Oh boy...Cal saying Ivisic had food poisoning

team america vomit GIF

Dude hasn't been in the country long. Might still be the effects of gut bacteria switching it up. Traveller's diarrhea, basically.
I had it once and that is enough. If he did have it I hope they found what caused it and get it corrected.
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I got that crap in Vietnam and it's the worst thing ever... It came out both end's and I only weighed about 125 when I got there... Could not eat for about 2 weeks, food was terrible, powered eggs, powered milk, no sugar for tea, barely could stand the food...
Hope he get's better is all I say... Seems to be a good young man....

I got that crap in Vietnam and it's the worst thing ever... It came out both end's and I only weighed about 125 when I got there... Could not eat for about 2 weeks, food was terrible, powered eggs, powered milk, no sugar for tea, barely could stand the food...
Hope he get's better is all I say... Seems to be a good young man....

Dealbreaker. I'd just drink pond water at that point.
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I've had it twice. Zvonimir has my sympathy. I thought I was dying.

I don't know that I've ever had food poisoning but I have had a 24 hour stomach virus twice and I cannot explain how sick I was. Inability to walk, sweating like I was in a shower, attacks from both ends- relentless.

On one occasions my wife, all 3 kids (including a baby) and I all had it at same time. It was a effing nightmare.

Last time I got it was night of Bengals vs Bucs last year. Missed an epic 2H comeback by Bengals on the road.
So, if cleared by the NCAA soon, food poisoning means he's out an additional 5-6 weeks. That type of condition takes time.

There's also a chance it could mature into dysentery, in which case, RIP in advance, Big Z. 😢
Cal “ he’s Day to day - dehydration”
If you guys dislike our coach and administration so much, why are you here? Cheer for another team. It is exhausting to get on here every day seeing nothing but people criticizing our team, coach and administration. Go elsewhere please.
Or how about our coach not lie to us everytime he opens his mouth? There's a reason we doubt everything he says. He constantly lies or deceives the fans all the time.
I feel the same way about Americans who always complain about America. If you don't like it, no one is forcing you to be here.
How do you feel about Americans who always complain about other Americans complaining?

I actually understand why you'd complain about something you love when it seems to be in decline. I totally do NOT get constantly complaining about those who complain.
How do you feel about Americans who always complain about other Americans complaining?

I actually understand why you'd complain about something you love when it seems to be in decline. I totally do NOT get constantly complaining about those who complain.
I think you missed one important detail. I said always complaining. Having a complaint isn't a problem, but if you're always complaining about it, it is a problem. Also, if you're complaining endlessly about something, that doesn't sound like you love it much. And what appears in decline for you, may be an improvement for others. It's all about perspective.
Here is where the rubber meets the road….when we tip this off for real in the weeks to come and Z is out of sync and we lose (again)…many don’t want to hear Cal bull crap excuse as well as those who defend this product

So ill just chill until real games
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