I haven't deleted a single post. I've been here for 10 days and many agree with me. Looks like not many people ever agree with you, lol. Not only am I not a UL fan, I lived in that dump of a city for 6 months and could not wait to leave. I'm not going to take the bait and respond to you and your merry band of twits anymore. Call me whatever you want, you're on Ignore with anybody else that calls me a U of L fan. You idiots can't point to one single thing I've said other than that UK has some dumb fans (like all schools) that make the rest of us look like fools with their behavior.
I see you finally changed your counts. How careless to have to be reminded. Do the new ones also include all of yours on the UL board.
Now you're stuck on 163 and 152.
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