Nobody cared when it was UK.....

I think it’s pretty obvious he’s talking nationally. Outside of Kentucky no one gave a shit. The lead story on is currently “What college basketball should do about court stormings”

Yep. Media kept pushing us to go back after we had a player barely miss getting badly injured and a few fans get minor injuries. But now it's awful and should stop
Nobody in the national media cared because no one got hurt. In the span of like a week Caitlyn Clark and now Filipowski have gotten hurt during court stormings. That’s why it’s getting attention now.

The persecution complex on this board always amazes me.
Nobody like this guy with a compound fracture??
We are Kentucky and we don’t storm the court when we win because we are supposed to win (historically). But we can protect our players from other teams storming the court by NOT LOSING to teams that would storm the court.
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Nobody cared? We quit playing them because of it. People were outraged. Cal had a press conference and raised hell about it. We have called timeouts to get our kids off of the court since then. Some of you have very short memories.
Was ESPN/national response similar?

This has been a problem for awhile, but no one seemed to care. Agree now that is Duke it is a problem.

Hell I remember folks on here and the national media mocking Cal for refusing to play Indiana (which he only refused to do because of THAT game!!!)

We will see, but if that happened to a Alabama player if we stormed he court (which we wouldn’t do) it would not have received this type of hype.
shocked no way GIF
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Nobody cared? We quit playing them because of it. People were outraged. Cal had a press conference and raised hell about it. We have called timeouts to get our kids off of the court since then. Some of you have very short memories.
You’re missing OPs point.

We cared. Everything you mentioned is internal to UK staff/admin

The national media wasn’t calling for an end to court storming. They were instead talking about moments like that make CBB great.

The national media also dunked on us for dropping the series saying it was bad for CBB and came off as if we were running from competition and ruining the game for Cal preferring neutral sites

Nobody cared=National media. Not UK
Multiple UK fans got hurt. Somebody just posted a link to one of their stories in this very thread. Are you saying that Clark and Filipowski are more important because they are players?
I am saying they are more important because they are players. They've earned the right to be on the court. Fans have not.
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Nobody cared? We quit playing them because of it. People were outraged. Cal had a press conference and raised hell about it. We have called timeouts to get our kids off of the court since then. Some of you have very short memories.
You never miss an opportunity to throw some UK fans under the bus.
Yes, a star player getting hurt matters more to the national media but my point is that it shouldn't. Court stormings have long been dangerous and this is not the first time someone has been injured by one.
It's just annoying that it takes a Dukie to suddenly enrage the national media when they didn't care as long as it was a UK fan, a female basketball player or some other innocent bystander.
Now its wall to wall coverage.
Now it must end.
How many times did ESPN show IU storming the court against UK despite reports of an injury happening?
If an injured Dukie is why these stop Ok....but it's been an issue for a long time.
Nobody cared about this guy's compound fracture.....
The point is that people other than players have no right to be there. If someone who isn't supposed to be there gets hurt they deserved it. When a player, who potentially has the ability to make more money in 3-4 years than most fans will make in a lifetime is injured, that is worthy of news and rules being changed.
The UK fan that got hurt was in the stands when they got hurt. Proof was provided, in this thread.
Fans hurting other fans in the stands isn’t what we’re talking about here, not that that is okay either.

We’re talking about fans being somewhere they don’t belong, on the court. And potentially injuring the people that do belong there, the players. Two totally different things. I’m having a hard time understanding why this is hard to distinguish the difference.
Fans hurting other fans in the stands isn’t what we’re talking about here, not that that is okay either.

We’re talking about fans being somewhere they don’t belong, on the court. And potentially injuring the people that do belong there, the players. Two totally different things. I’m having a hard time understanding why this is hard to distinguish the difference.
The reason it is hard to distinguish is because way too many of our fans bitch if anything is said remotely positive about our rivals. If that was a UK player yesterday it would be outrageous on here about how people should go to jail, but since the kid is a Duke player, it is entirely his fault.
When profanities were being spewed...When UK fans had drinks tossed at them.....When UK fans were trampled and had injuries at IU....
But let one Dukie be touched in a court storming and ESPN is distraught.
Where is the Wat shot and popcorn boxes ESPIN???

Little story. Before I retired on 2013, I met a gentleman that was in my work that worked for the network that did the games we played at the Yum Center. He got me a press pass that allowed me access to go pretty much where I wanted to go.
Now, to make a long story short, I sat with two camera crew guys in the booth at mid court. It was great. One of the guys there told me he was doing the iu/UK game and the ending of that game melee was SCARY and worse than he'd ever seen and thought someone was going to get badly hurt. He was an iu and, but he said he didn't blame JVC for doing what he did.
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The point is that people other than players have no right to be there. If someone who isn't supposed to be there gets hurt they deserved it. When a player, who potentially has the ability to make more money in 3-4 years than most fans will make in a lifetime is injured, that is worthy of news and rules being changed.
So a female UK fan sitting in the seat they paid for has no right to be there in the stands and deserves to be trampled over because they won't be a millionaire one day??
Or a journalist assigned to the court to observe/report on the game and gets a compound leg fracture for doing their job deserves it because they aren't going to be a future millionaire?
That there's some elitist Dukie logic.

