NBA Finals Game 6

Yes, arguably the best shooter in NBA history, especially off the dribble. He shot 42% from 3 this year, ridiculously efficient. That equates to 63% from 2.

Curry shattered single season records for 3 pointers made throughout his career, including this season. He trounced the record for 3 pointers made in a post season this spring.

Sometimes the best shooter isn't the best player on the floor. During the regular season, he was the best player on the floor more often than not. In the finals, he had tons of help from Iguodala, Green, and Thompson. One of the reasons that he had this help is that Curry also creates a ton of opportunities for his teammates.

The guy is an amazing player, and he's damn entertaining to watch. He'll be in the HoF, and justifiably so. Anyone who scoffs at his contribution to the game is just being extremely whiny and a sore loser. I did the same when Jordan was coming into his own in the 80's. I was 10 yo, a sore loser, and whiny. Not trying to compare the two players, Jordan is untouchable, but Steph is one of the top talents in this era. If you can't see that now and/or it makes you uncomfortable, then then the next 5-7 years of the NBA might not be for you.

Congrats to the Golden State Warriors, deserving 14-15 champs and one of the ten best teams in NBA History (based on record and achievement).

Later Edit: I also believe LBJ should have received the MVP of the series. To make that squad competitive is an NBA finals series is unbelievable.
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I'm salivating at next year already. I just don't think GSW is that good. I think this was more about Houston/Cleveland having season-ending injuries, but I guess that's just my opinion. Can't wait to see if it's true a year from now, though.
I'm salivating at next year already. I just don't think GSW is that good. I think this was more about Houston/Cleveland having season-ending injuries, but I guess that's just my opinion. Can't wait to see if it's true a year from now, though.
Yeah there's so many teams that win 67 games in the regular season. What a horrible team. Butthurt is strong with this one. So if GS doesn't win it all again next year, that means something about this year's team?

I love watching Cleveland lose at everything. They have the most obnoxious fan base who haven't sniffed a title in any sport for 50+ years. Couldn't happen to a better city.
Seeing as they couldn't get out of the 1st round last year? Yeah, I'd say it might. Let's say they bookend the title year with two early round flameouts, with the same team. Which is the aberration? If that happens, and I'm not saying it definitely will (although I think it does happen), can we maybe look back at this title/season and point to injuries, at least in part? No healthy Houston all year (who swept them the previous season), No Durant. A rebuilding Lakers. No competition in the finals.

GSW is a great team, said that in two different threads now. They are not the third best team of all time just because they have the 3rd most wins. Can we atleast hold back some of the crazy claims going around?
True, but it WAS The Clippers. People yesterday wanted to laugh at CP3 for never doing anything with his team.. well he beat GSW with the same squad as this year.
I'm just glad the Refs didn't grant David Blatt the timeout in the Bulls series..

Coach Cal would have gotten a call had that timeout been granted.
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Lebron miss a lot of shots coming down the strech. The greats in the past made those shots.
And yet I just read he's the first player ever to lead a Finals in points, rebounds, assists.

Never will understand the hate, for any of these guys - LeBron, Curry, GS, whomever. Is it because they make a lot of money? Don't get it. (Not directing that at you, Clive, just a general observation)......
And yet I just read he's the first player ever to lead a Finals in points, rebounds, assists.

Never will understand the hate, for any of these guys - LeBron, Curry, GS, whomever. Is it because they make a lot of money? Don't get it. (Not directing that at you, Clive, just a general observation)......

For me, I like the humble guys who if I ran into, and became star-struck, would probably be pretty cool about. It's why I liked Lebron to begin with. Best in the world, but said the right things, was never really a D-bag. Just seems like a good dude. And is the ultimate teammate, which is exactly how I played (albeit it on crappy pick-up leagues). Also, if I'm at a bar, would I want to have a beer with the guy?

