Now that Cal is gone...


Oct 29, 2004
I'm actually reading articles about UK BB, getting excited to see the new system, watching the team mature and gel as the season goes on, etc. I haven't watched 60 minutes of UK BB total over the past 2+ years, mainly because I hated Cal's 'system', his arrogance, the OAD emphasis on getting kids to the NBA vs winning CBB games, etc.

I like what Pope has done so far, am confident his coaching acumen is light years better than Cal's, happy that he's obviously ecstatic to be the coach here.

For once, I'm greatly looking forward to this season.
I can understand why you feel as you do. Cal had 5 guys who have made it into draft status on this years team and yet found a way to lose in the first round of this year's NCAA tourney to an unknown doing so with far more talent than the upstart who beat his team in the tourney.
Thank God and Greyhound he's gone.
I'm actually reading articles about UK BB, getting excited to see the new system, watching the team mature and gel as the season goes on, etc. I haven't watched 60 minutes of UK BB total over the past 2+ years, mainly because I hated Cal's 'system', his arrogance, the OAD emphasis on getting kids to the NBA vs winning CBB games, etc.

I like what Pope has done so far, am confident his coaching acumen is light years better than Cal's, happy that he's obviously ecstatic to be the coach here.

For once, I'm greatly looking forward to this season.
i am a UK fan first
i would never allow my love of UK to stop me from watching no matter who the coach is
i watched every game in the BCG era which was the worst of my lifetime
i am a UK fan first
i would never allow my love of UK to stop me from watching no matter who the coach is
i watched every game in the BCG era which was the worst of my lifetime
Drop a DM with your address and we will send you a Bozo button in the mail for being the bestest fan ever. Some people have more in life and didn’t have time nor the emotional attachment to Cal’s shitting on the program. Doesn’t make you better person or fan than anyone else.
Cal being gone is the best thing that has happened to UK basketball in the last 5 years. If Pope succeeds or not it doesn't change the fact that UK is better with Cal gone as opposed to Cal being here. Thinking back Billy Clyde and Cal were about equal in the need for both to be gone.
i am a UK fan first
i would never allow my love of UK to stop me from watching no matter who the coach is
i watched every game in the BCG era which was the worst of my lifetime
There's my answer. I never quit watching UK no matter the situation. Don't understand those who claim to be lifelong UK fans who just quit watching because things turn bad for awhile. Didn't enjoy Cal the past 5 years at all but never quit on my Cats.
Drop a DM with your address and we will send you a Bozo button in the mail for being the bestest fan ever. Some people have more in life and didn’t have time nor the emotional attachment to Cal’s shitting on the program. Doesn’t make you better person or fan than anyone else.
Can people not enjoy the things they enjoy? Man, the edgelord stuff gets old.
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i am a UK fan first
i would never allow my love of UK to stop me from watching no matter who the coach is
i watched every game in the BCG era which was the worst of my lifetime
I've been listening or watching UK basketball for over 70 years and I totally agree with your assessments. I don't mean to be critical but I don't really consider those who waver because of someone or actions by a individual to interfere enough to leave their true passion or love, just my opinion, everyone has them right or wrong. Where I come from we call them fair weather fans, love the team when all is to MY liking.
I've been listening or watching UK basketball for over 70 years and I totally agree with your assessments. I don't mean to be critical but I don't really consider those who waver because of someone or actions by a individual to interfere enough to leave their true passion or love, just my opinion, everyone has them right or wrong. Where I come from we call them fair weather fans, love the team when all is to MY liking.
My brother died unexpectedly. I didn’t have the time or energy for Cal’s shenanigans. You wanna call me a fair weather fan come on down to my front porch and say you wanna judge me tough guy, but get your things in order first. I dont care how old you are, you have no place to judge someone else or what they are going through.
My brother died unexpectedly. I didn’t have the time or energy for Cal’s shenanigans. You wanna call me a fair weather fan come on down to my front porch and say you wanna judge me tough guy, but get your things in order first. I dont care how old you are, you have no place to judge someone else or what they are going through.
I'm sorry you lost your brother. That's a terrible thing to go through.

However, don't be the internet tough guy man.
Well, this kinda got out of hand. I may be a fair weather fan, mainly because I don't really enjoy CBB much anymore.

Growing up, I watched a ton of it. But, I'm older, got more stuff to do and don't watch as much sports in general. I always pull for UK regardless of the sport or who is coaching/playing. But I got so sick of the excuses, the lack of coaching, the denigration of the fanbase, the arrogance and, of course, the losing, especially to teams with much less talent, that I couldn't stomach watching BB with Cal at the helm. Didn't watch a dribble of the FF for the second year in a row. Didn't check the score, either.

I'm optimistic that Pope may rekindle my enthusiasm for UK BB. If Cal had stayed, I wouldn't have watched another 15+ loss season and disappearance in the postseason for all the tea in China.
Well, this kinda got out of hand. I may be a fair weather fan, mainly because I don't really enjoy CBB much anymore.

Growing up, I watched a ton of it. But, I'm older, got more stuff to do and don't watch as much sports in general. I always pull for UK regardless of the sport or who is coaching/playing. But I got so sick of the excuses, the lack of coaching, the denigration of the fanbase, the arrogance and, of course, the losing, especially to teams with much less talent, that I couldn't stomach watching BB with Cal at the helm. Didn't watch a dribble of the FF for the second year in a row. Didn't check the score, either.

