Asian countries like China, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, etc = obesity rates in the low single digits.
Asian Americans, however, are over 25% obese.
Maybe they just shipped over all their weak, genetically pre-disposed fellow Asian over to America? Very strange.
It's diet, exercise, activity level, lifestyle. Taking drugs may work in the short term, and there certainly are extreme examples where a little kick start or boost can help, but nothing will work better in the long term than controlling your own health. Nothing. It's why the long term effects of gastric bypass and the like are extremely poor. You have to change the behavior.
I just hired an Asian American and he's fat AF. If there is one certainty in America today, we know how to make people fat
@cats2010 - I hope your wife gets to where she wants to be. I guess for me, I'm all too familiar with hearing how nothing works for my wife when I did it, to prove to her it will work, and that she isn't the human anomaly that can't lose weight. BBC.