It's kind of why I never really liked Tiger Woods. It's why I don't like Duke players. It's why I don't really like Kobe or MJ. They all had an air of self-importance, almost a smugness. Curry strikes me as that type. But it's early for him, most people still don't know who he is, so I'm not closing the book on him yet. Maybe he's a stand-up dude. But didn't really like what I saw from these playoffs.
I think a major reason Golden State emerged this year was the insertion of Draymond Green into the starting lineup( and the increase in his minutes)
I put a lot of stock in a players plus/ minus stats.
Curry led the NBA in that stat. Green was 8th.
The only other Golden st player to finish in the top 50 was Bogut( 26th)
The way the Warriors ran they're offense, with Green at the top setting screens, and being in a position to make the good pass for an assist to shooters was extremely effective.
Hope they plan to keep him. He is going to get payed, and I suspect they will ante up.
Green was runner up defensive player of the year, and most improved player of the year runner up. Huge cog in the success.
Seeing as they couldn't get out of the 1st round last year? Yeah, I'd say it might. Let's say they bookend the title year with two early round flameouts, with the same team. Which is the aberration? If that happens, and I'm not saying it definitely will (although I think it does happen), can we maybe look back at this title/season and point to injuries, at least in part? No healthy Houston all year (who swept them the previous season), No Durant. A rebuilding Lakers. No competition in the finals.

Makes total sense. We should immediately discount this championship because of a future hypothetical scenario and the struggling Lakers. The Warriors front office will include an asterisk and forget the fluke regular season.

You're right. A healthy Patrick Beverly was all the difference between Houston holding the trophy and not actually ending up 1-8 against GSW with a -102 point differential.

This GSW led by Kerr excelled against uptempo teams. The Rockets did well to get to the Conf finals. I don't see them making it past that point in the next 5 years.
I didn't say to take the championship away lol.

Houston had NO ONE to guard GSW's shooters aside from Ariza. And they had no Point guard. So Harden now get's guarded by Klay Thompson on one end, while having guard Klay AND Steph on the other end at times. That's an absolute nightmare. Don't underestimate the difference a defensive minded guard makes, on a team that has nothing in the way of handling guards.

Also, Houston was without DoMo for the playoffs. Howard was out half the season. Terrence Jones missed half the season.

Do people watch the regular season? Or just tune into the playoffs? DId the TV tell you about Bev and that's where you decided to run with it? Aside from OKC, I think Houston was probably the most injury stricken team up until the Irving injury.
For me, I like the humble guys who if I ran into, and became star-struck, would probably be pretty cool about. It's why I liked Lebron to begin with. Best in the world, but said the right things, was never really a D-bag. Just seems like a good dude. And is the ultimate teammate, which is exactly how I played (albeit it on crappy pick-up leagues). Also, if I'm at a bar, would I want to have a beer with the guy?

It's kind of why I never really liked Tiger Woods. It's why I don't like Duke players. It's why I don't really like Kobe or MJ. They all had an air of self-importance, almost a smugness. Curry strikes me as that type. But it's early for him, most people still don't know who he is, so I'm not closing the book on him yet. Maybe he's a stand-up dude. But didn't really like what I saw from these playoffs.

Lebron...Humble... This is the guy that when asked a few days ago if he is feeling less pressure due to the injuries, answered with " No, I feel confident, I'm the best player in the world, its that simple." He didn't ask you about your confidence douche bag. You Tube search Lebron degrades ball boy at Bulls Game. i would link it but I am at work and cant access youtube. I sum it up for you, Lebron checks into game. Ballboy standing right next to him reaches out to take his warm up, lebron looks at him and throws it on the floor instead of handing it to him. Yep Douche bag move. "Im taking my talents to South Beach" Douche bag. Lebron wouldnt have a beer with you. This is the guy that after losing to Dallas in 2011 says "All the people that were rooting on me to fail, at the end of the day they have to wake up tomorrow and have the same life that they had before they woke up today. They have the same personal problems they had today. I'm going to continue to live the way I want to live and continue to do the things that I want to do with me and my family and be happy with that. So they can get a few days or a few months or whatever the case may be on being happy about not only myself, but the Miami Heat not accomplishing their goal. But they got to get back to the real world at some point". While true is a pretty douche bag thing to say. Lebron does not relate to the every day fan. This is why people hate on him.
So he basically responded to haters like you with a bunch of truths.. and that makes him the bad guy? Got it.

