You don't think UHC lobbies the shit out of congress to continue to put us through the grinder while they generate (checks notes) 371B in revenue in 2023?
Hell, I guarantee you can find a picture of this particular CEO with nearly every famous member of congress. When people talk about big brother, they're often talking about more than just the government, and this is an excellent example.
This is an oroboros situation at this point, no one is absolved from blame (before some political nutjob tries to misunderstand me, this particular CEO did not deserve to die, nor did any other healthcare CEO, but they definitely deserve to be forced to have their healthcare managed by their own insurance company as a common person would, and that might as well be a death sentence these days).
I would argue it’s just the end state of the 3rd party payer problem. At the end of the day, patients want unlimited healthcare at no cost to them, hospitals want insurance companies to pay for unlimited healthcare, insurance companies don’t want to pay for it.