Next year will be hilarious

We’ve seen cal coach here for 15 years and we have seen it all. But what we haven’t seen is him coaching for his life and that’s what he will be doing. It will be interesting
His life? Come on now. He’s fat (literally) but healthy and has a bank account full of money. And a roughly $25M buyout this time next year. He’s not desperate at all.
His life? Come on now. He’s fat (literally) but healthy and has a bank account full of money. And a roughly $25M buyout this time next year. He’s not desperate at all.
It’s a figure of speech. I assumed people
Could surmise that.
I get that. I injected (coaching) into it. But he's not. We could've sent him packing and he'd have landed at SMU. Oddly, both programs would've been better.
I don't know if you missed my point or if we got off track. I am simply saying that Cal has been fat and happy for a while now. But for the first time since he was coaching the NETS, he is gonna have to coach like his career is on the line because it is. I want to see how he reacts to that. His ego would never allow him to trade in KY for SMU.
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I don't know if you missed my point or if we got off track. I am simply saying that Cal has been fat and happy for a while now. But for the first time since he was coaching the NETS, he is gonna have to coach like his career is on the line because it is. I want to see how he reacts to that. His ego would never allow him to trade in KY for SMU.
I guess I just disagree, at least on the coaching for his career. I think he's stubborn as hell and still thinks his way is the correct way. He won't change a damned thing. Sure, he might fire and hire a couple of new guys. Hell, we've seen that movie before. Just going to get more of the same drivel and results. Why? He ain't changing. He'll probably yell some more. He had PLENTY of talent this season and did nothing with it. And honestly, if the results are somewhat similar next season...I can see Mitch the B*^% doing the exact same thing as this.
“Take no prisoners” has turned into “take no hearts”. We will have 10 losses next year by early February.
Wish I had some strong evidence to the contrary, but I’m on the same boat you are at the moment.
Pretty sad when so-called fans want the team to fail...

These are the same ones that came on here to shout their displeasure after a loss but hid when the team plays well...
I feel for the team already. For no fault of theirs the pressure will be over the top. No matter what happens the national media will have us under a microscope all season long. All these takes and information that have come out will provide an outline of how we will be scrutinized. Rotations, playing time, play calling, and even deprioritizing the SEC Tourney will be scrutinized. Even with a decent level of success, it's hard to see it being any fun at all. I'm already down to recording and watching only some of or parts of the games at this point as it is.
“Take no prisoners” has turned into “take no hearts”. We will have 10 losses next year by early February.
Exactly which players is he going to play next year that doesn’t deserve the playing time over other players? You know he’s going to do it to the detriment of the team he does it every year got to get those 5 star burger boys drafted!!!!!

I just don’t think Mitch understands basketball look at the BCG hire and look at this latter part of Cal’s tenure… Those are his 2 basketball hires since he’s been here and let’s be honest if Tubby wasn’t an honorable man that left when he knew it was getting too deep for him how long would Mitch had kept him????