Can't expect a guy like him to be a perfect choir boy 100% of the time. But he does a damn fine job getting close to that number. He once threw his warmups on the floor for a ball-boy. Made an ill-advised move to make an annoucement to go to Miami, while donating all of it to charity. Christ, get over yourself.
Not two, not three, not four, not five, not six , not seven........yes douchbag. now get off his nuts. he is 2 for 5 in finals and is about as self aware as arod
I think you have a bigger issue vehemently hating the guy than I do being a D-rider. Tell me, Did you suddenly hate Lebron when he didn't pick your team back in 2010. Let me guess, you were the biggest fan when he had a chance to go to your team and team up with a superstar, but when he picked another city, you whined and cried about it.
Nope. I have been a lakers fan since 1976. Never wanted lebron and never will. and its just sports hate not real hate. I dont have time for real hate for anyone. If lebron opts out this summer and signs with LA I would be in a conundrum I guess because i cannot cheer for the guy.
You are probably right. Fandom supersedes all else I guess. just like I would still cheer for the cats even if Slick roamed our bench again.
Lebron = all time great = YES

Lebron = humble guy = haha, yeah ok
I didn't say to take the championship away lol.

Nope, but you're making a ton of excuses as to why the GSW won the title, on numerous occasions. Ergo the title should be discounted.

Houston had NO ONE to guard GSW's shooters aside from Ariza. And they had no Point guard. So Harden now get's guarded by Klay Thompson on one end, while having guard Klay AND Steph on the other end at times. That's an absolute nightmare. Don't underestimate the difference a defensive minded guard makes, on a team that has nothing in the way of handling guards.

Also, Houston was without DoMo for the playoffs. Howard was out half the season. Terrence Jones missed half the season.

Do people watch the regular season? Or just tune into the playoffs? DId the TV tell you about Bev and that's where you decided to run with it? Aside from OKC, I think Houston was probably the most injury stricken team up until the Irving injury.

Yes, tuned in often during the regular season. Hard not to with such a fun squad in the area. DoMo wouldn't made much of a difference. Bogut, Ezeli, and Livingston all had injuries this year.

Aside from OKC, Cavs, and I would throw in the Wizards, and maybe the Spurs, Bulls, and Grizzlies, and Trail blazers, I would say Houston was probably the most injury stricken team.
I think compared to other all-stars, he's a pretty good guy. No domestic violence means he's already ahead of the game!

Also, David Lee will be let go of GSW. So not 24 hours later, GSW is already a different team for next year. Not that Lee was a huge player for them. He was solid with the Knicks and provided a good backup for Green.
If DoMo wouldn't make much of a difference, then what was Ezeli? Don't forget, While Terrence Jones missed almost 2/3rds of a season, DoMo was the starting PF and averaged 12 and 6. That's a lot different then Ezeli. Bogut missed what, 15 games? Livingston barely missed any. Not having Howard and Jones for more than half the season killed the Rockets. Crazy stat, Houston had a total of 2 games.. TWO.. with their starting 5 intact.

I think compared to other all-stars, he's a pretty good guy. No domestic violence means he's already ahead of the game!

Also, David Lee will be let go of GSW. So not 24 hours later, GSW is already a different team for next year. Not that Lee was a huge player for them. He was solid with the Knicks and provided a good backup for Green.

I'm not saying he's a bad guy. That's somewhat relative anyway. I just believe he has an oversized ego - like most guys in his position.

I'm not a Lebron fan, but I'm no hater either. Have a world of respect for his abilities.