Most intimidating player atUK?

Mark Coury

Trained by Rex Kwon Do

James Lee. Also, Allen Feldhaus (Deron’s dad). I may have him confused with someone else, so some of you older than me can correct me. My dad told me a story about a game against Tennessee where a UT player was roughing up Kentucky’s star player and Rupp had all he could take. He put Feldhaus in and told him to “take care of business”. Feldhaus literally chased that Tennessee player off the court.
James Lee
Charles Hurt
James Lee decked the all SEC forward, Hooker, from MIss St who was bullying Truman Claytor during a 77-78 season game. Charles Hurt pushed Charles Barkley to the floor during a game with Auburn in the 82-83 season. Barkley picked himself up and started chasing Hurt who outran him. Hurt was later a career army NCO retiring as a Msgt I think. Both of these players were solid enforcers for the cats but in my opinion the toughest player to ever put on a UK uniform was Magloire. Absoloutely no one at the collegiate or NBA level would mess with Jamal
Jason Parker or Oscar ....... maybe Magloire he had mean streak. Had Parker not been a head case he would have had a UK career of legend. Dude was a beast.
Not in a "don't mess with that dude" kinda intimidating way, but I'm going to go off the board and say Anthony Davis. Dude used to OWN the paint and intimidate anyone who dared enter. Who remembers the play in Columbia, SC when SC got the ball in the paint and passed up multiple shots just because AD was looming. That one possession sticks out in my head as seeing an entire offense intimidated by the presence of one dude.
First time I saw Charles Hurt run on the floor I thought he was a Greek God.
Jamal Magloire

Magloire wanted to be and I think that sets him apart from a lot of other dudes.

You gotta love it when Magloire put Wojo in a back breaker!!

Magloire destroys mascot

He also did this to the Miami (OH) mascot heading to the tunnel in the tournament.

I pick Jam McGloire.
My dad laughs and says Larry Stamper.

This! next!
It's Magloire.

Mateen Cleaves and Wally Szczerbiak both basically said the same thing.

Going into the tourney game against Miami, Ohio in 1999, the media had made a point about hyping "Wally's World" for Miami games. Wally took a hard foul from Magloire early in the game, and Magloire told him, "You're in Magloire's world now."

Eric Bledsoe was the “wrong guy” to mess with. I suspect if it ever really came down to it he would be the last man standing in a no-holds-barred match against plenty of much bigger gents.
It's Magloire.

Mateen Cleaves and Wally Szczerbiak both basically said the same thing.

Going into the tourney game against Miami, Ohio in 1999, the media had made a point about hyping "Wally's World" for Miami games. Wally took a hard foul from Magloire early in the game, and Magloire told him, "You're in Magloire's world now."

He was the last enforcer I can remember. Miss that kind of attitude down low.