Oats Vs Drew

I wasn't looking at one season; I was looking at 70 years. As another poster mentioned you could not have named a worse major conference job than Baylor when Drew got there. They were terrible with no players, no tradition, and coming off an incredibly bad scandal. He's done an amazing job at a place nobody has been able to win at.
I'm aware of the tradition. If you are an elite coach , 5 years is all that should take to start being at a new standard. Baylor has had 2/3 great seasons in 20+ years. He was pulling top 3 kids in 2010. I just think here, at UK, he won't be good enough. Texas is loaded with talent and he was always 2nd or 3rd in the state except 2021 in which he had a miracle class of transfers come together
I get that Oats seems hot now. But Drew has a championship and had a pretty dominant team. He also has the 6th ranked recruiting class coming in next season. So if he can recruit at Baylor....just thinking out loud.

Nah I'm good. Next question.
Oats is not coming. Sent out a note to Alabama fans. Don’t think he will renege on that. According to so many on this site we have no shot at getting any name that is brought up, so Mitch has decided with Eli’s blessing to cancel next season and take a bit longer to find a coach everyone on this site can get on board with. Your ticket money for next year will be refunded. That is all.