
He doesn't make posts here a lot, tho. I don't think it's uncommon for him to go days without posting here. Hell, maybe weeks. Idk. I just don't see it.

Plus I assume all usernames involved in whatever happened exactly are no longer active.

You could be right. Idk. I don't even know what was said.
I agree that he doesn't post here a lot but he didn't post between the two posts involving Jason and he had some remarks in the DL thread
Des Moines is halfway. I don't really know places there. If I can find a cheap place to stay. I might take Megabus out. Seems to be pretty cheap transportation.
We'll figure it out.

I'll post more details as soon as available. Little bit different this time because my cousin Mary (UF '71) returned to FL. She was gonna chauffeur my drunk ass around Omaha-Bellevue earlier this month.
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Speerz will rise again like a phoenix reborn like a boss. he is obviously a smart dude.

Kaiser said we won't lose again and we haven't since he started that. faith..
so not much madness happened at all. every 1,2,3,4 seed advanced and 3 of the 5s advanced. only the 6-11 matchups spurned any upsets. really wouldn't consider 10 over a 7 that big a deal. so the weekend games should be good. all chalk so far.
And what's the deal with these stupid UK commercials...

Oh no poor ass UK wildcat fans got they light bill cut off during the game!!! LOL better go down the street to KU Fan's house and beg to watch his TV, you broke bitch!!!

F you Coca Cola.

Oh wow look at this fancy Samsung see thru fridge with allllll the foods inside!!!! Sorry broke ass Wildcat your fridge is bare LOL broke ass animal!!!

F you Samsung
Heard about what went down. So I came running. Don't let me find out who did that to Jason. I have some 'friends' who owe me a favor.
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And what's the deal with these stupid UK commercials...

Oh no poor ass UK wildcat fans got they light bill cut off during the game!!! LOL better go down the street to KU Fan's house and beg to watch his TV, you broke bitch!!!

F you Coca Cola.

Oh wow look at this fancy Samsung see thru fridge with allllll the foods inside!!!! Sorry broke ass Wildcat your fridge is bare LOL broke ass animal!!!

F you Samsung
Haha, I only saw the Coca Cola one but in general it was an awful commercial that I similarly got paranoid about.

Kentucky is broke AF in national opinion. Kansas is also, so it was really just very confusing.
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And Glennstake went to his POB?!?! Wtf???

Right now, GT is only a "person of interest". I did advise him, however, not to leave the Paddock.
Nah, I don't think that was a good take by Glenn to make that joke. That guy took the longest time wondering why people kept saying that to everything he posted, so I doubt he had the acuity to track down someone.
Been posting here for about a year. -LEK- was the first one to rip into me accusing me of being ymmot. I've stayed quiet recently because most don't like me and that's fine, but this this place is supposed to be a release and place to unwind, not a place to get so damn butt hurt you contact a persons place of employment.

So you were never posting in the paddock until late 2015? No other screen names beforehand?
And what's the deal with these stupid UK commercials...

Oh no poor ass UK wildcat fans got they light bill cut off during the game!!! LOL better go down the street to KU Fan's house and beg to watch his TV, you broke bitch!!!

Cause you know if that KU bitch closed the door in our faces, that door is coming down, or his MF house is getting torched, or at the very least that fffing Coke bottle is going through the window.