Osobor Gets $2Mil

NO way that kid, or any other kid is worth 2 million dollars. This is getting really out of hand really quickly. He thought he didn't get exposure in Utah wait till he gets to Washington and the suck ass BIG 10 (correction) and realizes that NOONE watches their games. Plus, no pressure on being the highest-paid NIL college basketball player in history. This is gonna be a trainwreck.
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“Times, they are a changin.”

Osobor gets $2mil to play for Washington. I’m glad for him, and also glad Pope didn’t pay the $. I think we could have paid the $, but I want a team and not a bunch of mercenaries. (And, I believe players should get paid!)
Paying one player such an amt, unless other players are getting somewhat comparable amts, I think would cause team disunity. But JMO.
I feel like college basketball is playing the yodeling mountain climber game from the Price is Right.

Before long the mountain climber will fall off (yodeling intensifies).

NO way that kid, or any other kid is worth 2 million dollars. This is getting really out of hand really quickly. He thought he didn't get exposure in Utah wait till he gets to Washington and the suck ass PAC 12 and realizes that NOONE watches their games. Plus, no pressure on being the highest-paid NIL college basketball player in history. This is gonna be a trainwreck.
UW will be in the Big 10.
In the Givony tweet you can tell they get the information from the agent. I’m sure the agent wants it out there to attract future clients. But it’s a shame for Great that his decision will only be talked about through a financial lens because of it.

We can speculate there have been other million plus guys this year(Roach, Davis, Omoruyi, etc.) but to have the agent say the actual amount is a bad look to me.

One thing I’ve agreed with Pope on, to the apparent disagreement with the board, I’d rather get more top 50/100 transfers than pay for one or two “studs”. Free agency is such a risk.

While 2M is a big price to pay. There’s a world where Great is worth it to their new coach. He could be the difference in making the tournament or not, or perhaps the difference in having a good enough year for the coach to effectively recruit for future years.
What is that gonna do for Washington? They’re still not gonna be contenders.

$2 million to rent this kid for a few months just to end up in the same position they were before. Sound like a waste of money to me.

But what do I know, there’s a whole LOT that I don’t understand about this weird new CBB era.
I don’t believe it at all. Even if it were true, what service is he providing for that money? Autograph signings, a few billboards, and some commercials?
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this will continue to happen until teams realizing breaking the bank on a player like Osobor doesn't translate into tourney wins.

As a fan you kinda hope Washington fails badly, along with any other team driving the bidding up to land a player so that value will plummet as programs realize you can't financially sustain competing at that level
This is ridiculous and totally out of hand, I knew when he didn't commit to Kentucky, it was probably a money thing, so much for him wanting to play with Williams. This will cause dissent within any team, he just put monumental pressure on his coach and their program. This is what happens when you let the tail wag the dog.
UW will be in the Big 10.
Thanks, fixed it. He will still be irrelevant and the only things basketball fans will know of him is as the biggest flop in the NIL era. I mean at 2 mil, what are the expectations, 20/20/10 per game? No way the kids has that much talent. Gonna end bad.
I would bet a big price that Washington didn't pay Osobor $2 million. Remember, the UW head coach was Osobor's head coach at his two previous schools. It was obvious from the git-go that Osobor was going to Washington. My guess is that the $2 million figure is just purely speculation by some uninformed individual, or it's some sort of "cover story" to justify Osobor signing with Danny Sprinkle. Who knows ? ! ? But what we all know is that a report of the $2 million figure is likely not a credible report.
Good for him, seriously. I don’t think he grades out as a NBA player but I suspect he’ll have a nice euro-league career. You can make $2 million last your lifetime if you’re smart with it.
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I would bet a big price that Washington didn't pay Osobor $2 million. Remember, the UW head coach was Osobor's head coach at his two previous schools. It was obvious from the git-go that Osobor was going to Washington. My guess is that the $2 million figure is just purely speculation by some uninformed individual, or it's some sort of "cover story" to justify Osobor signing with Danny Sprinkle. Who knows ? ! ? But what we all know is that a report of the $2 million figure is likely not a credible report.

The $2 million figure is now being widely reported …including by ESPN on its front page …based on the actual documents ESPN/Givony reportedly reviewed. These are not just crazy rumors.

The $2 million figure is now being widely reported …including by ESPN on its front page …based on the actual documents ESPN/Givony reportedly reviewed. These are not just crazy rumors.

Thanks for this post, UK90. I obviously hadn't seen it. It appears that I was wrong. Mea culpa.
Go 'Cats ! ! !
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