One other option 4th and 8

That one was frustrating because we ran the ball the previous play on 3rd and 8. We were totally settling for the field goal.

Easy to question the call to run on second down, but we had averaged as much success on the ground as we had at anything until that point.
A lot of debate over the decision to punt with 3 minutes left instead of trying to convert 4th and 8 - the debate has been between punting or going for it, but it just occurred to me that there was a 3rd option. The ball was at the UGA 47 YL. That would have been a 64 yard field goal attempt. But Jacob Kauwer kicks them in practice at the distance under rush. Wonder if that was even considered?

Could you image the reaction across the country if that had happened?
I agree it was a decent option, but in my view the least desirable option. A freshman kicker trying his first college kick against the #1 team with the game on the line may have been too much for any freshman.

To me, we battled the whole game and got the game come down to 1 offensive play. Convert and we were in field goal range for Raynor who was red hot and had hit from 55. It would have been 56/57 yard FG at the first down marker. Convert, and we have 3 more plays to get a closer FG and GA has to use timeouts after each down.

On the other hand, by punting we have to make 3 defensive plays to force a punt and even if successful their punter was booming the ball all night. So best case scenario, with us having only 2 timeouts left at that point is we get the ball back on our 35 with a minute and a half left. We have to move the ball 25 yards just to get back to the GA 40 with no timeouts. We then have to make 4 or 5 offensive plays.

Comparing the scenarios, making 1 offensive verses making 3 defensive plays + 4 or 5 offensive plays seems like the percentages would overwhelmingly counsel taking a shot on 4th and 8.
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