NFL kickers - Where’s Austin MacGinnis?


Aug 13, 2003
I know it’s been discussed several times…but with how terrible the kicking has been in the NFL this year…where’s AM?

Anyone know what AM is doing now? Has he given up on the NFL dream?
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I know it’s been discussed several times…but with how terrible the kicking has been in the NFL this year…where’s AM?

Anyone know what AM is doing now? Has he given up on the NFL dream?

I believe he continues to try out for teams. I think most recently the Rams?

Getting an NFL kicking job a combination of luck and skill. You have to be lucky and get into the league at just the right time and you have to be skilled enough that a coach trusts you. Once you break through, you tend to stay there even if you bounce from team to team.
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He still trying. Should be a spot for him somewhere. Unfortunately - it’s pretty much a club with very strict entrance guidelines. Like an old boy network. Once you’re in, hard to get kicked out.
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It is amazing. Ffs if the dumb asks didn't miss so many chip shots and extra points, they wouldn't need someone to kick a 60yd "game winner" later.

It seems to be like explaining to a 7yr old why they need to do their homework early or during school so they can have fun when they get home. Some get it and some don't, but most coaches don't for some reason.
It's very difficult to make the NFL as a kicker. Teams don't want to give an unproven player a chance.
Blows my mind how Austin can't stick with ANY NFL team. I realize he doesn't have the 60+ yd length, but he is AUTOMATIC inside 55 yds.

Never will understand it.
I heard an NFL guy on one of the local shows and that is exactly why he isn't in the league. They all want a guy that has 55+ in his arsenal. At the end of the game they want to just have to make it to the opposing 40.
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I know it’s been discussed several times…but with how terrible the kicking has been in the NFL this year…where’s AM?

Anyone know what AM is doing now? Has he given up on the NFL dream?
Cincy G Bay 5 missed FG in a row, an extra point missed and I said, AM can't make a roster?
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Cincy G Bay 5 missed FG in a row, an extra point missed and I said, AM can't make a roster?
Kickers are a weird bunch. Crosby for GB had missed 2 kicks in two years and had made like 26 field goals in a row.
From everything I read, the NFL guys want someone with a real good chance from 50, plus someone on kickoffs that put it in the end zone. Dont know that AM has that leg strength...folks reminded me that he seldom did kickoffs at UK.
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