Miami Post-Game Presser (Cal/Larranaga/Sheppard/Edwards/Reeves)

Cal didn't seem concerned about DJ. Seemed to imply cautionary why he didn't come back in the second half.
Cal acknowledges the rumors flying about Bradshaw. He's clearly annoyed by it. Says if Bradshaw doesn't play Saturday does that mean I'm lying?
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Honestly love what he said from 8:20 and beyond lmao it's almost like he reads this board. Don't blame people for being spooked after the Shaedon situation though.
More competent presser from Cal than usual. He seems to be improving the things we’ve all wanted for years.

However he actually said “I did not see DJ”. Classic case of haven’t seen him.
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Everything he said was 100% accurate too. The last two teams couldn't have run this type of offense because they didn't have to players for it.
Agree. Will always love Oscar but with him and the rest of the team around him we just couldn't play this style and succeed.
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Great win but no thanks.
Yeah, I'm not watching that either. I'll gleam what I can from the comments. All I "see" when I listen to him is commas instead of periods, and periods replacing commas. It drives me bonkers.
Cal acknowledges the rumors flying about Bradshaw. He's clearly annoyed by it. Says if Bradshaw doesn't play Saturday does that mean I'm lying?
Yes, Cal, that's where you're at. You've lied so much from day one, that there's no point in you even opening your mouth. You can't speak in complete sentences anyway. We all know what you're about, and who you're trying to protect. The only thing that matters, Cal, is whether YOU can prove people wrong.
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Yeah and it's not like Miami is a rival. I get it if we're at UT and they've been taunting us all game and we boatrace them by 20 and a group of our fans give it back to them. There's a time and a place.
I don't like the chant because if it is true, it devalues the victory.
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Honestly love what he said from 8:20 and beyond lmao it's almost like he reads this board. Don't blame people for being spooked after the Shaedon situation though.
It does seem like he reads the board he says things sometimes that I only see here.
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I said the exact same thing earlier today. I think that is obvious.

Pretty sure it's not the doctors either.......
Wrong. The docs and trainers have the ball. Cal only gets to decide when the docs and trainers clear him. Then it’s a question when the coaches think he is ready.
Honestly love what he said from 8:20 and beyond lmao it's almost like he reads this board. Don't blame people for being spooked after the Shaedon situation though.

He's such a massive twat. When he's busy shitting the bed he constantly goes on about how he "doesn't hear/read the negativity" but when he wins and gets smug suddenly he directly replies to every negative comment posted on message boards. He behaves as if his entire ego is still the 12 year-old boy who got bullied on the playground. So childish.

Anyway, the most frightening thing I heard in this was that whenever Bradshaw can play he is dreaming of putting him at the 4 and Mitchell at the 5 and "running the offense through him in the post." That means a starting lineup of Wagner, Reeves, Edwards, Bradshaw, and Mitchell mucking things up playing stall ball. The man will never learn to get out of his own way. He has a great TEAM right now. Work within that. Don't screw it up, please.
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He's such a massive twat. When he's busy shitting the bed he constantly goes on about how he "doesn't hear/read the negativity" but when he wins and gets smug suddenly he directly replies to every negative comment posted on message boards. He behaves as if his entire ego is still the 12 year-old boy who got bullied on the playground. So childish.

Anyway, the most frightening thing I heard in this was that whenever Bradshaw can play he is dreaming of putting him at the 4 and Mitchell at the 5 and "running the offense through him in the post." That means a starting lineup of Wagner, Reeves, Edwards, Bradshaw, and Mitchell mucking things up playing stall ball. The man will never learn to get out of his own way. He has a great TEAM right now. Work within that. Don't screw it up, please.
I’m not worried about our offense with Bradshaw tbh. He’ll mesh in reaaaal nicely with what we’re doing now. Can run the floor, is a great passer, and overall very skilled.

No point in jumping to negative conclusions right now, let’s just enjoy the ride and revel in the fact we have probably the best offense in college basketball and are adding another unbelievably skilled piece to the mix.
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