
Wearing a GoPro and a he7met would be recommended.
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I post this next video in part as a segue bit as it relates to recent posts in this thread…but mostly I post it in honor of our fallen comrade, our brother-in-arms…nay, our former Big Toe…maverick1.

This vid's for you, brother! I hope you can see it…or at least hear the music…wherever you may be out there…

but mostly I post it in honor of our fallen comrade, our brother-in-arms…nay, our former Big Toe…maverick1. This vid's for you, brother! I hope you can see it…or at least hear the music…wherever you may be out there


Perhaps I'm flying a starship across the universe divide -- or maybe I'm a single drop of rain, but I do remain...

Perhaps I'm flying a starship across the universe divide -- or maybe I'm a single drop of rain, but I do remain...


For quite some time now i have been teetering on the fence. Pondering the important questions of life. Chief amongst them was asking myself: "Why should i continue to post on a site that has torn two wonderful threads apart and taken 3 of our best posters from us?" LEK, Schpeerz and mav…poof…all 3 gone…just like that. smh.

Why?!?!?!?!? Why, i ask you? Why should i continue to spill my blood, sweat, and tears onto the keyboard day after day for a meaningless site that would do something so drastic to such quality threads and to treat such outstanding members of the posting community in such a horrible and inexcusable manner?

Well, I shall teeter no more. For I now have my answer…

Just knowing that mav is out there…somewhere…floating on his alien spaceship but yet somehow still able and willing to tune into the NOB...and he can still read what is written here in the very thread that he created. That, my wildcat friends, that is enough. Enough of a reason to go on. Enough of a reason to continue the good work of posting meaningless ish on a meaningless message board. Maybe LEK and Schpeerz are reading as well. YES!!! We need to go on. We MUST go on. It is a moral imperative!!! We must honor their memory. So that they shall be remembered now and in the distant future by those who shall follow…remembered forever in the annals of meaningless message board history.
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Amen. That was beautiful.

Tbh, Mav and KS typing words back n forth some of the best stuff on this board.

If I could print out the entirety of the D/NOB and then get you two jackals to narrate it, it would be all time best seller.
Amen. That was beautiful.

Tbh, Mav and KS typing words back n forth some of the best stuff on this board.

If I could print out the entirety of the D/NOB and then get you two jackals to narrate it, it would be all time best seller.
Feel free to delete my shitty posts for the sake of the readership. You're welcome.