Michigan State 🙏

But it's not the idiot's doing it it's the gun's, lol... Crazy world indeed when fools blame something on an object that fit's their agenda... Now that is what's crazy.......
I feel sorry for those affected by idiots who want to harm others... I have no sympathy for crazy people who harm others...
Hope they get shot themselves...

But it's not the idiot's doing it it's the gun's, lol... Crazy world indeed when fools blame something on an object that fit's their agenda... Now that is what's crazy.......
I feel sorry for those affected by idiots who want to harm others... I have no sympathy for crazy people who harm others...
Hope they get shot themselves...

This is the only country on the planet where mass shootings happen on a daily basis. There are 20% more guns than there are people in this country. No other country comes close. More guns doesn’t make us safer. Quite the opposite. Gun safety laws work. There’s far too much data for it to even be a debate. I went to a flea market and saw a guy leaving with a new AR-15 and huge ammo box. No way that guy got a serious background check done at a flea market.
This is the only country on the planet where mass shootings happen on a daily basis. There are 20% more guns than there are people in this country. No other country comes close. More guns doesn’t make us safer. Quite the opposite. Gun safety laws work. There’s far too much data for it to even be a debate. I went to a flea market and saw a guy leaving with a new AR-15 and huge ammo box. No way that guy got a serious background check done at a flea market.
"Mass shootings daily" right...
This is the only country on the planet where mass shootings happen on a daily basis. There are 20% more guns than there are people in this country. No other country comes close. More guns doesn’t make us safer. Quite the opposite. Gun safety laws work. There’s far too much data for it to even be a debate. I went to a flea market and saw a guy leaving with a new AR-15 and huge ammo box. No way that guy got a serious background check done at a flea market.
What do you suggest?

Do you have a list of the cities and states with the strictest gun laws (since guns safety laws work) and how their shootings compare to other areas?
"Mass shootings daily" right...
So far there have been 67 mass shootings in the U.S. this year. We’re only 45 days into 2023. There were 647 mass shootings in 2022. So they’re are actually happening more frequently than daily now. It’s closer to every 12 hours there’s a mass shooting.
What do you suggest?

Do you have a list of the cities and states with the strictest gun laws (since guns safety laws work) and how their shootings compare to other areas?

This is a bit of a misleading question, since just because one area may have strict gun laws doesn't mean a damn thing if places nearby don't. Easy access to firearms is damn well ubiquitous in this country.

But if you really want to play that game, it's pretty evenly distributed - the worst cities for firearm violence in this country are, per capita:

St Louis
Baton Rouge

4 red states, 3 blue. The common 'all the shootings are in Chicago and New York, haha get ****ed leftists' rhetoric just really doesn't mesh with reality. Almost all of Chicago's violence is gang-related and in a basically two-block area of one of the world's largest cities (the rest of the city is extremely modern and safe), and NYC has been cleaned up to the point where the violence of the 80s is unrecognizable.

Now I'm not pretending that you can just ban guns and fix the problem. There's too many guns on the street for that to be the case. But you can slow down access, create reasonable barriers, remove certain kinds of weapons, and slowly but steadily have an effect on the rates. There is an extremely obvious reason that the mass shootings in this country rose DRASTICALLY after the assault weapons ban expired in 2004 - ubiquity and availability of the sort of weapons needed to carry out such crimes.
What do you suggest?

Do you have a list of the cities and states with the strictest gun laws (since guns safety laws work) and how their shootings compare to other areas?
Here is an article that lays out some of the changes that other countries have made after mass shootings to curb gun violence.
Examples of how gun Control works

Some of the changes other countries have made that I think would work here.
1) Ban military style semi-automatic rifles
2) Ban high capacity magazines
3) Require detailed background checks and mental health screenings before purchase
4) U.S. should do a buyback program to greatly decrease the number of guns available on the streets
5) Age of ownership is 21 unless prior military service
6) Require safety classes, written tests, and shooting range accuracy test every 3 years to carry a firearm out of your home.
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So far there have been 67 mass shootings in the U.S. this year. We’re only 45 days into 2023. There were 647 mass shootings in 2022. So they’re are actually happening more frequently than daily now. It’s closer to every 12 hours there’s a mass shooting.

False....false...false...false. Don't give a damn what the "definition" is (that is liberal semantics)....all of the above is FALSE.
This is the only country on the planet where mass shootings happen on a daily basis. There are 20% more guns than there are people in this country. No other country comes close. More guns doesn’t make us safer. Quite the opposite. Gun safety laws work. There’s far too much data for it to even be a debate. I went to a flea market and saw a guy leaving with a new AR-15 and huge ammo box. No way that guy got a serious background check done at a flea market.
I'm not going to argue on this thread but I would like to see the data that shows there are mass shootings happening every day. Could you please provide the link?
I'm not going to argue on this thread but I would like to see the data that shows there are mass shootings happening every day. Could you please provide the link?
The problem is you will here the extremes from both sides and the truth is in the middle
This is a bit of a misleading question, since just because one area may have strict gun laws doesn't mean a damn thing if places nearby don't. Easy access to firearms is damn well ubiquitous in this country.

