I forgot that Im talking to guys from Kentucky. Ive got a weird type, Im more into the tall in shape blondes. Pretty weird taste I know...
He paid for it, he probably should get it.If fauci was a republican official.theyd talk about how selfish and careless he's been and that he's killing grandma
I agree we are way too dependent on foreign countries for necessary things like fertilizer, baby food, medical supplies etc. It's an issue under the last few administrations. Pathetic we need to ask Europeans for baby food.It's not the businesses in cahoots, Though some of them I do question. (Blackrock, Vanguard, etc.) It's the policies of the administration making things very difficult with burdensome regulations and policies that are crippling a lot of the means of supplying these industries and businesses. We've made ourselves dependent on begging the Saudis for oil. We've made ourselves dependent on Russian fertilizer that has us quietly trying to get friendly with them to ship us more. Lots of things we've needlessly made ourselves dependent on our adversaries for when we have more than enough resources here in our own country to stem the tides.
Also...its funny we're supposed to believe biden hasn't had it. Literally everyone on his staff has had it, some multiple times.He paid for it, he probably should get it.
Did the POTUS and his posse plan those crimes as well?Burning cars, burning buildings, stealing gold chains, stealing Nike basketball shoes,…. Goes both ways James.
Much of what you say I can find some agreement on. Too much crazy ideology coming from left/right politicians and government these days.Let’s attempt to have an exchange without mentioning Trump or any other past president (other than that exception).
But what if they want to crash the dollar? What if they’re working towards a cashless society where we have a one world currency where the government can easily track everything we do? Wouldn’t it make sense then? Look at China. Look at Canada. Don’t think it can’t or won’t happen here. Government is not your friend.
You saw the video of Biden saying no more drilling period. This is what he had planned. And I’m not a fool. Not everything under the sun is Biden’s fault and world issues are partly to blame for sure… but you can’t seriously think they’re trying to help you and me. @trueblujr2 is right that they aren’t trying to help when they easily could.
Wasn't the narrative different when every vaccinated R got it? How careless they were.Fauci with mild Covid symptoms and not hospitalized yet. How can this be possible at his advanced age (81)?
That's almost as bad as deleting 30,000 e-mails and lying about it
Pretty sure the CDC lifted mask guidelines the day after Russia invaded. Nearly 4 months ago. Do you still harass people who are wearing them anyway?Wasn't the narrative different when every vaccinated R got it? How careless they were.
Fauci shouldn't have been unmasked at restaurants and got it. Gotta stay consistent. He could've killed someone. He's typhoid Mary of the beltway.
Or are we admitting now, anyone, even the quadruple booster'd, triple mask can get it?
You can actually see the shift of when it was okay to get it. Even though they were vaxxed all those southerners were getting what they deserved, deathSantis they screamed! then when the northeast locked In the closet scared of the grocery store crowd were still getting it was oh...ya ppl get it
Is immoral outrage a classification yet for doctors who've taken the oath to treat patients?I bet James claims this Dr is fake news, or are you and Ron Howard still heros for wearing masks on planes...LOL @jameslee32
Retweeting white supremacists again huh?
You do know I’m not from Kentucky right ? One thing I do know is women from the south are the best looking women in the world hands down and I’ve been to Utah, you can keep those chicks 🍺I forgot that Im talking to guys from Kentucky. Ive got a weird type, Im more into the tall in shape blondes. Pretty weird taste I know...
I have you ever wondered why we only call them LEGTUZ? Isn't that discriminating against the other letters of the alphabet. Let's be fair here.Dude is a fu$ing idiot thru and thru and we have that fool to lead this nation that has turned to crap because of him and his LEGTUZ Cabinet 🙄🖕🏽
^ May 4, 2018. Another poorly aged post.They were skewed by people dropping out. And this thread railed on it daily but now conveniently let it slide. Wage stagnation makes a relatively soon recession guaranteed. cost of goods are rising because the economy is doing well pushing inflation. With gas over 3.00 and rising consumer spending will dip hard again. CPI will easily outpace wage growth for the foreseeable future. The tax reform should have had controls in place that only allowed companies to reap the rewards if they also rewarded their employees. But the GOP was only concerned with paying back their donors & lobbyists so we will be back to 2008 economy in the very near future. Same cycle over and over and over. Dem takes office and gets the economy stable, Rep takes office and throws all the new money at the rich and recession follows. And both parties pile up the debt along the way screwing over the common american.
If Trump steps aside (he will not) DeSantis would destroy whoever the Dems run in 24.
I called them soup people first🤣I have you ever wondered why we only call them LEGTUZ? Isn't that discriminating against the other letters of the alphabet. Let's be fair here.
I am going to call them the alphabet Soup people.
Good.The mass murderer in the Buffalo hate crime needs to be executed.
Based off that debate Biden is going to get the nomination. I think most voters understand that no matter what Bernie promises it would be almost impossible to pass Medicare for all at this point. it's to large of a leap from where we are, Has to be done incrimentaly. Betos ar15 buy back would never leave committee. Warrens day 1 fracking ban is stupid. The education debt is absurd and sad but people don't deserve to just have it forgiven. And none of the other candidates even matter. Despite what you shitting your pants pussies cry about on here all day long, Most of Democrats and America are moderate centrists just like Biden. Whatever you want to say about his gauffes, he is a realist and understands what can and cannot get through Congress and how dirty you have to get for even small change. Twitter is a tiny representation of America and you dopes spend way to much time obsessing over it.
Offer Warren the VP spot and move on to fighting Trump.
@jameslee32 thought he was putting bait in a trap with that comment to see which one of us would take it so he could point fingers and call whoever disagreed a white supremacist sympathizer. No one took the bait because WE ALL AGREE, and now jameslee has the sads because we aren't all WHI SUPREMASIS'S and he wants so badly for us all to be so he can validate himself.Good.
"Predatory" but the "clinic" that butchers babies is a "right."
IvermectinFauci with mild Covid symptoms and not hospitalized yet. How can this be possible at his advanced age (81)?
I realized long ago that Democrats will blame everyone and everything else instead of themselves or a protected identity politics groups.
Bahaha imagine blaming scooters for all the violence. Those companies need to be part of the solution!
As if there aren't a million scooters in downtown Louisville. So ya...that's it. Certainly not gang violence
I am more liberal than James. He believes in the death penalty. Even promotes it actively. I disagree with the death penalty. Therefore, James must be more conservative than I.Good.
James does not believe in the death penalty except for babies. He was just posting it to get a response.I am more liberal than James. He believes in the death penalty. Even promotes it actively. I disagree with the death penalty. Therefore, James must be more conservative than I.
* KA - BOOM *Thanks president Biden for fixing the labor market that Trump ruined!