BUT HE TOOK ALL THE RECRUITS - Like they were attracted to the Memphis part of the equation.
Makes the university look bad. Who is the PR amateur making these asinine decisions at Memphis? Either honor the man or don't. However, making a very public announcement of plans to honor the man and then revoking those plans actually brings dishonor to Cal.
It doesn't dishonor anything regarding Calipari. It makes them look weak, minor, and petty.
But then again this is Memphis State we are talking about.
Fair point. It would be more accurate to say it brings something negative into a situation that was supposed to be about honoring Cal. This type of bad PR is an example of why Memphis will never get invited to a power conference.
I've been to Memphis several times in the past year or two and they REALLY still hate Cal. Its almost comical. When they find I am a UK fan they make it a point of trashing Cal. I made a joke one time on a ride on the trolley through downtown Memphis where the driver tells you the historical points through town like where Elvis would eat breakfast and where MLK got shot etc.... I shouted out to the guide...."where is Coach Cal's old house?"
You'd think I shot someone. The Memphian tour guide and a bunch of the passengers about ripped my head off. I'd do it again in a second. Seriously folks...they are still bitter.
Joke's on them. They still have Pastner.
It's called self-preservation. I think admitting that he read all emails and listened to all phone responses was not by accident. There were more than likely some not so subtle sentiments of disagreement with his initial decision. Memphis being the #3 most dangerous city in the country is not exactly unwarranted. He obviously didn't think this one through very well. And thanks Tampa_cat54 for the beautiful Memphis photos. That second one is surely several crime scenes.
Unreal. What a b!tch move...
A note from the Memphis president, per KSR...
Overall it was a dumb idea for the president to want to do this. Yes Cal left for a much better job, arguable the best job in college ball. Noone outside of memphis could blame him. Its idiotic to call memphis fans whiners when you know damn well how this fanbase would react if pitino were brought back just a few short years after he left. Some members on here were pissed off when UK bought the full page ad praising pitino when he was inducted. Some of you are unreal.