But if you really want to play that game, it's pretty evenly distributed - the worst cities for firearm violence in this country are, per capita:

St Louis
Baton Rouge

4 red states, 3 blue. The common 'all the shootings are in Chicago and New York, haha get ****ed leftists' rhetoric just really doesn't mesh with reality. Almost all of Chicago's violence is gang-related and in a basically two-block area of one of the world's largest cities (the rest of the city is extremely modern and safe), and NYC has been cleaned up to the point where the violence of the 80s is unrecognizable.

Now I'm not pretending that you can just ban guns and fix the problem. There's too many guns on the street for that to be the case. But you can slow down access, create reasonable barriers, remove certain kinds of weapons, and slowly but steadily have an effect on the rates. There is an extremely obvious reason that the mass shootings in this country rose DRASTICALLY after the assault weapons ban expired in 2004 - ubiquity and availability of the sort of weapons needed to carry out such crimes.
This is really dishonest. As is the qualification of “mass shooting”. Those cities you mentioned have some commonalities, starting with who runs them.
I'm not going to argue on this thread but I would like to see the data that shows there are mass shootings happening every day. Could you please provide the link?
Here is where I got the number for this year. Shows the date, location, number killed, and injured.
Mass Shootings 2023
Here is where I got the data for 2022
Mass Shootings 2022
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This is really dishonest. As is the qualification of “mass shooting”. Those cities you mentioned have some commonalities, starting with who runs them.

When I see a post or argument like chimaera’s that is so dumb, dishonest and misinformed, it immediately shuts down any potential for debate.

So let’s continue celebrating mental health disease as a badge of honor, and try again next time those untreated health issues result in a mass killing, and see if the anti gun activists can be a little more honest next time.
So far there have been 67 mass shootings in the U.S. this year. We’re only 45 days into 2023. There were 647 mass shootings in 2022. So they’re are actually happening more frequently than daily now. It’s closer to every 12 hours there’s a mass shooting.

Debunking Mass Shootings

The problem is you will here the extremes from both sides and the truth is in the middle

I agree that it is a problem that needs to be address but it is also a scare tactic used by media and politicians. They skew numbers and data to fit their narrative. I saw one such instance where 2 neighbors got into an argument at their home and shot at each other. They lived across the street from a school so it was portrayed in the media as a mass shooting at a school because more than 1 person was involved and the school was within a certain range.
This is really dishonest. As is the qualification of “mass shooting”. Those cities you mentioned have some commonalities, starting with who runs them.

What can cities do about guns, exactly, when the states they're in have different laws? For example, if a city tries to 'ban' firearms, but you can drive 15 minutes outside of town and get whatever you want under the sun, the city's actions have changed absolutely nothing. Hell, most of these cities have extremely large, militarized police forces - exactly the sort of thing the right constantly adds funding for and advocates for - and yet it changes nothing.

And the qualification of 'mass shooting' isn't from me, or a leftist media source, or anything like that - it's from the ****ing nonpartisan Congressional Research Service. Their definition is any shooting where 4 or more people are killed. If you don't think any shooting where at least 4 people die is 'mass', or at least significant, then you're beyond reasoning with.

The only real predictor of violence, of crime in general, is economic strata. Underfunded cities with poor systems of education, few social programs, and enormous police forces that perpetuate the cycle of poverty breed violence. Gun laws just make it easier for that violence to be perpetrated en masse.
Debunking Mass Shootings

I agree that it is a problem that needs to be address but it is also a scare tactic used by media and politicians. They skew numbers and data to fit their narrative. I saw one such instance where 2 neighbors got into an argument at their home and shot at each other. They lived across the street from a school so it was portrayed in the media as a mass shooting at a school because more than 1 person was involved and the school was within a certain range.
That is a really agenda driven article you posted “debunking” mass shootings. Seriously sounds like something the NRA paid to have published. The sources I used use a standard of at least 4 people shot to define a mass shooting which is really what it should be.
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This is really dishonest. As is the qualification of “mass shooting”. Those cities you mentioned have some commonalities, starting with who runs them.
Actually, gun violence is much worse in red states and has been since the year 2000. 40% more murders in red states than blue ones in 2020. Even when you remove the murders in large cities in red states they still have higher murder rates.
You won’t read it but here you go
Maybe you all should focus on the socio economic conditions where most violence is concentrated, along with the mental health issues of the vast majority of non drug related killings rather than trying to push for more gun laws that will be ignored by criminals.

Or amend the constitution if you guys know so much better than the founders of the country.
That is a really agenda driven article you posted “debunking” mass shootings. Seriously sounds like something the NRA paid to have published. The sources I used use a standard of at least 4 people shot to define a mass shooting which is really what it should be.
Wanted to add to your post by saying that article came from a site that proudly claims to be the "Think Tank of the Year" in 2012. It is heavily funded by the Bradley Foundation that supports conservative causes. Can say there may be a little bit of bias in how that article was written.
Maybe you all should focus on the socio economic conditions where most violence is concentrated, along with the mental health issues of the vast majority of non drug related killings rather than trying to push for more gun laws that will be ignored by criminals.

