All they have are lies. They are the party of deceit. Everything requires controlled info, fabricated smears and lies by their media, pit people against each other. Their base is as low info as one can get. They do not hear anything different. They run to the DNC media to be reaffirmed of their beliefs and get a shallow talking point to drop with a clown/laughing emoji and then wonder off before they get destroyed by simple logic.Just once I would like for one of these idiots to explain just what "democracy" we are anti? (We are a Constitutional Republic by the way and pretty sure your opponent, whoever he is, is pro-constitution)
They control the media. They control academia. They control tech. All three of these do everything they can to protect Democrats and silence/omit anything that hurts their BS narrative. It’s why you don’t see conservatives shutting down speeches on campus but lefties always do.
But you can’t be honest that you’re little fascist foot soldiers trying to silence any opposition to your dogma so they make insane claims like “Dog whistles to attack people of color” “anti democracy” “Nazi.”
Trying to have full transparency about voting is fought tooth and nail by the left. They don’t want any of that audited which is why they call everything Jim Crow. Wanting to stop them from bogus votes is “anti democracy.” Not wanting to kill a baby cause it’s inconvenient is “anti choice”, now not wanting to get a medical experiment is “anti vax” 😂
We have to realize their brains do not work like a logical mind should. It works like a cult and no one practices projection quite like a leftist. Always accuse others of what you do. Salinsky style.
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