North Carolina Scandal Etc

I meet people all the time who have no idea UNC got caught cheating or any details about the scandal. which is crazy because it seems like everyone has heard about Cal and Memphis .... Shows the power that ESPN and CBS sports have and the bias they are showing by barely ever reporting anything on the UNC scandal.
The knock on UNC is that they are a very bad defensive team. They were ranked #2 for rebounding and assists, but defense is terrible. My family went out to eat at Bojangles between Durham and Chapel Hill last week, and there were about 10 UNC players there eating chicken. I thought "it's a small world."
when reports have mentioned there being no show classes that never met online or in a class room, THOSE ARE FAKE CLASSES!!! hopefully someone else has the link because its not worth my time to show a link here because Bobby would never read it....... never admit it, or ever change his mind.
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The knock on UNC is that they are a very bad defensive team. They were ranked #2 for rebounding and assists, but defense is terrible. My family went out to eat at Bojangles between Durham and Chapel Hill last week, and there were about 10 UNC players there eating chicken. I thought "it's a small world."
Was Fats with them?[winking]
when reports have mentioned there being no show classes that never met online or in a class room, THOSE ARE FAKE CLASSES!!! hopefully someone else has the link because its not worth my time to show a link here because Bobby would never read it....... never admit it, or ever change his mind.

I once owned a FAKE Rolex watch. Bobby thinks it was real![roll]

BTW, since Bradley is an English major, I wonder if he can figure out why we call the classes "fake" based on a definition of the word:

verb (used with object), faked, faking.
prepare or make (something specious, deceptive, or fraudulent):
to fake a report showing nonexistent profits.
to conceal the defects of or make appear more attractive, interesting,valuable, etc., usually in order to deceive:
The story was faked a bit to make it more sensational.
All names of been redacted: how would we know if there's names in the report?

But yeah, the men's basketball team was specifically referenced, but no men's basketball players were involved. Sure. Makes sense,

I've said this ad nauseam. Go out and look at other NOAs and COI rulings. It will say something along the lines of "...player XXXX participated in games...while being ineligible....". The newest NOA that I saw at the time was Hawaii's, go look there. Those allegations are then argued before the COI, who then rules on the allegations. In order to rule a player was ineligible he would first have to be alleged to be ineligible and this would appear in the NOA. Why is this so hard for everyone here to understand?

I'm not saying they didn't mention Men's BB, nor am I saying that they won't hit MBB with any future penalties. I'm saying, as I've been saying since day one on here, that they were not ineligible and that no games/titles will be vacated. If you think otherwise then I'll add your name to the list of those who'll need to come back and eat some crow when the COI rules, if I'm right.
I once owned a FAKE Rolex watch. Bobby thinks it was real![roll]

BTW, since Bradley is an English major, I wonder if he can figure out why we call the classes "fake" based on a definition of the word:

verb (used with object), faked, faking.
prepare or make (something specious, deceptive, or fraudulent):
to fake a report showing nonexistent profits.
to conceal the defects of or make appear more attractive, interesting,valuable, etc., usually in order to deceive:
The story was faked a bit to make it more sensational.

Cool story bro. You still running around making fun of people who sell shoes and/or work in outdoor clothing stores? I guess they're just too far beneath you, right?

Still waiting for you to point out where the NCAA called the classes fake. I know it's asking a lot of your immensely valuable time but, if you can find time being better than most of us poor blue-collar smucks, please give us a link or a quote to this.

You see, I might be too dumb to know to look up a definition when I don't know it, but I'm good enough at that reading thing to notice the following string of letters, "fake". So, just point me to the sentence(s) where the NCAA uses that particular string. Hell, for that matter, point me to the sentence(s) where the NCAA uses the following string in the sentence(s) "fraudulent classes". No twisting, no spinning, no pointless rebuttal. Just give us the quotes and we can go from there.
The ignorance is yours to not see a pattern and the fact they used AFAM to cheat . How the hell can you not see that , come on man .
I'm perfectly cognizant of the fact that UNCheat has been systematically cheating at an unprecedented level for several decades. It has nothing to do with the color of their players' skin, though.
Cool story bro. You still running around making fun of people who sell shoes and/or work in outdoor clothing stores? I guess they're just too far beneath you, right?

Still waiting for you to point out where the NCAA called the classes fake. I know it's asking a lot of your immensely valuable time but, if you can find time being better than most of us poor blue-collar smucks, please give us a link or a quote to this.

You see, I might be too dumb to know to look up a definition when I don't know it, but I'm good enough at that reading thing to notice the following string of letters, "fake". So, just point me to the sentence(s) where the NCAA uses that particular string. Hell, for that matter, point me to the sentence(s) where the NCAA uses the following string in the sentence(s) "fraudulent classes". No twisting, no spinning, no pointless rebuttal. Just give us the quotes and we can go from there.