Little story. Before I retired on 2013, I met a gentleman that was in my work that worked for the network that did the games we played at the Yum Center. He got me a press pass that allowed me access to go pretty much where I wanted to go.
Now, to make a long story short, I sat with two camera crew guys in the booth at mid court. It was great. One of the guys there told me he was doing the iu/UK game and the ending of that game melee was SCARY and worse than he'd ever seen and thought someone was going to get badly hurt. He was an iu and, but he said he didn't blame JVC for doing what he did.
I didn't blame Cal for ending that series either after seeing the videos and hearing the stories of injuries, physical and verbal abuse. It was definitely an out of control dangerous environment.
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Fans hurting other fans in the stands isn’t what we’re talking about here, not that that is okay either.

We’re talking about fans being somewhere they don’t belong, on the court. And potentially injuring the people that do belong there, the players. Two totally different things. I’m having a hard time understanding why this is hard to distinguish the difference.
We’re definitely talking about both. Another poster brought up the same point you did and someone else replied that no, fans aren’t just getting on hurt on the court, they’re also getting hurt in the stands. They then linked an article proving that court rushing injured a UK fan in the stands. I’m having a hard time understanding how you aren’t able to follow the flow of that thread development.

Maybe why you’re having a hard time understanding this is because the conversation has expanded to cover players being injured on the court and fans being injured in the stands and you didn’t read all the replies. This was definitely discussed before I added on to it.

If you don’t want to discuss fans getting hurt in the stands, then continue replying to posters focusing on just players. You’re free to do that.
Fans hurting other fans in the stands isn’t what we’re talking about here, not that that is okay either.

We’re talking about fans being somewhere they don’t belong, on the court. And potentially injuring the people that do belong there, the players. Two totally different things. I’m having a hard time understanding why this is hard to distinguish the difference.

Read the linked article. The UK fan who was in the stands (where she was supposed to be) was injured by IU fans in their rush to storm the court. It’s real simple.
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I am saying they are more important because they are players. They've earned the right to be on the court. Fans have not.

Again, read the damn article. Idk why this is so hard. The fan that was injured was not on the freaking court. She was in the stands and was trampled by other fans trying to GET TO the court.

In other words, she did nothing wrong and was injured, and it was largely ignored in the national media. This person has Just as much right to expect to not be trampled as Clark or Filipowski or any other player do. This is why we don’t play IU anymore. Think about how huge that rivalry used to be. We ended it because of this. It was a big deal that was swept under the rug.
Who cares whether it was fans or players? This UK fan was in the stands.

Keep it classy IU...And people wonder why UK ended the series at the time.

IU trash.....
"You're going to get your ass kicked wearing that blue."
"F*** Kentucky!" "Kentucky f*ggots".
**** those yankee bastards. I hope we go up there soon, and bash them by 40.
When profanities were being spewed...When UK fans had drinks tossed at them.....When UK fans were trampled and had injuries at IU....
But let one Dukie be touched in a court storming and ESPN is distraught.
Where is the Wat shot and popcorn boxes ESPIN???

You’re absolutely spot on! I was thinking the exact same thing Saturday.
Who cares whether it was fans or players? This UK fan was in the stands.

Keep it classy IU...And people wonder why UK ended the series at the time.

IU trash.....
"You're going to get your ass kicked wearing that blue."
"F*** Kentucky!" "Kentucky f*ggots".
I went to the OSU - IU game a couple of weeks ago. We were sitting around a bunch of obnoxious IU fans, so I made it a point to give them no end of grief about their irrelevant program and how pathetic it was that their most important victory in the last 35 years came in December and how pathetic it was that they made popcorn boxes to commemorate it.
Zero injury updates on Flip, which for starters is a little funny with all the talk about not knowing the status if UK injuries IMMEDIATELY.

But more so, watch this be the biggest flop of all time. Him faking his injury and instinctively knowing to limp, grab teammates for support, just to make this look bad and make it so Court Stormings are banned lol.
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Hell I can still remember Aaron Harrison trying to get off the court with some fat guy squaring up on him.
That was Arkansas! Thanks for that reminder to help prove my point. Yeah...A UK player has Arkansas fans rushing the court and threatening violence and it is a national nothing burger.

And in other court storming news....No national outrage from the media till a Dukie gets bumped.
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Nobody cared? We quit playing them because of it. People were outraged. Cal had a press conference and raised hell about it. We have called timeouts to get our kids off of the court since then. Some of you have very short memories.
Kentucky fans cared but the rest of the national media acted like UK should continue to go to Bloomington to have their players subjected to harassment and racism. Sorry but pass.

