta that some friends had told me to check out. Hotel where I stayed was the Olde English Inn which turned out to be within minutes of where she lived with her parents. A few years later we were married and one night after dinner at her parent's house we passed the hotel and noticed a bunch of lights, trucks, etc. So we stopped to see what was going on. They were filming Cannonball Run. Hung around and watched for an hour or so. Saw Burt. He was standing next to a motor home cutting up with Dom DeLuise

Totally AWESOME!
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Im sure the percentage for boys is much higher than it used to be as well. Our culture and society are broken.
Look how the curve slope increases with the nonsense forced incarceration for covid.
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This is perfect for Trump. I imagine he supports her entry into the race because he benefits. Trump has his solid 40% base that would never vote for anyone else so if he can dilute the field by having multiple candidates running, he is the GOP candidate in a landslide. This is a perfect game plan.

Miss Nikki is doing Trump a big favor and is probably seeking the VP spot on the ticket. Unless she has a billionaire backing her she will run out of money before she makes it to the South Carolina primary. I predict she will withdraw prior to it and support Trump.
Exactly. The more the merrier for DT.