Interesting that you FINALLY admit that you are Bradley Bethel?! You flatly denied that before.

And, obviously the Bundy reference went completely over your head. I think the rest of the board got it.
I'm perfectly cognizant of the fact that UNCheat has been systematically cheating at an unprecedented level for several decades. It has nothing to do with the color of their players' skin, though.
Well , I've got AFAM (a black study) used to shuffle predominantly black athletes through college without an education . Spearheaded by exclusively white leaders who are profiting in a multi billion dollar industry and the athletes get paid a tiny stipend only recently . The white male leaders managed to concoct this scam and blame the athlete afterwards . But hey , you got cause I said so .
UNC looks to be making sure Roy has a real shot at the '16 title before the program falls to shambles.
I've said this ad nauseam. Go out and look at other NOAs and COI rulings. It will say something along the lines of "...player XXXX participated in games...while being ineligible....". In order to rule a player was ineligible he would first have to be alleged to be ineligible and this would appear in the NOA.
Did you expect the NCAA to name all 1,500 athletes who participated in the fraud over the entire 20 year period?
Interesting that you FINALLY admit that you are Bradley Bethel?! You flatly denied that before.

And, obviously the Bundy reference went completely over your head. I think the rest of the board got it.

No, I'm not bethel.

I think the rest of the board also sees that you like to make things up. I find it hilarious that you make these bold claims, get asked for quotes/links and rather than saying that you might have misunderstood or something you simply ignore those requests. At least JP would admit when he was wrong, you simply ignore it.

Go on, live in your uber important world while us lesser folks carry on. It's a shame too, I thought you actually might be interested in discussing things when we first started talking. So, run along now, let us that actually read the details and state facts continue.
Did you expect the NCAA to name all 1,500 athletes who participated in the fraud over the entire 20 year period?

Maybe, maybe not. But don't you think they'd at least bring up the claim that some players, or all of the players, were ineligible? That is a pretty serious allegation, you'd think if they thought it was true then they'd also put that in the allegations. The COI doesn't further the allegations, they rule on the ones in the NOA.
I guess the women's basketball and men's soccer teams should do tire and exhaust system checks while they are under the bus. Looks like they are going to be down there awhile.

Anyone taking bets on whether INC starts self imposing on these two scape goat teams as the next deflection strategy?
So obvious on what is going to happen. They are exposing the Women's basketball and soccer as the sports teams involved primarily in the academic scandal. This move allows the NCAA to save face and come down hard on UNC, but those programs. I am willing to bet that the men's basketball gets a slap on the wrist along with football.
At this point, I'm not sure anyone could argue that Elmo isn't trolling, which is a violation of the TOS. It's been fun smacking him around but it's def time for him to go. Any mods willing to swing the hammer? Or hell, give me temp privileges and I'll really clean the place up.
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Maybe, maybe not. But don't you think they'd at least bring up the claim that some players, or all of the players, were ineligible? That is a pretty serious allegation, you'd think if they thought it was true then they'd also put that in the allegations. The COI doesn't further the allegations, they rule on the ones in the NOA.
You do realize it was a Notice of ALLEGATIONS right? The COI would determine eligibility. You're not smart enough to be posting about this subject. Run along ...
They're all in on the upcoming season. Basically sacrificing recruiting to postpone the inevitable. Better hope it pays off. Would be the first legitimate title they've won since the shot clock and the 3pt line were introduced.
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No, I'm not bethel.

I think the rest of the board also sees that you like to make things up. I find it hilarious that you make these bold claims, get asked for quotes/links and rather than saying that you might have misunderstood or something you simply ignore those requests. At least JP would admit when he was wrong, you simply ignore it.

Go on, live in your uber important world while us lesser folks carry on. It's a shame too, I thought you actually might be interested in discussing things when we first started talking. So, run along now, let us that actually read the details and state facts continue.
Were you looking at a mirror when you typed this?
If I was athletes in those programs I would be up in arms. Where are the parents of this kids and why are they defending their kids. This is a joke !
So obvious on what is going to happen. They are exposing the Women's basketball and soccer as the sports teams involved primarily in the academic scandal. This move allows the NCAA to save face and come down hard on UNC, but those programs. I am willing to bet that the men's basketball gets a slap on the wrist along with football.
The NCAA has also levied penalties before, but I can assure you that is the primary responsibility of the COI. It's easy to find instances where they've been judge, jury, and executioner (PSU). Hell, there's emails of Emmert strong-arming PSU. Point is, the NCAA isn't consistent, which is also part of the problem here. Regardless, you're kidding yourself if you think UNC would have left that info in the NOA even if the NCAA did comment on it. They've already been proven to exclude innocuous information. Plus, how many athletes received these "impermissible benefits"?
The NCAA has also levied penalties before, but I can assure you that is the primary responsibility of the COI. It's easy to find instances where they've been judge, jury, and executioner (PSU). Hell, there's emails of Emmert strong-arming PSU. Point is, the NCAA isn't consistent, which is also part of the problem here. Regardless, you're kidding yourself if you think UNC would have left that info in the NOA even if the NCAA did comment on it. They've already been proven to exclude innocuous information. Plus, how many athletes received these "impermissible benefits"?

