I will try to get this thread somewhat back on topic.
Saw a common sense proposal (to me at least) to exclude all basic primary care from health insurance, e.g., annual physicals, annual eye exams, dentist visits, well baby visits, quick visits to Urgent Care for a few stitches, i.e., make all of those basic services cash pay. Would simplify a lot of insurance problems, and encourage regular doctors and dentists to be transparent about what they charge and allow the general public to shop around, not unlike lawyers, engineers, architects, CPAs and other professionals who are all on cash pay basis.
Health Insurance would only pay for really big ticket items, like cancer, serious injuries and the like. Have to believe that would cut down on premiums, while encouraging people to only seek out medical care when they need it, instead of assuming everything is (or should be) covered by their premium.
As an aside, when local doctors found out what insurance we carried (an Anthem policy) a few months back, not only did half of them tell me they would not accept my insurance, they also told me they would not accept cash payments!!! I mean, WTF not??? Had to contact my dermatologist, who I know socially, to end run her office staff so I could get my annual visit scheduled.