NBA Finals Game 6

Ugh you all are so misinformed. How would Golden State score? Lets substitute Curry for any other PG. Now the defense instead of focusing on Curry is now playing even tighter defense on Klay Thompson and Green. You trying to tell me Chris Paul who made less than 100 more threes than Curry this season is going to demand a double team? This Cavs team would murder GSW if they had anyone else running the point.
The only thing I like about Lin, is that for a team with two max contracts (Howard and Harden) a cheap PG is almost a must.

Rockets have some hefty contracts.. I think both are in the top30.. Lin could be a value-grab.. and.. 3rd times a charm, right?
Klay Thompson was 18th in scoring on the year. You're giving WAY too much credit to Curry and not enough to Klay.
If you look at the context then you will understand. Curry is the better player. Just like Lebron does he draws the defense away from snipe shooters such as JR Smith and Klay Thompson. Curry is one of the games best shooters ever which puts enormous pressure on the defense to stop him! You can't just replace him with another point guard and assume that Klay Thompson will pick up the scoring slack.
Yeah I get that.. but you're crowning Curry and writing off Thompson. It's not like Steph has been the ONLY one to draw double teams, Klay can get hot very easily, and at times, HE will be the one to draw the better defender. And for whatever reason, people forget that HE is the one to have the assignment of drawing the better defender, and has to use energy defending James Harden, while Curry gets to guard someone of MUCH lesser importance.

Curry has it absolutely made on GSW.
We aren't saying you can replace Curry with an equal shooter. Not at all. But you CAN replace him with a guard who can do other things better.. Faster guards, more defensive minded guards, better facilitators, less turnover prone guards.

It's not like Steph is top 5 in any of those areas. He's not your perfect point guard.

Which goes back to my original point.. maybe he's not quite a top5 player that everyone is making him out to be.
Ugh you all are so misinformed. How would Golden State score? Lets substitute Curry for any other PG. Now the defense instead of focusing on Curry is now playing even tighter defense on Klay Thompson and Green. You trying to tell me Chris Paul who made less than 100 more threes than Curry this season is going to demand a double team? This Cavs team would murder GSW if they had anyone else running the point.

Steph is the better shooter, but Chris Paul is a freak of nature in his own right.

It isn't diminishing Curry to suggest that there are a couple of other guys who could fill his roll with GS, albeit slightly differently.
Whatever happens it's been a great series. Back to back overtimes to,start off. That team was garbage last year and now with kyrie and love out. I'm not a big lebron supporter but if he can force a game seven or win this thing he literally put this team on his back
Based on current rosters, GSW would be better with Curry than Paul, LAC would be better with Paul than Curry. Meanwhile, this argument is silly because the teams would have been constructed differently to better fit the PG they had if they didn't have who they currently have.
You basically just admitted Lebron stats are inflated. 95% of the time Lebron isn't going to have this crap team. Which is the reason why he has these great numbers because he literally makes every single basketball decision until there is 5 seconds left.

No LineSki sometimes he does but like you said it goes right into the hands of Lebron until there is 5 seconds left and he passes or shoots. No flow in the offense. Which I mean it is what the Cavs have to do now that Irving and Love is out but its not ideal.
That's why its impressive. He is the only reason these games have been competitive at all. It's not just the stats, it's the fact he's taken the Warriors to six games with a bunch of scrubs.
Paul's defense is probably not as needed on a team with Thompson, Iggy, and Green.. but he absolutely has the talent to take GSW to the finals. So does Harden (with little defense lol), So does Wall, So does Westbrook..

Actually, I'm not sure what starting PG wouldn't be here with GSW. That teams is incredibly good.

Who needs defense when you can foul like Louisville and not get called for it? Last year, they were a mediocre defensive team; now they are number one. Hack, hold, and grab (watch for the jerseys getting pulled), and set 50 moving picks for Curry every game (Lee was grabbing someone's leg on a screen in game three). Spare me the foul counts; GSW shoots more jumpers than Cleveland. Moreover, if you foul 220 times, and are called for only 93, and the other team fouls 100 times, and is called for 79, you are not "getting screwed".
It still boggles my mind a bit why Curry insists on jacking up terrible way outside the arc 3's at the buzzer at the end of a quarter. You would think he could at least get closer or drive in for a pullup 2. I digress, as that was an exceptional quarter for the Warriors.
I assume you think that last play was a it wasn't.

I assume you're speaking to me. And I don't know what play you are speaking of. Watching USA women's World Cup, only checking game during slow periods. But even without seeing it, I'm going to say yes it was a foul. And it's unbelievable the refs missed it.
How In the hell you gonna criticize the refs when u are not watching the game but in few second increments.
I think he was talking about the physicality of nba basketball in the 90s

I know what he was talking about. And I watched about 5 minutes of the first quarter. Enough to see GSW holding away from the ball as usual. And hacking Lebron on drives.

Look. GSW is the better team by a fair margin. Would prefer to see a good game since I'm not really a fan of either team, but that's not going to happen if they are allowed to play that UofL style defense.
It still boggles my mind a bit why Curry insists on jacking up terrible way outside the arc 3's at the buzzer at the end of a quarter. You would think he could at least get closer or drive in for a pullup 2. I digress, as that was an exceptional quarter for the Warriors.

Um excuse you, Curry is already the best 3-pt shooter ever.
I know what he was talking about. And I watched about 5 minutes of the first quarter. Enough to see GSW holding away from the ball as usual. And hacking Lebron on drives.

Look. GSW is the better team by a fair margin. Would prefer to see a good game since I'm not really a fan of either team, but that's not going to happen if they are allowed to play that UofL style defense.

I wouldn't say it's quite as bad as UofL (what is..), but pretty close, and a good comparison. So I find it hilarious that fellow Kentucky fans would probably loathe UofL for doing it, yet when Lebron haters/GSW fans watch the team they are rooting for do it, it's not a problem.
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GS does a moving screen, falls down on minor contact and gets the call. NBA refs no better than college ones.
Before this series started, I wanted Golden State to win. Watching 5.5 games, I've really started to dislike them. Green, Bogut, Iguodaula, Barbosa, and Livingston all really irk me. I'm definitely rooting for the Cavs now.
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I swear Barnes and Poythrees look like they do everything identical besides dribble.
David Lee doesn't get enough credit for turning this series around. It was his play in game 3 that sparked what the GSW have done on offense ever since.
Yep. I'm a LeBron hater. Will gladly admit. He is the best player in the world right now. But the best player in the world doesn't have to say I'm the best player in the world. He lets others say it for him. LeBron lacks self awareness in that regard and comes off as a douche. Its that simple.
Yep. I'm a LeBron hater. Will gladly admit. He is the best player in the world right now. But the best player in the world doesn't have to say I'm the best player in the world. He lets others say it for him. LeBron lacks self awareness in that regard and comes off as a douche. Its that simple.

Yeah, Jordan never tooted his own horn did he?
Who cares if he says it? It's the truth.

If you're a Jordan guy, he said just this week that he could still beat the players on the Hornets one on one.
Jesus, Lebron haters are just clueless.. It was the first time in how long he finally grabbed the mic and said what everyone wanted him to say, and what everyone was thinking.

For some people he can never do enough. Lord help your anger issues if Lebron pulls this off.