***** Official UK Vs. UNCW Game Thread *****

Now we can't get the rebound. I see no path to a win down 5 with 54 left and they have the ball.

What a sick sick loss after such a big win over Miami this undoes all the good from that win.

Just a terrible loss.


And most of us don't have 14 other teams to find some silver lining and a win to pick them up.
I hate playing teams like this. Slow down pound it out throw up prayers. Prayers answered today
75 points isn't slow down pound it out. They played aggressive all game and it is looking like they're going to beat us.
This is exactly the type of team that will put us out in March. And that stupid trap DEFENSE never works Cal. STOP doing it!
That’s it. I’m tired of letting myself get my hopes up only to get pissed off immediately after. Life is too short to get aggravated at something I can’t control. Good luck fellas. I’m gonna check out and just play video games or something.
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They came to play, UK thought they were owed. This happens. I blame Cal, not sure why but I blame him.
All the good and excitement from the Miami game thrown away a few days later….at home.

I don’t see how you can throw this on Cal. He let the kids play and they were bad today. Like I can’t look at any player and say they played well.

I thought we went away from Mitchell touches but other that the players just didn’t show up today.
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A Q1 win and a Q3 loss in one week. Expected more from this group. That's on me for setting a high bar.
This is what you keep getting with this garbage coaching. The coaching is night and day better from the opponents most games. We always revert to hero ball.
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