Netflix “Wrestlers”

Yes, because as I’ve stated before, I have to listen every day. Much easier to see the fakeness and total cluelessness of listeners when you’re not a fan boy/listen from an unbiased pov.
Geez man, I promise you really don't have to listen. It's a lot healthier to just not acknowledge things if they're gonna just make you feel a type of way, that's why I've taken a long break from all the political threads on here. Matt is who he is, so you bitching day in, day out and claiming that he plants callers isn't gonna change anything, it solely makes you look like a freak stalker.
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Pretty bad show for the most part. Maybe Matt can get Amy McGrath to make a cameo and they can discuss political failures together.
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Awesome final episode!
I agree. It was a really great docudrama series, IMO. It told a really nice story, kept me entertained, and had a nice climactic ending. In the end, I think everyone more or less came across as likeable, even though it was very difficult to like Haley J at times. I liked it. :)
I can't tell with these series which themes or storylines are concocted, exaggerated or result of good editing. Love the local angle of it. When I was a kid in 90's, I'd watch WCW, WWE, OVW, ECW. I was obsessed with wrestling. I'd guess that era was the peak for wrestling in general. Watching this though, 1) I really can't get into wrestling. I want to. I just can't. 2) Im somewhat skeptical there is a market for regional wrestling circuits in 2023.
Netflix series tend to work with the same formula in a lot of ways. Start a story. Give necessary information to build the world in which the participants are living. Set up a conflict. Show both sides but not evenly at first. Build to an event where the less sympathetic side has something happen that makes them more sympathetic. Back down a little bit while you tell other stories along the way. Show the two sides slowly start working together and understanding each other. Have them become at least frenemies if not actual friends. Build up to some major event in which they need each other to accomplish. Show it. Everyone celebrates and then you tell a couple side stories during the credits.

That being said, I was a kid in the 80's and I disagree. I think the absolute best era of wrestling was in the late 90's when WCW and the WWF were going head to head every Monday and trying to outdo each other every week. I was actually more of a WCW guy at the time because I loved Hogan and Savage and all those guys as kids, but if I am being honest, having rewatched the stuff later in life, the WWF was way better even then. It just took them a little longer to catch on to what was happening. But once they did, that's why they won.

Edited to add, I misread your message originally. I think we are agreeing on the same time period of wrestling. Also edited to add, I don't mean to talk about Netflix cynically. It's a great formula because it works. It's called good storytelling. :)
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Pretty bad show for the most part. Maybe Matt can get Amy McGrath to make a cameo and they can discuss political failures together.
Oh, there they go! There they go! Every time I start talking about boxing, a white man gotta pull Rocky Marciano outta their ass! That's they one! That's they one! Rocky Marciano! Rocky Marciano! Lemme tell you something once and for all! Rocky Marciano was good, but compared to Joe Louis, Rocky Marciano ain't shit!

He beat Joe Louis's ass!

That's right, he did whip Joe Louis's ass!

Joe Louis was seventy-five years old when he fought!

I don't know how old he was, but he got his ass whooped.

Joe Louis had come out of retirement to fight Rocky Marciano! The man was seventy-six years old! Joe Louis always lied about his age! He lied about his age all the time! One time, Frank Sinatra came in here, and sat in this chair. I say, "Frank, you hang out with Joe Louis. Just between me and you, how old is Joe Louis?" Know what Frank told me? He said "Hey, Joe Louis is a hundred thirty-seven years old." A hundred and thirty-seven years old!

Oh, man, you ain't never meet no Frank Sinatra.

F YOU! F YOU! AND F YOU! Who's next? :)
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You share streets with 60% people texting/on the phone while driving.

Around 300,000 drivers are under the influence of just alcohol per day as well.

Just defensive drive because you have no choice to not be on the road with people under the influence and on the phone.

Plus, it’s weed maaaaaaaan. I’ve never been high driving and thought man I can’t do this I’m too high.
Driving high is safer than texting and driving. I'm pretty sure texting and driving is more dangerous than driving drunk.
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I agree. It was a really great docudrama series, IMO. It told a really nice story, kept me entertained, and had a nice climactic ending. In the end, I think everyone more or less came across as likeable, even though it was very difficult to like Haley J at times. I liked it. :)

Pretty spot on except I just don't like anything about Darkstrom and hope he's cut from the organization.
Having known a guy who has been wrestling armory's and rec centers across KY for over 30 years since we graduated high school I can say that most of the characters on there are a pretty good representation of his life. Living paycheck to paycheck, doing any jobs they can to live their dream of one day being in the WWE. It is almost like an obsession and I don't have any doubts that their minds doesn't think like most peoples minds. I mean who would want to put their body through those kinds of bumps for $50 a night for 30+ years thinking anytime they will be discovered?
Matt Jones sucks lol. The amount of defenders he has on here is wild! Pretty sure every KSR employee is required to get multiple CI accounts and defend him at all costs.
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I don't know about/care about wrestling but wish them the best.

Also, i think some of the haters are actually plants by the nefarious Matt Jones, working his wicked genius to create conversation. The genuine haters (if there are any) just fall in line and do his bidding after he sets the stage. It's Matt's world, they are just visiting.
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The most fun part of this series for me is trying to figure out where in Louisville or Lexington they are. Shoutout to Hooters DuPont.

Like, I don't care about wrestling at all, but I will say, couple friends and I decided to call a "Dudes night out" and go to an OVW event next week. I am looking forward to a cultural experience.

That show is the best thing to happen to OVW in a long time.
Having known a guy who has been wrestling armory's and rec centers across KY for over 30 years since we graduated high school I can say that most of the characters on there are a pretty good representation of his life. Living paycheck to paycheck, doing any jobs they can to live their dream of one day being in the WWE. It is almost like an obsession and I don't have any doubts that their minds doesn't think like most peoples minds. I mean who would want to put their body through those kinds of bumps for $50 a night for 30+ years thinking anytime they will be discovered?
Eh. I think only a couple think they'll get discovered. The rest just enjoy it. People live paycheck to paycheck with all sorts of jobs who don't get to come out to applause and intro music when they're off. They're actually doing something, we're the ones on our couches watching them.
Just got around to watching it. I'm on episode 3 now. It blows my mind that I just saw a wrestler on there that lives on my street. He lives about 6 or 7 houses down. I've seen the guy for years and had no idea he was an OVW wrestler. Guess the next time I see him I'll have to bring it up. One of my daughter's friends from school is also with OVW.
The most fun part of this series for me is trying to figure out where in Louisville or Lexington they are. Shoutout to Hooters DuPont.

Like, I don't care about wrestling at all, but I will say, couple friends and I decided to call a "Dudes night out" and go to an OVW event next week. I am looking forward to a cultural experience.

That show is the best thing to happen to OVW in a long time.
How did your night at OVW go?

Looks like R Place Pub in Lyndon was featured