Mitch McConnell, Rand Paul & Senate hearings about NCAA corruption

If UK signs Moose and Squirrel we are finished,contact our fearless leader, Coach K,if his back is o k maybe he can stop them.
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Doc. Serious question. How do I put a picture in my avatar?
I wish I could help,I did mine by trial and error and honestly can't tell you how I did it.Find a picture you want to use,there is an avatar option on this site(click on your screen name top right) follow the instructions there.Sorry I can't be of more help
Lol like Mitch McConnell would actually go out of his way to help out.
Damndest thing, ain't it?

No matter your political bent, everyone seems to hate Congress on both sides, yet 90 percent of incumbents are re-elected. Hmmmmmm.

This is why I laugh when people bring up Term Limits again as they do ever so often. Term Limits are at the voting booth, the people can enact the Term limit on their own and yet so many are content to give these politicians lifetime appointments up there.
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This is why I laugh when people bring up Term Limits again as they do ever so often. Term Limits are at the voting booth, the people can enact the Term limit on their own and yet so many are content to give these politicians lifetime appointments up there.
Too much blind party loyalty at the voting booth. Too many unobjective people in both parties that will vote for their person just keep from voting for the other party. It's stupid. Term limits are the only way.
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A Senate hearing to investigate the corruption by the you folks even have half a is a BB game..get over it and move on with your life..
Hey Einstein, if you think congress is above calling for hearings on something like this. I've got a question for you. What planet have you been living on ? Remember the hearing on steroids in baseball ? And as far as congress not wanting to waste money on something like this. When in the hell did wasting money ever concern an elected official in this country.

Unless a governing body outside the NCAA gets involved. The screwing we got against UNC won't be the last..... Only a Duke or a UNC fan would think the NCAA is clean.
And as far as Mitch McConnell not wanting to do anything for UK fans. Just how dumb do you think McConnell is ? It's my understanding that McConnell is going to run for reelection. What better way for McConnell or anyone else running for office in Ky. to get in the good graces of UK fans ( voters ) than to do this.