Nate Oats-best quick fix

I’d be fine with Oats but it’s crazy how everyone just glosses over the Brandon Miller stuff a year ago and putting his hands on an opposing player.
Paul Finebaum, who knows Bama better than anyone, says Oats would absolutely listen and very likely go to UK.
I’d take Oats and Pearl all day long over Drew, however there’s not too many walking talking breathing humans alive that can stare $8, $9, $10 plus million per in the face, at a place as storied as UK, and say NO!

You make Hurley, Wright, and Donovan all do just that before you go to the next tier of Oats, Pearl etc. I’d put Drew in that 3rd or even 4 tier of potential options.

If I were to put a wager on it, I think it’s going to be Hurley or Wright, with an outside chance at Donovan, and I say outside chance because he’s been out of the college game for so long.
I like your last paragraph and hope you’re right.
How is UK going to get past an $18m buyout.

They didn't have the stomach for a Cal buyout spreadout over 7 years.

UK is really going to be paying Bama $18m, even spread out. How bad would that be if he tanks?
It's 10 million according to newspaper in Alabama.
Hurley loses most of his team after this year so he won't have the success like he has had and the UK job does not open up everyday so he may want to leave while his stock is the highest. Pitino left UK at his highest.
If you have a shot at Hurley, you must go all in to get him. Hurley is the best coach offensively and defensively. Oats is underwhelming defensively with questionable temperament episodes in his recent past and his buyout is too much for what you get.