
I had no clue about this...

But dickhead Jay Williams said this is how the AAU stuff works: the big boy agents/shoe people give money to the big time AAU teams and this is completely legal. It's donated and has some tax code, whatever mumbo jumbo I didn't understand... This money, which is a fn ton of money, gets used to sponsor the teams, but a lot is basically held in escrow till those AAU guys get out of college, then it's given to them when they sign with these agents/big wigs who sponsored the AAU teams.

So, no way Cal or any big school who has their pick of the top HS players who operate in this big AAU world is going to be caught cheating like Pitino or Pearl. Cal obviously knows how to navigate these waters better than anybody, and probably pioneered it, but it's not illegal. There are no rules being broken as long as colleges stay out of it. And I assume this is where WWW comes in just connecting all these AAU people and setting up future deals in a completely legal matter. But of course now that cat is out of the bag, there's going to be real pressure to end this AAU stuff, which NCAA absolutely can't do. Then NBA will end the one and done and expand their development leagues, or whatever. And the NCAA will lose some money which is fn awesome, imo.
I knew the shoe companies sponsored AAU teams. They have for years. And players on those teams get all kinds of free gear. One such team gave out a free pair of shoes every two weeks. Which most of the players turned around and sold. That's shady as frock.

And while I wasn't aware of the shady escrow deal that mash outlined above...I have known for quite some time that the whole AAU circuit is shady as frock. No secret. Everyone has known. Including the NCAA...who has basically turned a blind eye for many years...instead focusing on more important things like keeping Kanter ineligible and poo pooing on Cal's career win celebration.

Biggest black eye in this entire mess is on the NCAA imho.
KS, remember that confederate flag right off of I-24 in Reidland that you saw a couple years ago? I wanna say it was 40 feet tall and the flag was maybe 6'X8'.

Well, seems the good ol boys what own that there propity thought it'd be a gooder ideer to go juuuuuuust a little biggert -- they got a permit and recently put up a 100 foot pole and after a 30 day wait (to make sure the pole is rigid hehe), they're gonna put up a 35' rebel flag [laughing]
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KS, remember that confederate flag right off of I-24 in Reidland that you saw a couple years ago? I wanna say it was 40 feet tall and the flag was maybe 6'X8'.

Well, seems the good ol boys what own that there propity thought it'd be a gooder ideer to go juuuuuuust a little biggert -- they got a permit and recently put up a 100 foot pole and after a 30 day wait (to make sure the pole is rigid hehe), they're gonna put up a 35' rebel flag [laughing]

I'll be down that way in a few months. I will check it out then (how could I miss it, right?).

Also, if our schedules work out we will get together and eat some BBQ sandwiches on toast and shoot the shite for a minute or two.

I'll be down that way in a few months. I will check it out then (how could I miss it, right?).

Also, if our schedules work out we will get together and eat some BBQ sandwiches on toast and shoot the shite for a minute or two.
[thumb2] Sweet, just lemme know when.

Of course I'll take pics when it gets flown.
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Not really.

In related news..Rick Pitino overheard today saying he can't believe the media is focused on this story on the 26th anniversary of Miles Davis' death and the 23rd anniversary of the sinking of the Estonia.

UofL's new motto:



Such a weird looking dude. Not shocked that he might have a screw loose. He looks like a Makayla Epps love interest.


I always thought Trevathan looked like a prison lesbian off Orange is the New Black.

All appropriate descriptions....

I always picture japanase geisha hoes with their baby soft faces when I see him.

...and yeah he does have a screw loose.

Was 'friends' with him at UK(loosely, he had been over to the house a few times as I lived with a few guys on the team, hung out with him a bunch within a large group). There was a kid we had, walk on wr that transferred because DT earholed him on a helmet to helmet hit at practice. Dude spent 3 days in his room in the dark and he ended up deciding to transfer not long after. He also beat the ish out of Brandon Gainer after a practice due to beef from back home. He *hated* Joker, as did everyone on that team, the Florida game he was suspended for because he missed a team meeting was because Joker tried to make the team meetings on Thursday at like 10:30 in an effort to try and keep them from going out ---> 'fu** that pussy' was the response when someone asked him about the Thursday night meeting.[laughing]

Good dude though, totally different person on the field. Fun to be around, always joking and smiling about something, etc etc.

Will always have a soft spot for him for being in front of the Joker hate.
...and yeah he does have a screw loose.

Was 'friends' with him at UK(loosely, he had been over to the house a few times as I lived with a few guys on the team, hung out with him a bunch within a large group). There was a kid we had, walk on wr that transferred because DT earholed him on a helmet to helmet hit at practice. Dude spent 3 days in his room in the dark and he ended up deciding to transfer not long after. He also beat the ish out of Brandon Gainer after a practice due to beef from back home. He *hated* Joker, as did everyone on that team, the Florida game he was suspended for because he missed a team meeting was because Joker tried to make the team meetings on Thursday at like 10:30 in an effort to try and keep them from going out ---> 'fu** that pussy' was the response when someone asked him about the Thursday night meeting.[laughing]

Good dude though, totally different person on the field. Fun to be around, always joking and smiling about something, etc etc.

Will always have a soft spot for him for being in front of the Joker hate.
That’s great (except for making the kid transfer). I like him better now.