I'm optimistic that Pope may rekindle my enthusiasm for UK BB. If Cal had stayed, I wouldn't have watched another 15+ loss season and disappearance in the postseason for all the tea in China.
I'm always gonna watch. Unless the devil himself is in charge, nothing can stop me from watching UKBB.
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I'm sorry you lost your brother. That's a terrible thing to go through.

However, don't be the internet tough guy man.
First thanks for the condolences hardest thing I never endured in my life, now back to the banter.

Seems the “better fans than thou guys” are the tough guy constantly wanting to have a dick measuring contest about who is the real fans because some were disgusted by the former coach and what he did to the program we love. You wanna pat yourself on the back because you think your better than the rest of us go ahead. Doesn’t make it true just makes you think it is.
First thanks for the condolences hardest thing I never endured in my life, now back to the banter.

Seems the “better fans than thou guys” are the tough guy constantly wanting to have a dick measuring contest about who is the real fans because some were disgusted by the former coach and what he did to the program we love. You wanna pat yourself on the back because you think your better than the rest of us go ahead. Doesn’t make it true just makes you think it is.
Again, I never claimed that. You assumed. Seems to be a lot of that going on this evening.
I just said he's allowed to express his opinion as are you.
Again, I never claimed that. You assumed. Seems to be a lot of that going on this evening.
I just said he's allowed to express his opinion as are you.
And what was his opinion exactly responding to a guy that self admittedly didn’t watch CCC teams? That he was a real fan and never missed a single game ever like only real fans do and anyone else is fair weather blah blah blah (it’s better if you read it in a deep man’s holier than thou voice). That’s the point. Some around here look for any chance to put down others and make themselves appear to Walk on water. Honestly Im just tired of the division , the dude was trying to have a normal topic then the fan police showed up. Can he not have an opinion that doesn’t involve putting down someone else?
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My brother died unexpectedly. I didn’t have the time or energy for Cal’s shenanigans. You wanna call me a fair weather fan come on down to my front porch and say you wanna judge me tough guy, but get your things in order first. I dont care how old you are, you have no place to judge someone else or what they are going through.
i think he’s probably 80 years old. Unless you are too, I wouldn’t suggest a dust up.
Well, this kinda got out of hand. I may be a fair weather fan, mainly because I don't really enjoy CBB much anymore.

Growing up, I watched a ton of it. But, I'm older, got more stuff to do and don't watch as much sports in general. I always pull for UK regardless of the sport or who is coaching/playing. But I got so sick of the excuses, the lack of coaching, the denigration of the fanbase, the arrogance and, of course, the losing, especially to teams with much less talent, that I couldn't stomach watching BB with Cal at the helm. Didn't watch a dribble of the FF for the second year in a row. Didn't check the score, either.

I'm optimistic that Pope may rekindle my enthusiasm for UK BB. If Cal had stayed, I wouldn't have watched another 15+ loss season and disappearance in the postseason for all the tea in China.

I'm the same way with college basketball as a whole. Dog crap product and didn't watch any ncaa once UK lost.

I am more likely to watch a ton of college football and NFL (cliche American sports fan here) even though UK football and the TN Titans are most likely never winning anything that matters.
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I'm just glad that no one is still blabbering that cal couldn't be replaced.
That was always the issue. No one can replace 2009-2015 Cal, save Hurley. He was the King of CBB. And we kind just kept waiting for him to show back up. Minus a brief appearance in 2017. He never really did.

Anyone could replace Cal from the last five years. And I'm glad we did.
That was always the issue. No one can replace 2009-2015 Cal, save Hurley. He was the King of CBB. And we kind just kept waiting for him to show back up. Minus a brief appearance in 2017. He never really did.

Anyone could replace Cal from the last five years. And I'm glad we did.
Other than recruiting (compliments of WWW and Nike), Cal was horrible even then.

It is literally unfathomable that any coach could pi$$ away the amount of talent he had during those years and only win one championship.
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Other than recruiting (compliments of WWE and Nike), Cal was horrible even then.

It is literally unfathomable that any coach could pi$$ away the amount of talent he had during those years and only win one championship.
I think 2015 or so is where we started to see that offense not be as effective. Other teams were wise to the game, and adjusted accordingly. Cal just wouldn't or couldn't. Be interesting to see how his stint at Arky goes. Will we see more of the same? Welch not going says all I need to know.

I agree that in 2017 the talent absolutely carried him. Fox and Monk were an insane combo. And of course in 2012, having AD well, any coach could have won that- so I guess he gets props for getting him here. Because who ever got him was winning it all.
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It appears to me that, after 2015, Cal's 'system' was pretty well known by opposing coaches and he really never tweaked/modified it in subsequent seasons. The failure to teach playing/attacking a zone defense, out of bounds plays, multiple schemes for presses was an indication to me that he just didn't care or he didn't realize that the game had evolved past just having the best athletes on the floor. As the postseason results became more and more disappointing, it's no wonder many fans became disenchanted.

For me, the OAD era started my wholesale abandonment of CBB. Being forced to learn all new major players every single season and noticing that many cared nothing for UK, only as a detour to the NBA, really soured me on the sport. Now with seemingly unlimited free agency and NIL coupled with OAD (and my love/obsession with CFB is starting to wane, too, due to these developments), it's been very hard to get excited about UK CBB. Throw in a coach who seemed to have completely lost his fire and was just mailing it in, it's not a surprise that I am pretty indifferent to CBB.

But, Pope has thus far started to blow on those faltering embers and I'm truly looking forward to seeing how much different the team looks with a dialed in coach who's smart with the Xs and Os and who genuinely loves the university.
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