And yes, the major reason UK decided to halt the series was not because of the court storming as much as what took place well before that. The court storming where Darius Miller nearly got trampled was simply the icing on the cake.
Kentucky fans cared but the rest of the national media acted like UK should continue to go to Bloomington to have their players subjected to harassment and racism. Sorry but pass.

And yes, the major reason UK decided to halt the series was not because of the court storming as much as what took place well before that. The court storming where Darius Miller nearly got trampled was simply the icing on the cake.
I remember the playboy model in the stands that got trampled but had completely forgotten that Darius Miller was effected too.
Check out the pic and tell me that's not worse than what happened with the Dukie. Sure don't remember the ESPN and national outrage about this.
Fans hurting other fans in the stands isn’t what we’re talking about here, not that that is okay either.

We’re talking about fans being somewhere they don’t belong, on the court. And potentially injuring the people that do belong there, the players. Two totally different things. I’m having a hard time understanding why this is hard to distinguish the difference.
You mean kinda like this? Don't remember any national media outrage over this image. I do remember ESPN showing the court storming over and over on a loop with nothing said about Darius Miller lying defenseless on the ground and a UK fan having her ankle almost broken in the stands.
Why you continue to be unable to see the hypocrisy is the question.

Zero injury updates on Flip, which for starters is a little funny with all the talk about not knowing the status if UK injuries IMMEDIATELY.

But more so, watch this be the biggest flop of all time. Him faking his injury and instinctively knowing to limp, grab teammates for support, just to make this look bad and make it so Court Stormings are banned lol.
Likely a sell job worthy of the WWE, he will carry it over to the next game(just wait)
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You mean kinda like this? Don't remember any national media outrage over this image. I do remember ESPN showing the court storming over and over on a loop with nothing said about Darius Miller lying defenseless on the ground and a UK fan having her ankle almost broken in the stands.
Why you continue to be unable to see the hypocrisy is the question.

Listen man, I understand you’re saying they’re making a big deal out of this because it’s a Duke player and they didn’t make a big deal out of it because it was Kentucky. Fine. I will say 2 things, a.) regardless of what your picture shows, no Kentucky players got hurt. That’s number 1. B.) I’ve been screaming as loud as I can that anyone can hear that court storming needs to STOP before someone gets hurt. It’s always been a disaster waiting to happen. We’re lucky nothing has happened to our players. Lord knows we’ve had the court stormed on us plenty.

So if we’re just arguing the point that ESPN or whoever made a big deal out of it because it’s Duke, fine. I don’t even care about that because ultimately I agree with them. Court storming needs to stop. It’s a shame it took an incident like this for the media to finally get up in arms about it.
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Read the linked article. The UK fan who was in the stands (where she was supposed to be) was injured by IU fans in their rush to storm the court. It’s real simple.
Look man, I don’t even know why you’re arguing with me about this. I’m pretty sure we both agree that court storming is a total shit show?

I never said the Kentucky fan should have gotten hurt or was where she shouldn’t have been or anything. I’m not sure what point you’re even trying to get across now. All I’m saying is a player getting hurt on the court is bound to get more attention from the media than a fan getting hurt in the stands. It’s just facts. It’s a shame it took this for more people to shine a light on the fact that court storming is a shit show.
Who cares whether it was fans or players? This UK fan was in the stands.

Keep it classy IU...And people wonder why UK ended the series at the time.

IU trash.....
"You're going to get your ass kicked wearing that blue."
"F*** Kentucky!" "Kentucky f*ggots".
Their biggest moment in 40 years
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We’re definitely talking about both. Another poster brought up the same point you did and someone else replied that no, fans aren’t just getting on hurt on the court, they’re also getting hurt in the stands. They then linked an article proving that court rushing injured a UK fan in the stands. I’m having a hard time understanding how you aren’t able to follow the flow of that thread development.

Maybe why you’re having a hard time understanding this is because the conversation has expanded to cover players being injured on the court and fans being injured in the stands and you didn’t read all the replies. This was definitely discussed before I added on to it.

If you don’t want to discuss fans getting hurt in the stands, then continue replying to posters focusing on just players. You’re free to do that.
It’s all a shitshow and court storming is stupid. Can we all agree on that?

It seems like the biggest problem you guys have is that it took this incident for people to get up in arms about it. Fine. Either way I agree, it needs to be stopped.
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Fans hurting other fans in the stands isn’t what we’re talking about here, not that that is okay either.

We’re talking about fans being somewhere they don’t belong, on the court. And potentially injuring the people that do belong there, the players. Two totally different things. I’m having a hard time understanding why this is hard to distinguish the difference.
Mike Greenberg addressed the idiots on social media that blame the players for these injury outcomes. Will these idiots change their position. I doubt it.
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Simple solution…. Your crowd storms the court = no fans allowed in the stands the next game. If it happens again after that… it is 2 games without fans