Or amend the constitution if you guys know so much better than the founders of the country.
The founders had muskets not ARs
This weekend my 5 year old was telling me about how they went outside for a fire drill, so I asked her if they had done a tornado drill and she said "yeah, it's where we get in the corner and cover the windows to make sure no one peeks in"

It broke me.

I don't know the answer but it's definitely not what were doing now.
That is a really agenda driven article you posted “debunking” mass shootings. Seriously sounds like something the NRA paid to have published. The sources I used use a standard of at least 4 people shot to define a mass shooting which is really what it should be.
As I said both sides have agendas which also includes your site you posted. I don't think you can just say if 4 people are shot it is a mass shooting. It is much more complex than that in most cases. If one gang does a drive by on another gang standing on a corner that isn't the same thing as a shooting at a school or movie theater.
Imagine the emotional and mental health of someone that would do this then end their own life. There is an emotional health crisis in this country that was vastly exacerbated by lockdown and forced isolation.

Address that and you address the problem. The gun is just a tool that will always be attainable or exchanged for another as we regularly see other tools such as cars used. Murder existed from the beginning of time and will until the end.

Address the mental health crisis in this nation or we'll get more of the same; or worse.
It's probably an impossible issue to fix at this point, but I did want to mention that in these threads there's always a tonal shift. The people who angrily shove the Chicago talking point in everyone's face any other time will either downplay mass shootings in general or become a calm therapist and only focus on mental health. The people who want to focus on these mass shootings and want to only talk guns never seem interested in discussing the continued issues some cities (Chicago for instance) face. So we just end up talking in circles, but none of us here are solving this so whatever I guess. Just stay safe since there's pretty much been a shooting in every public place imaginable in this country over the last few decades and it's clearly not improving.
What can cities do about guns, exactly, when the states they're in have different laws? For example, if a city tries to 'ban' firearms, but you can drive 15 minutes outside of town and get whatever you want under the sun, the city's actions have changed absolutely nothing. Hell, most of these cities have extremely large, militarized police forces - exactly the sort of thing the right constantly adds funding for and advocates for - and yet it changes nothing.

And the qualification of 'mass shooting' isn't from me, or a leftist media source, or anything like that - it's from the ****ing nonpartisan Congressional Research Service. Their definition is any shooting where 4 or more people are killed. If you don't think any shooting where at least 4 people die is 'mass', or at least significant, then you're beyond reasoning with.

The only real predictor of violence, of crime in general, is economic strata. Underfunded cities with poor systems of education, few social programs, and enormous police forces that perpetuate the cycle of poverty breed violence. Gun laws just make it easier for that violence to be perpetrated en masse.

So let's not make it a PEOPLE problem, because it's not the PEOPLE that are making these decisions. It's clearly the guns.

What did Israel do? They let everyone walk around with guns. Open carry- like was originally a constitutional right here. Why does this work?

It works because it's a deterrent. What idiot is going to point a knife or a gun at a group of people with guns? Yes, an idiot or a gang member. Someone who WANTS to get shot.

The real problem isn't the guns, but the people and the reasons they do what they do. Why shoot people and THEN kill yourself? Why bludgeon people to death and THEN kill yourself? Why stab or machete a bunch of people and THEN kill yourself? Why not START with killing yourself?

Because people ARE SELFISH AND GREEDY and are being taught to be that way more and more every day for decades throughout this country.

They are disconnected from reality. They think it's a game. They think because they have been told since infancy that they aren't worth much if they don't have perfect looks, lots of money, lpts of talent, lots of friends, and/or lots of followers. In response to all of the emptiness people feel because the economics of it is that NOT EVERYONE CAN have these things, they are told they need to be even MORE SELFISH and focus on making THEMSELVES feel better. So they do, and it only gets worse.

Some people have taught their children it's not about things, jobs, money, approval. Its about respecting others and their property, rather thn coveting what other people have and dokng ANYTHING to get it. Their children are better off for it.

Others have given their kids anything they wanted and told them they were kings, queens, princes and princesses, and that all the bad things are everyone else's fault and responsibility.

When that faucet gets turned off .... either because they wake up or their parents run out of money or they lose their job or they do something really stupid... they lose it

The faucets are getting shut off all over this country. People that don't respect life and property are taking or burning both. They all think it's somebody or something else's fault when it's not. It's their fault. They chose to believe a certain way and not to change that belief.
Horrible news (at Michigan State)!
We shouldn't overlook other schools with tragedy's happening too. For example NC St has had 8 student deaths this school year (2 in the past week), I believe 5 were suicides. That is a lot!!!
Horrible news (at Michigan State)!
We shouldn't overlook other schools with tragedy's happening too. For example NC St has had 8 student deaths this school year (2 in the past week), I believe 5 were suicides. That is a lot!!!

Yes and points the aforementioned mental health crisis. Talk to anyone that works in counseling. Their schedules are so insanely overloaded they are struggling and turning away many people that need help.

It's absolutely a crisis causing the loss of many lives and it will only get worse until it gets the attention and help it deserves. Unfortunately the issue isn't nearly as sexy as gun control, so it gets ignored.