OT: Shooting in Nashville

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  • Fund mental health services in this country.
  • Create CDC guidelines for how the media should cover mass shootings to prevent copycats. They have guidance for covering high profile suicides to prevent a contagion affect. No reason we can't do something similar for mass shootings and get CNN/Fox/MSNBC, etc. to agree to the guidelines.
  • Allow government funding for gun violence research and reverse the NRA lobbied Dickey Amendment that all but prevents the research. Let's take a look at the last three decades of mass shootings and figure out how the shooters got the guns. Did they break a current gun control law to get the gun? Would any currently proposed gun control law have actually stopped the person from getting the gun?
  • Stronger laws that hold people accountable for their guns. If a parent is irresponsible with their gun and a kid gets ahold of it and shoots someone, charge the parent with something.
  • Fund law enforcement so the currently written gun laws can actually be enforced.
  • Universal background checks, which is supported by almost 9 in 10 Americans.
The CDC has no part in this, because eventually it’ll be abused. We just got out of a situation where the CDC abused their authority, also the patriot act comes to mind as another knee jerk reaction. We already know that the shooter in Nashville legally purchased the weapons.

Funding for law enforcement isn’t the problem. Not allowing them to do their job is the problem.

We already have background checks.

What you’re proposing is simply playing a long game to eliminate citizens owning guns.
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No it isn’t, it’s reality. You don’t remove constitutionally guaranteed rights on a whim because a generation has been faile by an enabling society, because the gun isn’t the root cause.

The root cause is we’ve got a generation that is f*cked up.
What generation is that? Gen Z? Millennials? X? Boomers? They've all had a hand in mass shootings in the last year.

Let's call a spade a spade here. We, as an American society, have all unconsciously decided that a certain level of murdering of innocents, including children, is acceptable as long as we can have guns like AR-15s in the hands of private citizens.

You're right, we'll never do anything about the 2nd amendment, but I wouldn't call 30 years of school shootings and countless other mass shootings a "whim".
What generation is that? Gen Z? Millennials? X? Boomers? They've all had a hand in mass shootings in the last year.

Let's call a spade a spade here. We, as an American society, have all unconsciously decided that a certain level of murdering of innocents, including children, is acceptable as long as we can have guns like AR-15s in the hands of private citizens.

You're right, we'll never do anything about the 2nd amendment, but I wouldn't call 30 years of school shootings and countless other mass shootings a "whim".
It most definitely is a whim, because it isn’t the root cause. The underlying issues would still be there.
No, the deaths of innocent people isn’t acceptable, ever.
Firearms are the leading cause of deaths among children 1-19 years old in the US. That death rate is 19 times higher than your average comparable first world country. Gun violence might be quite literally the biggest threat to children in the country but half of you can't stop living in fear of LGBTQ people and a cartoon mouse.
Gun violence affects certain segments of that age bracket far more than others. Why not tell the whole story?
  • Fund mental health services in this country.
  • Create CDC guidelines for how the media should cover mass shootings to prevent copycats. They have guidance for covering high profile suicides to prevent a contagion affect. No reason we can't do something similar for mass shootings and get CNN/Fox/MSNBC, etc. to agree to the guidelines.
  • Allow government funding for gun violence research and reverse the NRA lobbied Dickey Amendment that all but prevents the research. Let's take a look at the last three decades of mass shootings and figure out how the shooters got the guns. Did they break a current gun control law to get the gun? Would any currently proposed gun control law have actually stopped the person from getting the gun?
  • Stronger laws that hold people accountable for their guns. If a parent is irresponsible with their gun and a kid gets ahold of it and shoots someone, charge the parent with something.
  • Fund law enforcement so the currently written gun laws can actually be enforced.
  • Universal background checks, which is supported by almost 9 in 10 Americans.
Interesting, albeit, a long term list.

1. You can throw all the money in the world at this but you can't force them to go or to do the necessary work to help themselves.

2. So you want the government controlling speech. I'll pass on that, thanks. (I do think most media outlets have changed their reporting methods on this already)

3. The Dickey Amendment was clarified in 2018. The CDC can and always could do their research.

4. That's a state issue and many do have that requirement. The problem is, are you gonna buy these gun safes? Most incidents don't involve taking a parents gun to begin with.

5. No argument from me but you answered some of the problems with your long term response. They don't need more laws. They should start with what is already on the books.

6. I have no issue with this and I would add that stronger punishments should be handed out to strawman purchases when that gun is used in a crime. It would obviously need some caveats.

Your ideas are fine but what are you going to do for tomorrow and 6 months from now?
Bring back insane asylums. Start calling a spade a spade…99% of these people are clearly messed up in their heads - bright orange hair, blue hair, fat guy that goes by Mx, whack job in Florida killing animals and having cops called dozens of times on him, this biological female who thinks it’s a dude; changed name from Aubrey to Aiden…

I don’t care how nice you think you are, but being accepting of everything may not be the best strategy.
A society that celebrates mental illness, denies reality in favor of absurdity and hates truth will inevitably devolve into chaos.