They would have to completely re-write the thing so as to not show that they scrubbed names from the report and allegations of ineligible players. Also, they would be in trouble as that info is not subject to FERPA. Finally, the NCAA investigates, makes allegations and then the COI rules on these allegations (typically, as you mentioned). No allegations of using ineligible players, nothing to rule on. Now, if you can find a situation where the NCAA didn't alleged any ineligible players and then later the COI deemed certain players to be ineligible then you might have an argument. Do you? Finally, finally, yes the NCAA has been inconsistent, but this is something we can't foresee and is foolish to play what-if?
Maybe, maybe not. But don't you think they'd at least bring up the claim that some players, or all of the players, were ineligible? That is a pretty serious allegation, you'd think if they thought it was true then they'd also put that in the allegations. The COI doesn't further the allegations, they rule on the ones in the NOA.
This is a quote from the NOA; "Certain AFRI/AFAM courses were anomalous because they were designated as lecture courses but were taught as independent study courses with little, if any, attendance requirements, minimal to no faculty interaction, lax paper writing standards and artificially high final grades. In some instances, athletics academic counselors within ASPSA made special arrangements and used these courses to help ensure the eligibility of academically at-risk student athletes. The high level of involvement by athletics academic counselors in the administration of these anomalous AFRI/AFAM courses relieved student-athletes of the academic responsibilities of a general student."

The NOA also stated that at least 10 athletes would not have met graduation requirements without the credits from the bogus classes. The COI didn't identify any of the athletes they say benefitted from the fake lecture classes or any of the athletes who wouldn't have had met the credit requirements for graduation without the benefit of the fake classes. Do you think they would have included these allegations in the NOA without being able to identify the athletes who received those impermissible benefits?
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This is a quote from the NOA; "Certain AFRI/AFAM courses were anomalous because they were designated as lecture courses but were taught as independent study courses with little, if any, attendance requirements, minimal to no faculty interaction, lax paper writing standards and artificially high final grades. In some instances, athletics academic counselors within ASPSA made special arrangements and used these courses to help ensure the eligibility of academically at-risk student athletes. The high level of involvement by athletics academic counselors in the administration of these anomalous AFRI/AFAM courses relieved student-athletes of the academic responsibilities of a general student."

The NOA also stated that at least 10 athletes would not have met graduation requirements without the credits from the bogus classes. The COI didn't identify any of the athletes they say benefitted from the fake lecture classes or any of the athletes who wouldn't have had met the credit requirements for graduation without the benefit of the fake classes. Do you think they would have included these allegations in the NOA without being able to identify the athletes who received those impermissible benefits?

Are you talking about those athletes who were "not on track to graduate" because they took too many independent study courses? If so, those names are indeed in the NOA, but they've been removed do to FERPA. Also, they can't remove allgegations. It would say, as I've said over and over and over and over..., something along the lines of "Player Jim Smith was ineligible to participate when he/she participated....". UNC could not completely remove this allegation if it was there. They would replace Jim Smith with XXXX and it would then read "Player XXXX was ineligible to participate when he/she participated....". Removing the allegation would be a violation of the FOI act (if I'm not mistaken). Also, by "COI" do you mean "NOA"?
No, I'm not bethel.

I think the rest of the board also sees that you like to make things up. I find it hilarious that you make these bold claims, get asked for quotes/links and rather than saying that you might have misunderstood or something you simply ignore those requests. At least JP would admit when he was wrong, you simply ignore it.

Go on, live in your uber important world while us lesser folks carry on. It's a shame too, I thought you actually might be interested in discussing things when we first started talking. So, run along now, let us that actually read the details and state facts continue.

If you are not Bethel, why did you get SO offended by a joke? Nobody else did. Look Dude, I am sorry that you are insecure about your life choices. But, my joke about selling shoes is NOWHERE near as bad as the attitude of UNC that the student athletes should be grateful for what education they did receive. They were cheated in life by people like Dean, Roy, etc and you are on here defending them for it.

If you want to defend the "lesser folks" you need to join Mary and Jay and work for real change by first admitting the errors and then seeking to fix them as they truly are instead of lying and covering up.