For everyone bitching about how Diallo could of helped us to a final four...STFU!!! We can't go back in time, it's irrelevant. We all know that Cal made this Briscoe's team. It would of taken a miracle for him to break that rotation and have all the egos be okay with it. Cal knows what he is doing. He has proven time and time again. We can't win every national Championship, not with the way college athletics are today. Cal has enemies in the NCAA, more than you think. He always over achieves most of the time. We consistently get bad seedings and horrible officiating. Yes, I like to have more NCs, but it takes more than talent, coaching, and experience. It takes LUCK!!! Lots of luck to make it to the Championship game. Despite that, we win. We play one of the most exciting types of basketball out there. Be grateful for the wins we have, wait til the roster is set. Quit bashing young men before they play here, put yourself in their shoes, or their parents. I would not believe one person here would pass up the money, or 70k a yr for 3 yrs. If you want to do something about it, marry a tall chick, have a baby, train said baby in basketball, get him recruited, then you have say. Otherwise belly ache and be jealous of other people's opportunities.
To all naysayers pissed because an 18 yo from the Bronx who lived in the projects wants to realize a better life for his family, again STFU! I do only for myself and family, not for what a fanbase wants.
I am a fan since the late 80's, the only teams that remind me of the run we have been having is Duke early 90's, Pitino 93_98, Donovan sometime in 2000's and now Cal 2010 to present.
If you can't enjoy what we have in a program now, We are the TOP program in all the landscape. Live your small, unappreciative lives in silence.
...or just quit saying the same thing over and over again without any evidence. Put some out there, wait til 5/24 to bash Diallo,
Quit questioning his character and his families. It's a huge putoff for our own so called fans denigrating this young man.