Christians who stand for truth will increasingly be the targets of the morally bankrupt.
This chick that shot up the school has a twat and knockers. Legit. Not silicone and a cock pocket.
So no hollowed out inverted penis to serve as the sleeve for the vag? Mental illness I noticed is exacerbated by hormonal imbalances. The hormones changes themselves can cause psychosis. Sick world we live in to enable the sick and not be able to treat them. Hormone replacement for sex change should be added to the list of disqualifying factors for a firearm
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Here's an immediate solution that every school needs to implement this week: reinforce all exterior glass windows so that they cannot be shot through and allow access by an active shooter. That's how this asshat got into the school, how Adam Lanza got into Sandy Hook (in 2012!), etc.

Some chicken wire and screws might have prevented this, or at least slowed her (or it or whatever) down long enough to save some more lives before the cops gave her a well deserved dirt nap.
Just not sure how a person can watch that video and it not scream mental illness. Blast her way into a school targeting babies. If she walks into a full auditorium we would have 50 dead kids.

As long as we can send billions to Ukraine, we have the money to make all US schools more secure. We should demand that from our politicians.
Firearms are the leading cause of deaths among children 1-19 years old in the US. That death rate is 19 times higher than your average comparable first world country. Gun violence might be quite literally the biggest threat to children in the country but half of you can't stop living in fear of LGBTQ people and a cartoon mouse.
Take out 18-19 year olds (adults per the law) and those numbers change drastically. Most of those deaths by firearm are drug related.

Also, getting rid of guns does not prevent homicide.

So we're comparing ourselves to the third world countries on that map? Don't you think it's reasonable to expect that we should have fewer homicides in the USA than in Africa or Mexico?

In all the other first world countries, there does seem to be an obvious correlation between low gun ownership and low homicide rates.
So we're comparing ourselves to the third world countries on that map? Don't you think it's reasonable to expect that we should have fewer homicides in the USA than in Africa or Mexico?

In all the other first world countries, there does seem to be an obvious correlation between low gun ownership and low homicide rates.
There are some very big differences between us and other 1st world countries. Leaving those out is not honest.

In much, if not most, of the U.S. there are high gun ownership and low homicide rates.

Again, dancing around the elephant in the room.
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So we're comparing ourselves to the third world countries on that map? Don't you think it's reasonable to expect that we should have fewer homicides in the USA than in Africa or Mexico?

In all the other first world countries, there does seem to be an obvious correlation between low gun ownership and low homicide rates.

And here is the issue in a nutshell. Correlation is not causation. You could probably pick an infinite number of correlations, but you guys focus on the tools rather than the underlying causes.
There are some very big difference between us and other 1st world countries. Leaving those out is not honest.

In much, if not most, of the U.S. there are high gun ownership and low homicide rates.

Again, dancing around the elephant in the room.
He actually proved a point without knowing it. Laws in those countries and the enforcement/implementation of them is laxed or non-existent (corrupt officials and police). We have been heading that way in recent years with some states downgrading felonies to misdemeanors, lack of bail requirements, stealing no more than (insert amount here), decriminalization of some drugs, light sentences for violent crime, defunding the police, etc... we have no one to blame but ourselves.

The point? Most laws work if properly used and implemented.
Take out 18-19 year olds (adults per the law) and those numbers change drastically. Most of those deaths by firearm are drug related.

Also, getting rid of guns does not prevent homicide.

This data may be completely correct but it also does say that this comes from all the way back in 2007 in the tiny text above Homicides.
So we're comparing ourselves to the third world countries on that map? Don't you think it's reasonable to expect that we should have fewer homicides in the USA than in Africa or Mexico?

In all the other first world countries, there does seem to be an obvious correlation between low gun ownership and low homicide rates.
We're comparing ourselves to the entire world in that map, unless your brain is too simple to comprehend it. If that is the case you need to sit out the debate.
This data may be completely correct but it also does say that this comes from all the way back in 2007 in the tiny text above Homicides.
The gun ownership numbers come from 2007, it's gone up substantially in the US since then thanks to publicized attempts at gun grabbing. The homicide information was from a more recent UN report (that data was a study released in 2018).
I would be interested in some gun homicide per gun (by country stats)...I imagine the US would be pretty low compared to other countries...which would basically show shit humans are going to keep and use guns no matter the country; taking guns from US law abiding ownership wouldnt eliminate or likely even lower the issue.

The US goes out of its way to normalize mental instability; lower punishment for violent offenders etc. Does not help.
And here is the issue in a nutshell. Correlation is not causation. You could probably pick an infinite number of correlations, but you guys focus on the tools rather than the underlying causes.

And here is the issue in a nutshell. Correlation is not causation. You could probably pick an infinite number of correlations, but you guys focus on the tools rather than the underlying causes.
Exactly. This chick/guy left a manifesto behind. To me it will be extremely interesting to see if the content ever hits the media or not. If it doesn’t support the “I’m sane but want to kill everyone” theory that is used to vilify guns then it will be everywhere. Likely he/she was batshit crazy and it will be brushed under the rug. The fact is that there is a terrible problem with a lot of kids these days with mental health and it’s starting to show itself more and more.
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