Such a physical game, but the last few minutes and overtime were just over the top. Call fouls when fouls occur. Green (generally) and Igoudala (every Lebron drive) are constantly pushing, grabbing, pulling, etc... and they're both excellent defenders without those tactics. Refs have been swallowing their whistles too much.
Dellevadova has been excellent on defense, but let's not forget that Irving was actually good in game 1 as well (not just the block). Cleveland doing a very good job on PG defense is a credit to their players and, imho, Coach Blatt. Great job by Cleveland on defense.
Cleveland's offense, on the other hand, is ugly. That's on Lebron as he's just taking over. Credit to Lebron for getting it done against the #1 defense in the league, but there's got to be more flow, especially late. Reminds me of UK/Wisconsin where the system team gets better shots than the team trying to run out clock.
The foul where the offensive player jumps into the in-air defender has got to stop. The only time it was ever acceptable was when Sparks did it against UL. That's it. It's an abomination. You get your defender in the air? Great, you can now dribble past him. Advantage offense. But jumping into the defender in a "shot" attempt shows how far officiating has let guys go. That was clearly a foul by how the game is routinely called, but ideally it's not.
NBA refs and Lebron... it's gotten Shaq bad. They don't call anything. Walks, hacks, holds, push-offs, etc... why can't they just ref him the same as everyone else? Call the offensive fouls, call the defensive fouls, and let Lebron shoot the 22 FTAs a game he should be getting until defenders play him differently. There's no justification for letting more physical stuff go when you're dealing with a physical specimen. None. Just call the f'ing game. Does that mean Lebron gets more offensive fouls? Absolutely. But he's also going to get more defensive calls. Eventually, the game opens up and we have basketball again, not basketbrawl. It's worse at the college level b/c it's everyone, but it's more glaring in the NBA b/c only a few get the special (as in no calls both ways) treatment. It happens because the refs let it happen. If fixing the ugliness of basketball (college especially) means having some ugly games or even seasons, so be it.
One more time - Green should foul out of every game. He plays the way he does (and it's effective) because he gets away with it. If the game was called as it should be, he'd still be an elite defender because he has terrific timing, instincts, and basketball smarts. But he grabs/hooks/holds now because he can. Good for him, I guess.